
What Is the Spiritual Paradise? -Locating the Spiritual Paradise

To my readers: I just wanted to let you know,  that If there are times that I am not putting out a blog, that It is either because of  internet problems or my back has gone out and I am not able to sit up more than a couple minutes to do it, like a few years ago, I was barely able to walk with help. Here, the internet goes off at times as  it is a small city. Even the cell phone service can get pretty iffy here. So, I wanted to let you know this. Please do not be angry, as it cannot always be helped.  Thank you.

Locating the Spiritual Paradise

To say that even today a person can live in a paradise may sound  unrealistic.  This world is hardly a paradise.  There are too many people who experience what an ancient Hebrew king described:  "Look! the tears  of those being oppressed, but they had no comforter; and on the side of the oppressors there was power, so that they had no comforter."  (Ecclesiastes 4:1)  Hundreds of millions suffer corrupt political, religious, and economic systems, and they have no relief, no "comforter."  Many other struggle to pay their bills, raise their children, and do the myriad other things needed to keep going.  These too would likely welcome a comforter, someone to ease the burden just a little.  For all of them, life is far from paradisaic.

Where, then, is the spiritual paradise Well, the English word "paradise" is related to Greek, Persian, and Hebrew words that all carry the thought of a park or a garden, a peaceful, refreshing place.  The Bible promises that some day the earth will be a physical paradise, a garden like home for a sinless human race.  (Psalm 37:10, 11) With this in mind, we see that a spiritual paradise is an environment that is pleasing to the eyes and soothing to the nerves, allowing one to enjoy peace with one's fellowman and with God.  Today, as Gustavo found, such a paradise exists, and it embraces a growing number of people.

At the age of 12, Gustavo decided that he wanted to be a  Roman Catholic priest.  With his parent's approval, he entered a religious seminary.  There he became involved  in music, theater, and politics, which were promoted by the church to attract youths.  He knew that a priest was suppose to devote himself  tot he people and he could not get married.  Yet, some of the priests and seminarians that Gustavo new were engages   in immoral practices. In  such an atmosphere, Gustavo soon began to drink heavily.  Clearly, he had not yet found a spiritual paradise.

One day, Gustavo read a Bible tract that spoke about an earthly paradise.  It made him think about the purpose of his life.  He says:  "I started to read the Bible frequently, but I did not understand it. I did not even see that God had a name."  He left the seminary and approached Jehovah's Witnesses, seeking help to understand the Bible.  Thereafter,m he made quick progress  and soon dedicated his life to God.  Gustavo was learning about the spiritual paradise.

Next time: What Is the Spiritual Paradise? -A People for God's Name

The Watchtower, 2001

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