
What Does the Bible Say About Anger? - How Can You Deal With Anger?

* Recognize the danger of uncontrolled anger.  Some may think that unleashing their anger is a sign of strength.  In reality, someone who cannot control his anger has a serious weakness. "As a city broken through, without a wall, is the man who cannot control his temper." (Proverbs 25:28; 29:11) On the other hand, when we cultivate the ability to control our anger, we demonstrate true strength and discernment.  (Proverbs 14:29)  The Bible says: "The one slow to anger is better than mighty man." - PROVERBS 16:32.

* Deal with anger before it causes you to something you will regret. "Let go of anger and abandon rage," says Psalm 37:8, adding: "Do not become upset and turn to doing evil." Notice that when we feel angry, we have a choice-we can choose to let it go before we end up "doing evil." As Ephesians 4:26 says, "be wrathful, but do not sin."

* If possible, take your leave when anger starts to build. "Beginning a fight is like opening a floodgate," says the Bible.  "Before the quarrel breaks out, take your leave." (Proverbs 17:14) Although it is wise to settle differences with others quickly, both you and the other person may first need to cool down before you can discuss matters calmly.

* Get the facts.  "The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger," says Proverbs 19:11.  We are wise to gather all the facts before forming a conclusion.When we carefully listen to all sides of a matter, we are like likely to feel  unjustified anger. - JAMES 1:19.

* Pray for peace of mind.  Prayer can help you experience "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding." (Philippians 4:7) Prayer is one of the main ways we receive God's spirit, which can produce in us such qualities as peace, patience, and self-control. - LUKE 11:13:; GALATIANS 5:22, 23.

* Choose your associates carefully.  We tend to become like the people we associate with .  (Proverbs 13:20; 1 Corinthians 15:33)  For good reason, the Bible warns us: "Do not keep company with a hot-tempered man or get involved with one disposed to rage." Why? So that you never learn his ways and ensnare yourself." - PROVERBS 22:24, 25.

Next time: What Does the Bible Say About Anger? Bible Verses About Anger 

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What Does the Bible Say About Anger? - When Is Anger Wrong?

Anger is wrong when it is uncontrolled or unjustified, which is often the case with the anger displayed by imperfect humans.  For example:

* Cain "grew hot with anger" when God rejected his sacrifice. Cain allowed his anger to fester to the point that he murdered his brother. - GENESIS 4:3-8. 

*The prophet Jonah "became hot with anger" when God showed mercy to the Ninevites.  God corrected Jonah, pointing out that it was not "right for [him] to be so angry" and that he should have felt compassion for those repentant sinners. - JONAH 3:10-4:1, 4, 11. 

These examples illustrate that fore imperfect humans,  "man's" anger does not bring about God's righteousness." - JAMES 1:20. 

Next time: What Does the Bible Say About Anger? - How Can You Deal With Anger?

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What Does the Bible Say About Anger? - The Bible's Answer

The Bible teaches that uncontrolled anger is harmful, both to the person who harbors it and to those around him. (Proverbs  29:22) Although anger may be justified at times, the Bible says that those who continue to have "fits of anger" will not gain salvation.  (Galatians 5:19-21) The Bible contains principles that can help a person deal with anger. 

Is anger always wrong?

No. Anger may be justified in some cases. For example, the faithful man Nehemiah "became very angry" when he learned that some of his fellow Bible worshippers  were being oppressed. - NEHEMIAH 5:6.

At times, God feels anger. For example, when his ancient people broke their agreement to worship only him and started to serve false gods,  "Jehovah's anger blazed against" them.  (Judges 2:13, 14) Even so, anger is not a dominant aspect of Jehovah God's personality.  His anger is always justified and controlled. - EXODUS 34:6; ISAIAH 48:9.

Next time: What Does the Bible Say About Anger? - When Is Anger Wrong? 

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Do Animals Go to Heaven? - Is Animal Cruelty Acceptable?

No. God gave humans authority over the animals but not the right to mistreat them.  (Genesis 1:28; Psalm 8:6-8) God cares about the welfare of each animal-including small birds.  (Jonah 4:11; Matthew 10:29) He commanded his worshippers to treat animals considerately. - EXODUS 
23:12; DEUTERONOMY 25:4; PROVERBS 12:10.

Bible verses about animals 

Genesis 1:28: "God blessed [the first humans], and God said to them: "Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth." 

Meaning: God gave humans authority over the animals.  But he did not say to kill them to get trophies or just for the heck of it. Only for food, but that was before stores.

