
DO NOT GIVE UP Meeting Together -"The Congregation That Is in Their House"

"The Congregation That Is in Their House"

The pattern for the Christian way of meeting together emerges from an examination of how first-century believers met.  The Scriptures indicate that they usually met together in private homes.  For example, the apostle Paul wrote:  "Give my greetings to Prisca and Aquila my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, . . .and greet the congregation that is in their house." (Romans 16:3, 5; Colossians 4:15; Philemon 2)  The Greek word for "congregation"  (ek-kle-si' a) is rendered "church" in some English translations, such as the King James Version.  But the term  refers to a group of people gathered together for a common purpose, not to a building.  (Acts 8:1;  13:1) Worship practiced  by true Christians does not require ornate  religious buildings. 

How were the meetings conducted in early Christians congregations?  The disciple James uses a form of the Greek word  sy-na-go-ge' to refer to a Christian  meeting.  ( James 2:2) This Greek word means "a bringing together" and is used interchangeably with  ek-kle-si'a.  Over time, though, the term "synagogue" took on the meaning of the place or building where the assembly was held.  The first Jewish Christians were familiar with what took place at a synagogue."

While the Jews met at the temple in Jerusalem for their annual festivals, the synagogues served as local places for learning about Jehovah and gaining an education in the Law.  The exercises held at synagogues appear to have consisted of prayer and reading the Scriptures, as well as exposition and exhortation.  When Paul and others with  him went into synagogue in Antioch,"the presiding  officers of the synagogue sent out to them, saying:  "Men, brothers, if there is any word of encouragement for the people that you have, tell it.' " (Acts 13:15)  When the first Jewish Christians met together in  private homes, they undoubtedly followed a similar pattern, making their meetings Scripturally instructive and spiritually upbuilding.

Next time: DO NOT GIVE UP Meeting Together - Congregations for Building Up

The Watchtower, 2002

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