
How To Find True Religion-How The Truth Affects People

How The Truth Affects People

When one finds the truth, as did the Beroeans, he is moved to share it enthusiastically. Others may disapprove, holding that it is more humble to feel that other religions could be equally correct. However, the Bible's truth-once found-instills conviction. It does not leave one wondering if truth is attainable or if all religions might lead to salvation. Finding the truth, however, begins with an earnest examination, which does indeed require humility.

Jehovah's Witnesses have made such an examination. That is why they believe that they have found the true religion. And they invite you to make a search of the Scriptures so as to identify who is practicing true religion today. While there is much more involved that and simple checklist could provide.

By accepting a home Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses at no cost, you can make an in-depth search of what the Bible really teaches. Learning this will put you in position to identify the true religion.

(Note: The Jehovah's Witnesses go by the Bible standards which is the true truth. If everyone just went by what Jehovah says in the Bible, everyone would be so much happier and better off in everyway. I am not a Jehovah's Witness. I only go by what the Bible says to and I am happier for it. I have tried going to meetings and having a Bible Study, I did learn a lot, but my Bible study teacher was pressuring me and they are not suppose to do that. Jehovah says in the Bible, Do not force people to do what they do not want to do. I wanted to learn, but I did not want to speak out loud, as far as answering questions etc.. I did not like it in high school doing book reports out loud and I wasn't going to be forced into it there either. Also, it got to where if she showed up, she would be late and would not call to let me know. And when she wasn't going to come, and if she did call to say she wasn't coming, she sometimes would call an hour late or not at all. You are suppose to be able to depend on these people to to what they say they are going to do or do what they are suppose to do. These people call themselves God's people. If you can find one that is dependable, that is great,because you want to learn all that you can of God's Word. But I had the wrong persons, so I quit and started studying on my own and am still learning. I have read the Bible word for word, front to back many times because I want to and because each time I do it, I learn more and more. So, I think that everyone should do this and learn as much as possible. It is really interesting. You cannot depend on all those false prophets to teach you everything in the Bible, because they will skip over it. I found this out, because in the past, I have been to many churches and seen many faiths. This is the true knowledge. I have two Bibles, the one Jehovah's Witnesses have and the regular one and they both, with the exception of a few different words that mean the same, all say the same, the truth. )

Next time: Is Superstition Compatible With Bible Teaching?

Awake! 2008

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