Numbers 31:28; "As a tax . . . you should take from the soldiers  who went into battle one soul out of every 500, of the people, the herd, the donkeys, and the flock."

Meaning: Both animals and humans are souls.

Proverbs 12:10: "The righteous one take care of his domestic animals." 

Meaning:  Good people care properly for animals, including their pets.

Matthew: "Two sparrows sell for a coin of small value, do they not? Yet, not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge."  

Meaning: God notices and cares about animals-even small birds. 

Next time: What Does the Bible Say About Anger? - The Bible's Answer

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Do Animals Go to Heaven? Do Animals Have Souls?

No, the Bible says that animals and humans are souls.  (Numbers 31:28) Well, it seems they have forgotten what else it says in (Leviticus 17:11-14)  The life of the flesh is in the soul. which actually means, it is our soul. And since animals have blood in them, then  they will go to the paradise earth with the majority of the humans. When the first man, Adam, was created, he was not given a soul but "became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7)  I beg to argue; the the blood is the life of the soul, so he would be able to live without blood in him.  A soul is composed of two things, the "dust from the ground" and "the breath of life. Well you also need blood. If some one bleeds to death, is he not dead?  Please!

Can souls die? 

Yes, the Bible teaches that souls can die.  (Leviticus 21:11; Ezekiel 18:20)  At death, animals and humans return to the dust of the earth.  (Ecclesiastes 3:19,20) In other words, they cease to exist.

Do animal sin?0

No. To sin means to think, to feel, or do something that violates God's standards. In order to sin, a creature must be able to make moral decisions, but animals lack this ability.  They usually act according to instinct during their limited life span. ( 2 Peter 2:12)  At the end of their life span, they die, even though they do not sin. 

Note: This make not make much sense to you unless you are an animal lover, like me; but animals do not have anything but their instinct, nor do they sin. which to me,  In a way they are cleaner and more moral than humans  and deserve to go to heaven as much as anyone who follows God standards, because God made all the animals. They say that animals cannot think, but I have seen that a lot of animals have more sense than humans  and in my opinion are smarter than most. Especially some of the people I have met and known.  Not to offend anyone, but that is the truth.  At least when an animal learns something they are taught, it is in their brain and are able to remember it.  Now, tell me they can't think. 

Next time:Do Animals Go to Heaven? - Is Animal Cruelty Acceptable?

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Do Animals Go to Heaven? -The Bible's Answer

The Bible teaches that out of all the creatures  on earth, only a limited number of humans will go to heaven. (Revelation 14:1, 3)  They go there to rule as kings and priests with Jesus. (Luke 22:28-30; Revelation 14:1, 3)  The vast majority of humans will be resurrected to life on paradise earth. So will the animals. - PSALM 37:11, 29. 

There is no mention in the Bible of a pet heaven or dog heaven-and for good reason. Animals cannot take the steps needed to qualify for "the heavenly calling.: (Hebrews 3:1) These steps include taking in knowledge, creating faith, and obeying God's commands.  (Matthew 19:17; John 3:16; 17:3) Only humans were created   with the prospect of living forever. - GENESIS 2:16, 17; 3:22, 23.

To go to heaven, earthly creatures must be resurrected. (1 Corinthians  15:42)  The Bible mentions a number of resurrections.  (1 Kings 17:17-24; 2 Kings 4:232-37;13:20, 21; Luke 7:11-1; 8:41, 42,49-56; John  11:38-44; Acts 9:36-42  20:7-12) However, everyone of them involved humans, not animals.

Next time: Do Animals Go to Heaven? - Do Animals Have Souls?  

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The Origins of Halloween-What Does the Bible Say About Them? - The Bible's Answer

The Bible does not mention Halloween.  However, both the ancient origins of Halloween and its modern custom show it to be  a celebration based on the false beliefs about the dead and invisible spirits, or demons. 

The Bible warns: "There must never be anyone among you who . . . consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead." (Deuteronomy 18:10-12, The Jerusalem Bible) While some view Halloween as harmless fun, the Bible indicates that the practices  associated with it are not. At 1 Corinthians 10:20, 21, the Bible says: "I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too." - New International Version.

Halloween history and customs

1 Samhain: The origin of Halloween can be traced to the "ancient  pagan festival celebrated by Celtic people over 2,000 years ago," states the World Book Encyclopedia.  "The Celts believed that the dead could walk among the living at the this time. During Samhain, the living could visit with the dead." However, the  Bible clearly teaches that the dead "are conscious of nothing at all." (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Thus, they cannot contact the living. When you're dead, you are dead!

