
Is There One True Religion?

THERE are of course, situations in which it is prudent to allow for a variety of opinions. For example, a person might believe that a certain diet will make him healthier. But should he impose that diet on everyone else, as if it were the only way to healthy living? Certainly, it would be wise and modest on his part to allow for the possibility that someone else's choice of food might be as good or even better, at least for that other person.

Is it the same with religion? Are there a variety of acceptable alternatives from which to choose, depending on one's upbringing and way of perceiving things? Or is there one body of religious truth that applies to all mankind? Let us see what the Bible has to say. First, we will consider whether truth is even attainable. After all, if it is not, then there is little point in searching for one's religion.


Shortly before he was killed, Jesus Christ told his interrogator, Roman Governor Pontius Pilate: "Everyone that is on the side of truth listens to my voice." (which in true life, no one really wants to hear the truth) Pilate may well have been responding cynically when he said: "What is truth?" (John 18:37, 38) Jesus, on the other hand, spoke unashamedly of truth. (most people wouldn't recognize truth if it bit them in the rump) He did not doubt its existence. Consider, for example, the following four statements that Jesus made to various people.

"For this, I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth." -John 18:37. "I am the way and the truth and the life." -John 14:6. "God is a spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth." -John 4:23, 24. 'if you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." -John 8:31, 32. Since Jesus spoke so confidently of truth and of coming to know it, shouldn't we at least examine the possibility that religious truth exists and that it can be found?

Next time: Does Absolute Truth Really Exist?

Awake Magazine, 2008

Note to my readers: In a little over a week, I will be moving to another state to be with my elderly dad to spend time with him. I do not know if I will be able to have use of a computer to do my blog to spread the truth. But as soon as I am able to do so, I will continue with my spiritual blogs, as I love doing what God wants me to do. To reach out to others to tell them of Jehovah God and his precious Son, Jesus Christ. I hope that I have reached some out there and that they have become true Christians. I feel that if I have reached at least one person out there, then my mission was worth it. Until I move, I will continue to do my blogs. I appreciate all those who have read or are still reading my spiritual blogs. Believe me it will all be worth it in the end. It was for me, as I was negative at first. Then I took a look at my life and I realized that it was the truth that i was seeking and I went looking for it and found it and am happy I did. I hope you all continue reading, once I am able to resume doing my blogs. Thank you, Mary

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