
THE WAY OF HAPPINESS - Purpose in Life

NEUROSURGEON DR. ALEXEI MARNOV. "The schools I attended taught atheism and evolution, " he said.  "Anyone believing in God was considered uninformed.  In 1990, however, his thinking began to change.

"I have always tried to understand the logical reason for things," he explains, "including the brain.  This amazing organ has rightly been called the most complex structure in the known universe. But was the brain designed to gain knowledge and skills and then die?  This seemed pointless, unreasonable.  So i began to wonder:  'Why are we here?  What is the purpose of life?'  After some serious deflection , I concluded that there must be a Creator." 

The quest for life's purpose led Alexei to examine the Bible. Later, his wife, a medical doctor who was also an atheist, both studied the Bible as well-initially to prove her husband wrong!  Now, however, both firmly believe in God and understand his purpose for humankind as explained in the Scriptures.

Next time: THE WAY OF HAPPINESS -Continue with Purpose in Life

From the jw.org publications

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