2. Halloween costumes, candy, and trick or treat: According to the book Halloween-An American Holiday, and An American History, some of the Celts wore ghoulish costumes so that wandering spirits would mistake them for one of their own and leave them alone. Others offered sweets to the spirits to appease them. In medieval Europe, the Catholic clergy adopted local pagan customs and had their adherents  go from house to house wearing costumes and requiring small gifts. The Bible/God, does not permit merging false religions with the worship of God.

3. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, witches, and zombies:  These have been associated with the evil spirit world. (Halloween Trivia) The Bible states that we should oppose wicked spirit forces, not celebrate with them. - EPHESIANS 6:12.

Note: To associate oneself with this custom is allowing evil spirits/demons into your life, and they can cause misery to you and your family. I am serious as a heart attack, here.

4. Halloween pumpkins, or jack-o'-lanterns: In medieval  Britain, "supplicants moved from door to door asking for food in return for a prayer for the dead," and they would carry  "hollowed out turnip lanterns, who candle connoted  a soul trapped in purgatory."  (Halloween-From Pagan Ritual to Party Night) Others say that the lanterns were used to ward off evil spirits. During the 1800;s in North America, pumpkins replaced turnips because they were plentiful as well as easy to hollow out and carve. The beliefs behind this custom-the immorality of the soul, purgatory, and prayers for the dead-are not based on the Bible. - EZEKIEL 18:4.

Next time: Do Animals Go To Heaven? The Bible's Answer

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What Is the Sign of "the Last Days," or End Times"? -Conclusion of the Bible's Answer

* Breakdown of the family, with people who have "no natural affection" and children who are "disobedient to parents." - 2 TIMOTHY 3:2, 3. 

* Love of God growing cold in most people. - MATTHEW 24:12.

* Noteworthy displays of hypocrisy. -2 TIMOTHY 3:5.

* Increased understanding of Bible prophecies, including those related to the last days. - DANIEL 1:2-4.

* Global preaching of the good news of the Kingdom. - MATTHEW 24:14.

* Widespread apathy and even ridicule toward the evidence approaching end. - MATTHEW 24:37-39; 2 PETER 3:3, 4. 

* The simultaneous fulfillment of all these prophecies, not just a few or even most of them. - MATTHEW 24:33.

Are we living in "the last days"? 

Yes, World conditions as well as Bible chronology indicate that the last days  began in 1914.  At that time, God's Kingdom began ruling in heaven, and one of its first actions was to expel Satan the Devil and the demons  from heaven and restrict their activity on the earth.  (Revelation 12:7-12) Satan's influence on mankind can be seen in many of the bad attitudes and actions that make the last days "hard to deal with." - 2 TIMOTHY 3:1.

Next time: The Origins of Halloween-What Does the Bible Say About them? - The Bible's Answer

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What Is the Sign of "the Last Days," or End Times"?

The Bible's' Answer

The Bible describes events and conditions that would mark "the conclusion of the [current] system of things," or "the end of the world."  (Matthew 24:3; King James Version) The Bible calls this time period "the last days" and the "time of the end," pr "end times." (2 Timothy 3:1; Daniel 8:19; Easy-to-Read Version) The following are some outstanding features of the last-days, or end-times, prophecies:

* War on a large scale. - MATTHEW 34:7; REVELATION 6:4. 

* Famine. - MATTHEW 24:7; REVELATION 6:5, 6. 

* Great Earthquakes. 

*  Pestilences, or epidemics of "terrible diseases.  - LUKE 21:11; Contemporary English Version.

Increase or crime. - MATTHEW 24;12.

* Ruining of the earth by mankind. - REVELATION 11:18.

*Deterioration of people's attitudes, as shown by many who are ungrateful, disloyal, . .. not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, puffed up with pride." - 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-4.

 Next time: What Is the Sign of "the Last Days," or "End Times"? -Conclusion of The Bible's Answer

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What Is the Lake of Fire? Is It the Same as Hell or Gehenna? - How "Tormented Day and Night Forever and Ever"?

If the lake of fire is a symbol of destruction, why does the Bible say that in it the Devil, the wild beast, and the false prophet "will be tormented day and night forever and ever"?  (Revelation 20:10) Consider four reasons why this torment does not refer to literal torture:

1. For the Devil to be tortured eternally, he would have to be kept alive forever.  However, the Bible says that he will be brought to nothing, or put out of existence. - HEBREWS 2:14.

