
Why Be TRUTHFUL? - Why the Tendency to Lie?

Why the Tendency to Lie?

The fact that "the whole world" lies in the power of Satan tells us why many people lie.  But we might ask, 'why did Satan, "the father of the lie," do so?'  Satan knew that Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign of all that He has created, including the fist human pair.  Yet, Satan, desired for himself this lofty and unique position, something to which he was not entitled.  Out of greed and selfish ambition, he schemed to usurp Jehovah's place.  To achieve this, Satan resorted to lies and deceit. -1 Timothy 3:6,

What about today? Do you not agree that greed and selfish ambition are still very much the motives that impel many people to lie?  Greedy business, corrupt politics , and false religion are fife with deception, falsehood, manipulation, and fraud.  Why? Is it not because people are often motivated by greed and ambition to get ahead or to reach out for wealthy, power, or position to which they are not entitled?  A wise ruler, King Solomon of ancient Israel, warned:  "He that is hastening  to gain riches  will not remain innocent."  (Proverbs 28:20) And the apostle Paul wrote: "The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things."   (1 Timothy 6:10)  The same could surely be said of the inordinate desire for power or position.

Next time: Why Be TRUTHFUL? - Greed and selfish ambition are the motives  that impel many people to lie

The Watchtower, 2007

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