
How We Put On and Keep On the New Personality - Conclusion of "TENDER AFFECTIONS OF COMPASSION, KINDNESS"

When we share the Kingdom message with others, we have a fine opportunity to do "good toward all."  (Galatians 6:10)  Out of compassion for immigrants, many Witnesses endeavor to learn a new language.  (1 Corinthians 9:23)  This had led to rich blessings.  For example, a pioneer sister in Australia named Tiffany learned Swahili in order to be of help to a Swahili-language congregation in the city of Brisbane.  Though learning the language was a struggle for Tiffany, her life has  been enriched.  She says: "If you want an exciting ministry, serving in a foreign language congregation is for you. It's like traveling without leaving your city.  You get to experience our worldwide brotherhood and see its miraculous unity firsthand." 

Consider also the example of a family in Japan. Sakiko, the daughter relates: In the 1990's we  often met Brazilian immigrants when we were in the field  ministry. When we showed them scriptures from their Portuguese Bible, such as Revelation 21:3,4 or Psalm 37:10, 11, 29, they paid attention and sometimes even shed tears."  But the family's compassion did not stop there.  "When we saw their "spiritual  hunger," says Sakiko, "We began to study  Portuguese  as a  family."  Later, the family  helped to establish a Portuguese language  congregation.  Through the years, the family helped many immigrants to become servants  of Jehovah. "It took a lot of work to learn Portuguese," adds Sakiko, "but the blessings  far outweigh the efforts.  We are so thankful to Jehovah." - Read Acts 10:34, 35.

Next time: How We Put On and Keep On the New Personality - "CLOTHES YOURSELVES WITH . . . HUMILITY"

From the jw.org publications 

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