2. Everlasting life is a gift from God, not a punishment. - ROMANS 6:23.

3. The wild beast and the false prophet are symbols and cannot experience literal torture. 

4. The context of the Bible indicates that the torment of the Devil is everlasting restraint or destruction.

The word used for "torment' in the Bible can also mean "a condition of restraint."  For example, the Greek word for "tormentors" used at Matthew 18:34) is rendered as "jailers" in many translations, showing the connection between the words "torment" and "restraint."  Likewise, the parallel accounts at Matthew 8:29 and Luke 8:30, 31 equate "torment" with "the abyss,: a figurative place of complete inactivity or death. (Romans 10:7; Revelation 20:1, 3) In fact, several times the book of Revelation uses the word "torment" in a symbolic sense. - REVELATION 9:5; 11:10; 18:7, 10.

Next time: What Is the Sign of "the Last Days," or "End Times"? -The Bible's Answer

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What Is the Lake of Fire? Is It the Same as Hell or Gehenna? -

Identical to Gehenna, the Valley of Hinnom

Gehenna  (Greek  ge'en-na) is mentioned 12 times in the Bible. Like the lake of fire, it is a symbol of eternal destruction. Although some translations render this word as "hell," Gehenna is different from hell.(HEBREW she'ol' Greek hai'des).

The word "Gehenna" literally means "Valley of Hinnom," referring to a valley just outside Jerusalem.  In Bible times, the city residents used this valley as a garbage dump.  They kept a fire constantly burning there to destroy refuse; maggots consumed anything that the fire did not reach.

Jesus used Gehenna as a symbol of everlasting destruction.  (Matthew 23:33)  He said that in Gehenna "the maggot does not die and the fire is not put out." (Mark 9:47, 48)  He thus alluded to the conditions in the Valley of Hinnom  and also to the prophecy at (Isaiah 66:24, which says: "They will go out and look on the carcasses of the men who rebelled against me; for the worms  on them will not die, and their fire will not be extinguished."  Jesus' illustration describes, not torture, but complete annihilation. The worms and fire consume carcasses, or dead bodies, not living people. 

The Bible gives no indication of any return from Gehenna.  "The lake of fire" and "the fiery Gehenna" both represent permanent, everlasting destruction. - REVELATION 20:14, 15; 21:8.

Next time: What Is the Lake of Fire? Is It the Same as Hell or Gehenna? - How "Tormented Day and Night Forever and Ever"?

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What Is the Lake of Fire? Is it the Same as Hell or Gehenna?

A symbol of eternal destruction

The Bible says that the lake of fire "means the second death." (Revelation 20:14; 21:8)  The first kind of death mentioned in the Bible resulted from Adam's sin. This death can be reversed by resurrection and will eventually be eliminated by God. - 1 CORINTHIANS 15:21, 22, 26.

The lake of fire represents a different, or second, kind of death. Although it too represents a state of total inactivity, it is different in that the Bible say nothing about a resurrection from the second death.  For example, the Bible says that Jesus has "the keys of hell and death," showing that he has the authority to release people from the death brought about by Adam''s sin. (Revelation 1:18; 20:13, King James Version) However, neither Jesus nor anyone else has the key to the lake of fire.  That symbolic lake represents eternal punishment in the form of permanent destruction. - 2 THESSALONIANS 1:9.

Next time: What Is the Lake of Fire? Is It the Same as Hell or Gehenna? - Identical to Gehenna, the Valley of Hinnom

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What Is the Lake of Fire? Is It the Same as Hell or Gehenna?

The Bible's answer

The lake of fire is a symbol of eternal destruction. It is the same as Gehenna, but it is different from hell, which is the common grave of mankind.

Not a literal lake

The five Bible verses that mention "the lake of fire" show it to be a  symbol rather than a literal lake.(Revelation 19:20; 20:10, 14, 15; 21:8) The following are cast into the lake of fire: 

* Devil. (Revelation 20:10) As a spirit creature, the Devil cannot be harmed by literal fire. -EXODUS 3:2; JUDGES 13:20. 

* Death.  (Revelation 20:14)  This is not a literal entity but represents a state of inactivity, the absence of life. (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Death cannot literally be burned.

