


           "How I do love your law!" -PSALM 119:97

OBEYING divine laws is not a popular today.  For many, deferring to an invisible higher authority seems pointless.  We live in an era of moral relativism, of blurred boundaries between right and wrong, and of huge gray areas.  (Proverbs 17:15; Isaiah 5:20) Reflecting a way of thinking that is common in many secularized societies, a recent poll noted that "most Americans want to decide for themselves what is right, good and meaningful."  They opt for "no strong God. No strong rules.  No strong superiors, moral or otherwise."  A social analyst observed that today "individuals are expected to determine for themselves what it  means to lead a good and virtuous life."  He continued:   "Any form of higher authority has to tailor its commandments to the needs of real people."

Since so many are second-guessing the value of Jehovah's laws, we need to fortify our conviction that divine standards are for our benefit.  It is of interests to consider he account where law is first mentioned in the Bible.  At Genesis 26:5, we read God's words:  "Abraham . . .continued to keep his obligations to me, my commands, my statues,and my laws."  Those words were uttered centuries before Jehovah gave a detailed law code to Abraham descendants.   How did God reward Abraham''s obedience, including obedience to His Laws? Jehovah God promised him:  "By means of your seed all nations of the earth will certainly bless themselves."  (Genesis 22:18) Obedience to divine laws is thus closely linked to divine blessing and approval.

One of the psalmists - likely a prince of Judah and a future king-expressed a  feeling that is not usually associated with law.  He exclaimed to God: "How do i love your law!" (Psalm 119:97)   This was not mere emotional outburst.  It was an expression of love for God's will as set out in his law, Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God, had similar feelings.  Jesus was prophetically described as saying:  "To do your will, O my God, I have delighted, and your law is within my inward parts."  (Psalm 40:8; Hebrews 10:9)  What about us?  Are we convinced of the usefulness and benefits of Jehovah's laws?  What place does obedience to God's laws have in  our worship, in our daily life, in our decision-making,  and in our relationships with others?  To love divine law, we do well to understand why God has the right to formulate and enforce laws.

Next time: DIVINE LAWS ARE FOR OUR BENEFIT - Jehovah-The Rightful Lawgiver

The Watchtower, 2002

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