
Ordination As a Minister - When?

As to when and by whom a person is ordained, consider the example of  Jesus Christ.  He did not have a certificate of ordination or a degree from some seminary to prove that he was a minister, and he was  not ordained by any man.  Why can we say then,  that he was a minister? Because Isaiah's inspired words were fulfilled in him:  "Jehovah's spirit is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news."  (Luke 4:17-19; Isaiah 61:1) Those words leave no doubt that Jesus was commissioned to tell forth good news. By whom?  Since Jehovah's spirit anointed him for the work, Jesus was clearly ordained by Jehovah God.  When did this happen?  Jehovah's spirit actually came upon Jesus when he was baptized.  (Luke 3:21, 22) Therefore, it was at his baptism that he was ordained.

What of Jesus' first-century followers?  Their status as minsters also came from Jehovah.  Paul said:  "Our being adequately qualified issues from God, who has indeed adequately qualified us  to be ministers pf a new covenant."  (2 Corinthians 3:5, 6)  How does Jehovah qualify  his worshipers to be ministers?  Consider the example of Timothy, whom Paul called "God's minister in the good news about the Christ." -1 Thessalonians

The following words addressed to Timothy help us to understand how he became a minister:  "You, however, continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe, knowing from what persons you learned them and that from infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through the faith in connection with Christ Jesus."  (2 Timothy 3:14, 15) The foundation of Timothy's faith, which would move him to make a public declaration, was knowledge of the Scriptures. Was personal reading all that was needed for this?  No.  Timothy needed to help to gain accurate knowledge and spiritual understanding of what he read.  (Colossians 1:9)  Thus Timothy was "persuaded to believe."  Since he had known the Scriptures "from infancy," his first instructors must have been his mother and grandmother, his father evidently not being a believer. -2 Timothy 1:5.

However, more was involved in Timothy's becoming a minister.  For one thing, his faith was strengthened by association with Christians in  nearby congregations.  How do we know?  Because when Paul first met Timothy, the young man was "well reported on by the brothers in Lystra and Iconium."  (Acts 16:2)  Additionally, in those days certain brothers wrote letters to the congregations in order to strengthen them.  And overseers visited them in order to build them up.  Such provisions helped Christians like Timothy to progress spiritually. -Acts 15:22-32; 1 Peter 1:1.

In view of Jesus' command recorded at Matthew  28:19, 20, we can be sure that at some point Timothy's faith moved him to imitate Jesus and be baptized.  (Matthew 3:15-17; Hebrews  10:5-9)  This was a symbol of Timothy's whole-souled dedication to God. At his baptism Timothy became a minister.  From then on, his life, his strength and everything he had belonged to God.  This was an integral part of his worship, "a sacred service."  However, Timothy did not then rest on his laurels.  He continued  to grow spiritually, becoming a mature Christian minister.  This occurred because of  Timothy's  close association with such mature Christians as Paul, his own personal study, and his zealous preaching activity. -1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 2:2; Hebrews 6:1.

Next time: Conclusion of  Ordination As a Minister - When?

The Watchtower, 2000

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