* "The wild beast" and "the false prophet." (Revelation 19:20) Since these are symbols, doesn't it seem reasonable to conclude that the lake they are thrown into is also a symbol? - REVELATION 13:11, 12, 16:13. 

Next time: What is the Lake of Fire? Is It the Same as Hell or Gehenna? -A Symbol of Eternal Destruction

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What Does "an Eye for an Eye? Mean? - Jesus Corrects a Wrong Idea

Jesus knew that some had misinterpreted the rule for "an eye for an eye."  He corrected them when he said: "You heard that it was said: "Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.' However, I say to you:  Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the others also to him." - MATTHEW 5:38, 39. 

Note: Jesus' expression "You heard that it was said." He was apparently referring to some Jewish religious leaders who taught retaliation.  Bible scholar Adam Clarke noted:  "It seems that the Jews had made this law [an eye for an eye] . . .a ground for authorizing private resentments, and all  the excesses committed by a vindictive spirit." By encouraging vindictiveness, those religious leaders distorted the intent of God's Law. - MARK 7:13,.

In contrast, Jesus emphasized that love is the dominant spirit of God's Law.  He said" "You must love Jehovah your God . . . This is the greatest and first commandment.  The second, like it, is this: 'You must love your neighbor as yourself.'  On these two commandments the whole Law hangs." (Matthew 22:37-40) Jesus taught that love, not vindictiveness, would identify his true followers. - JOHN 13:34, 35.

Next time: What is the Lake of Fire?  Is It the Same as Hell or Gehenna? 

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What Does "an Eye for an Eye" Mean? - Does the "Eye for an Eye" Rule Apply to Christians?

No, this rule is not binding on Christians. It was part of the Mosaic Law, which Jesus' sacrificial death abolished." -Romans 10:4.

Even so, the rule provides insight into God's way of thinking. For example, it shows that God values justice. (Psalm 89:14) It also reveals his standard of justice-namely, that wrongdoers should be disciplined "to the proper degree." - JEREMIAH 30:11,

Misconceptions About the "Eye for an Eye" Rule

Misconception: The "eye for an eye" rule was excessively harsh. 

Fact: The rule did not authorize a heavy-handed, cruel application of justice.  Rather, when properly applied, it mean that qualified judges would impose retribution for an offense only after first considering the circumstances involved and the extent to which the offense was deliberate. (Exodus 21:28-30; Numbers 35:22-25) The "eye for an eye" rule thus acted as a restraint against extremes in punishment.

Misconception:  The "eye for an eye" rule authorized an endless cycle of personal vengeance.

Fact:  The Mosaic Law itself stated:"You must not take vengeance nor hold a grudge against the sons of your people." (Leviticus 19:18)  Rather than promoting personal vengeance, the Law encouraged people to trust in God and in the legal system that he had authorized to right any wrongs. -- DEUTERONOMY 32:35. 

Next time: What Does "an Eye for an Eye" Mean? - Jesus Corrects a Wrong Idea

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What Does "an Eye for an Eye" Mean?

The rule of "an eye for an eye" was part of God's Law given by Moses to ancient Israel and was quoted by Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount.  (Matthew 5:38, King James Version; Exodus 21:24, 25; Deuteronomy 19:21) It means when dealing  out of justice to wrongdoers, the punishment should fit the crime. 

The rule applied to deliberate people injurious acts against another person. Regarding a willful offender the Mosaic Law stated: "Fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, the same sort of injury he inflicted should be inflicted on him." - LEVITICUS 24:20.

What Was the Purpose of the "Eye for an Eye" Rule?

The "eye for an eye" rule did not authorize or sanction vigilante justice. Rather, it helped anointed judges to impose punishments that were appropriate, being neither too harsh nor too lenient. 

The rule served as a deterrent to any who would intentionally harm others or scheme to do so. "Those who remained [those who observed God's justice being carried out] will hear and be afraid," explained the Law, "and they will never again do anything bad like this among you." - Deuteronomy 19:20. 

 What Does "an Eye for an Eye" Mean? Does the "Eye for an Eye" Rule Apply to Christians?

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The Bible-Why So Many? - Has the Bible Been Corrupted?

Bible copyists, of course, made mistakes. But none of those mistakes corrupted the Bible. "No fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith rests on disputed reading." -Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts.

Jewish copyists made the fewest mistakes. "The Jewish scribes of the early Christian centuries copied and recopied the text of the Hebrew Bible with the utmost fidelity." - Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls.

