
The Messianic King "Sets Justice In The Earth"

Since becoming the Messianic King in 1914, Jesus has promoted justice in the earth How so? He has sponsored the fulfillment of his prophecy found at Matthew 24:14. Jesus' followers on earth have taught people of all lands the truth about Jehovah's Kingdom. Like Jesus, they have preached in an impartial and just manner, seeking to give everyone-young or old, rich or poor, male or female-an opportunity to come to know Jehovah, the God of justice.

Jesus is also promoting justice within the Christian congregation, of which he is the Head. As prophesied, he provides "gifts in men," faithful Christian elders who take the lead in the congregation. (Ephesians 4:8-12) In shepherding the precious flock of God, such men follow the example of Jesus Christ in promoting justice. They keep ever in mind that Jesus wants his sheep to be dealt with justly-regardless of position, prominence, or material circumstances.

In the near future, though, Jesus will set justice in the earth in an unprecedented way. Injustice is rampant in this corrupt world. Every child that dies of starvation is a victim of an inexcusable injustice, especially when we think of the money and time that are lavished on producing weapons of war and indulging the selfish whims of pleasure seekers. The millions of needlesss deaths each year are but one among many forms of injustice, all of which provoke Jehovah's anger. He has appointed his Son to wage a just war against this entire wicked system of things to end all injustice permanently.-Revelation 16:14, 16; 19:11-15.

However, Jehovah's justice calls for more than merely the destruction of the wicked. He has also appointed his Son to rule as the "Prince of Peace." After the war of Armageddon, Jesus' reign will establish peace througout the earth, and he will rule "by means of justice." (Isaiah 9:6, 7) Jesus will then delight in undoing all the injustices that have caused so much misery and suffering in the world. Throughout all eternity, he will faithfully uphold Jehvoah's perfect justice. It is vital,then, that we seek to imitate Jehovah's justice now. Let us see how we can do that.

Next time:"Exercise Justice" In Walking With God

Draw Close To Jehovah, 2002

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