
The Good News And Divine Justice

We can exercise justice-in fact, imitate divine justice-by having a full share in preaching the good news of God's Kingdom to others. What connection is there between Jehovah's justice and the good news?

Jehovah will not bring an end to this wicked system without first having the warning sounded. In his prophecy about what would take place during the time of the end, Jesus said: "In all the nations the good news has to be preached first." (Mark 13:10; Matthew 24:3) The use of the word "first" implies that other events will follow the worldwide preaching work. Those events include the foretold great tribulation, which will mean destruction for the wicked and will pave the way for a righteous new world. (Matthew 24:14, 21, 22) Certainly, no one can rightly charge Jehovah with being unjust toward the wicked. By having the warning sounded, he is giving such ones ample opportunity to change their ways and therefore escape destruction. -Jonah 3:1-10.

How does our preaching the good news reflect godly justice? First of all, it is only right that we do what we can to help others gain salvation. Consider again the illustration of being rescued from a sinking ship. Safe in a lifeboat, you would surely want to help others who are still in the water. Similarly, we have an obligation toward those who are still struggling in the "waters" of this wicked world. True, many reject our message. But as long as Jehovah continues to be patient, we have the responsibility to give them the opportunity to "attain to repentance" and thus come in line for salvation. -2 Peter 3:9.

By preaching the good news to all whom we meet, we display justice in another important way: We show impartiality,. Recall that "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." (Acts 10:34, 35) If we are to imitate His justice, we must not prejudge people. Instead, we should share the good news with others regardless of their race, social status, or financial standing. We thus give all who will listen an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news. -Roman 10:11-13.

Next time: How We Treat Others

Draw Close To Jehovah, 2002

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