For example,  a scroll of Isaiah found among the Dead Sea Scrolls is 1,000 years older than the previously available texts. How does it compare with the text we have today?  "Very occasionally, the odd word is added or subtracted." - The Book.  A History of the Bible. 

Mistakes - such as transposed letters, words, or phrases-made by less meticulous copyists are now easily identified and corrected.  "There is no body of ancient literature in the world which enjoys such a wealthy of good textual attestation as the New Testament." -The Books and The Parchments. 

"Anxious believers can be enormously reassured by the almost exact similarity between even the earliest of the biblical papyri from Egypt and the text as it has survived during its descent through countless scriptoria and printing shops of Europe."  The Book. A History of the Bible.

So, has the Bible been corrupted? Emphatically, no!

Next time:What Does "an Eye for an Eye" Mean? / The Bible's Answer

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The Bible-Why So Many? - God's Sacred Name in the Bible

The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures uses God's name Jehovah in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures. Most modern English Bibles do not.  They use "Lord" instead. One reason for doing this, some translators say, is that God's personal name, represented by the Tetragrammaton  (YHWH), never appeared in the Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. But is that true?

In the mid-20th century, some very old fragments of the Septuagint that existed in Jesus' day were found. They contain God's sacred name written in Hebrew characters.  It seems that later, copyists removed the divine name and substituted Ky-ri-os-the Greek word for "Lord"-in its place. The New World Translation restores the divine name to its rightful places in the Scriptures,

Next time: The Bible-Why So Many? - Has the Bible Been Corrupted?

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The Bible-Why So Many? - New Translations Multiply

In the meantime, people continued to make other translations of the Bible-such as the famous Syriac Peshitta by about the fifth century C.E. But it was not until the 14th century that renewed efforts were made to give many ordinary people the Scriptures in the vernacular.

In England in the late 14th century, John Wycliffe  began the process of breaking free from the clutches of a dead language by producing the Bible in English, a language that people in his land could actually understand.  Soon after that, Johannes Gutenberg's printing methods opened the way for Bible scholars to produce and distribute new versions of the Bible in many different living languages throughout Europe.

When English translations multiplied, critics questioned the need to make different  versions of the same language. The 18th-century English cleric John Lewis wrote: "Language grows old and unintelligible, therefore its necessary to review old Translations to  make them speak the Language in use, and be understood by the living generation."

Today, Bible scholars are in a better position than ever to review older translations.  They have a much clearer understanding of ancient Bible languages , and they have valuable  ancient Bible manuscripts that have been found in recent times.  These help to establish more accurately the original text of the Bible.

So there is real value in Bible versions. Of course, there is a need for caution regarding some of them. But if the revisers have been moved by a genuine love of God in making a new Bible version, their work can be of great benefit to us.

Next time: The Bible-Why So Many? - God's Sacred Name in the Bible

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The Bible-Why So Many? - The Latin Vulgate

About 300 years after the Bible was completed, religious scholar Jerome produced a Latin translation of the Bible, which eventually came to be the Latin Vulgate. Latin translations in various forms already existed, so why was new one needed?  Jerome wanted to correct "wrong renderings, obvious errors, and unwanted additions and omissions," says The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

Jerome corrected of many of those errors. But in time, church authorities committed the greatest disservice of all!  They declared the Latin Vulgate to be the only approved translation of the Bible and continued to do so for centuries!  Instead of helping ordinary people to understand the Bible, the Vulgate made it a closed book because eventually most people knew no Latin at all.

Next time: The Bible-Why So Many? - New Translations Multiply

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The Bible-Why So Many? - The Greek Septuagint

About 300 years before Jesus' day, Jewish scholars began to translate the Hebrew Scriptures into another language-Greek.  This translation became known as the Greek Septuagint.  Why was it made? To help the many Jews who by then spoke Greek rather than Hebrew to stay close to their "holy writings." - 2 TIMOTHY 3:15.

The Septuagint also helped millions of non-Jewish, Greek-speaking people  to get to know what the Bible taught.  How? "From the middle of the first century," says Professor W.F. Howard, "it became the Bible of the Christian Church, whose missionaries went from synagogue to synagogue  'proving from the Scriptures that the Messiah was Jesus." (Acts 17:3, 4; 20:20)  That was one  reason why many Jews soon "lost interest in the Septuagint," according to Bible scholar F.F. Bruce. 

As Jesus' disciples progressively received the books of the Christian Greek Scriptures, they put them together with the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, and that came to be the complete Bible that we have today.

Next time: The Bible-Why So Many? - The Latin Vulgate

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The Bible-Why So Many?

Why are there so many different versions or translations of the Bible today?  Do you view new versions as a help or a hindrance  to Bible understanding?  Learning about their origins can help you to address them wisel.

The Original Bible

The Bible is normally divided into two sections.  The first section has 39 books containing "sacred pronouncements of God." (Romans 3:2) God inspired faithful men to write these books over a long period of time-about 1,100 years from  1513 B.C.E. to sometime after 443 B.C.E. they wrote mostly in Hebrew, so we call this section the Hebrew Scriptures, also known as the Old Testament.

The second section has 27 books that are also "the word of God." (1 Thessalonians 2:13) God inspired faithful disciples of Jesus Christ to write these books over a much shorter time-about 60 years from about 41 C.E. to 98 C.E. They wrote mostly in Greek, so we call this section the Christian Greek Scriptures, also known as the New Testament.

Together these 66 inspired books make up the complete Bible-God's message for mankind. But why were  the additional translations of the made? Here are three of the basic reasons. 

* To allow people to read the Bible in their mother tongue.

* To remove errors made by copyists and thus restore the Bible's original text. 

* To update archaic language.

Consider how these factors were involved in two early translations.

Next time: The Bible-Why So Many? - The Greek Septuagint

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Understanding the Bible - What Are the Keys?

The Bible's Answer

The Bible itself provides many of the keys to understanding it. Regardless of your background, God's message in the Bible "is not too difficult for you, nor is it far away." - DEUTERONOMY  30:11.

Keys to Understanding the Bible

1. Have the right attitude.  Accept the Bible as God's Word. Be humble, since God opposes the proud. (1 Thessalonians 2:13; James 4:6) However, avoid blind faith-God wants you to use your "power of reason." ROMANS 12:1. 2. 

2. Pray for wisdom. "Do not lean upon your own understanding."   The Bible says at Proverbs 3:5. Instead, "keep on asking God" for wisdom in understanding the Bible. - JAMES 1:5.

3. Be consistent. You will benefit much more from Bible study if you do it regularly rather than sporadically. - JOSHUA 1:8.

4. Study by topic. A topical study, in which you analyze what the Bible says about a particular  topic or subject, is an effective way to learn what the Scriptures teach. Start with "the beginning lessons," as it were, and then "go forward to more mature (advanced) teaching." - (Hebrews  6:1, 2, Easy-to-Read Version You'll find that you can compare scripture with scripture and learn various parts of the Bible explain each other, even the parts that are "hard to understand." - 2 PETER 3:16. 

5. Get help from others. The Bible encourages us to accept help from others who understand the Bible.  (Acts 8:30, 31) Jehovah's Witnesses offer a free Bible study program.  Like the early Christians, they use Scriptural references to help others discern what the Bible really teaches. - ACTS 17:2, 3. 

Thing you don't need

1. High intellect or education.  Jesus' 12 apostle understood the Scriptures and taught them to others, even though the apostles were considered b some to be "unlettered and ordinary." - ACTS 4:13. 

2. Money. You can learn what the Bible  teaches without cost.  Jesus told his disciples: "You received free, give free." - MATTHEW 10:8.

Next time:The Bible-Why So Many?

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What Does the Bible Say About Pandemics? - Will Pandemics Ever End?

Yes.  The Bible f0retells  a time in the near future when no one will be sick. Under the rule of his Kingdom, God will cure all health problems.  (Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6) He will do away withe suffering, pain, and death. (Revelation 21:4) And he will bring back to life those who have died so that they can enjoy good health here on earth under perfect conditions. - PSALM 37:29; ACTS 24:15. 

Bible Verses About Sickness

Matthew 4:23: [Jesus]went throughout the whole of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news of the Kingdom and curing every sort of disease and ever sort of infirmity among the people. 

Meaning: Jesus' miracles demonstrated on a small scale what God's Kingdom will soon do for all humankind.

Meaning: Widespread health problems are part of the sign of the last days. 

Next time:Understanding the Bible-What Are The Keys? / The Bible's Answer

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What Does the Bible Say About Pandemics? - Has God Ever Punished People With Sickness?

The Bible reports a few occasions when God used sickness to punish people.  For example, he caused some individuals to have leprosy.  (Numbers 12:1-6; 1 Kings 5:20-27; 2 Chronicles  26:16-21)  However, these isolated incidents were not indiscriminate pandemics that spread to innocent people.  Rather, such events were specific judgments on individuals who had clearly rebelled against God.  

Note: Miriam, Moses' and Aaron's sister was one of them.

Are Today's Pandemics Punishment From God?

No.  Some people claim that God is using pandemics and other sicknesses to punish people today.  However, the Bible does not support that claim. Why not?

For one thing, some of God's Worshippers-both past and present-have been plagued with sickness.  The faithful man Timothy, for example, suffered "frequent causes of sickness." (1 Timothy 5:23) But the Bible does not say that this was a sign of God's disfavor. Likewise today, some faithful servants of God become sick or contract diseases.  Oftentimes, these individuals were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. -ECCLESIASTES 9:11.

Moreover, the Bible teaches that God's time to punish the wicked has not yet arrived.  Rather, we are living "in a day of salvation"-that is, a time when God is extending a warm invitation to all humans to draw close to him and be saved.  (2 Corinthians 6:2) One way he extends that invitation is by means of a global preaching work with a positive message-the"good news of the Kingdom." (Which is the true knowledge of the Bible that  you don't get a other churches, but just get tradition, not the true God) - MATTHEW 24:14) 

Note: The churches other than Jehovah's Witnesses do not teach the truth of what is in the Bible. I have been to many services in different churches/different religions and always came out feeling like I was missing something.  For a long time I let it go, but since 1996, I finally got the truth, and to be sure, I read the Bible-all of it,word for word and I realized that it was the truth-this is the true God, not the traditional with the holidays and birthdays and all. I read the King James Bible, then I read the one the Witnesses gave me and it is a simplified version of the King James Bible. They both say the same thing -God's Words that his apostles wrote down for him. When I was told the truth before reading the Bible, I felt as if the holy spirit had entered by body, it was amazing, because then, when I read the Bible, I was able to understand it as Jehovah God allowed me to, a little at a time when he felt I was ready. I have been his servant since then.

Next time: What Does the Bible Say About Pandemics? - Will Pandemics Ever End?

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What Does the Bible Say About Pandemics? / The Bible's Answer

The Bible foretold that pestilences (widespread diseases, including pandemics) would occur during the last days (Luke 21:11) Such pandemics are not divine retribution or punishment from God. In fact, by means of his Kingdom, God will soon put an end to all health problems, including pandemics.

Did the Bible foretell pandemics?

The Bible does not mention specific pandemics or diseases, such as COVID 19, AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, or the Spanish flu.  But it does foretell "pestilences" and "deadly plague." (Luke 21:11; Revelation 6:8) These events are part of the sign of "the last days," also referred to as "the conclusion of the system of things." -  2 TIMOTHY 3:1; MATTHEW 24:3.

Next time: What Does the Bible Say About Pandemics? - Has God Ever Punished People With Sickness?

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Do You Know Jehovah as Did Noah, Daniel, and Job? - Conclusion of JOB APPLIED GOD'Y PRINCIPLES IN GOOD TIMES AND BAD

Job rejected all forms of idolatry-even in  his heart. He knew that false worship, including devotion to material riches, would be a denial of "the true God above." (Read Job 31:24-28.)  He viewed marriage as a sacred bond between a man and a woman.  He even made a covenant with his eyes not to look immorally at a virgin.  (Job 31:1) Keep in mind that this was at a time when God tolerated polygamy. So Job could have take a second wife had he wanted to.  Evidently, though, he took as a pattern the marital union that God established in Eden, making that example a law to himself. (Genesis 2:18, 24)  Some 1,600 years later, Jesus Christ taught his listeners to adhere to the same righteous principles regarding marriage and sexual morality.  - MATTHEW 5:28; 19:4, 5. 

How we cultivate faith like Job's.  The key, once again, is to have accurate knowledge of Jehovah and to let that knowledge guide us in every aspect of life. For example, the psalmist David states that Jehovah "Hates anyone that loves violence," and David warns against anyone associating "with deceitful men." (Read Psalm 11:5; 26:4 ) What insight do those Scriptures give you into God's thinking?  How should the insight influence your priorities, use of the internet, and choice of associates and entertainment?  Your answer may help you to see how well you know Jehovah. To remain blameless in today's complex and wicked world, we must train our "powers of discernment" so that we ca distinguish not just right from wrong but also wise from unwise. - HEBREWS 5:14; EPHESIANS 5:15. 

Because Noah, Daniel, and Job searched for Jehovah with all their heart, he let himself be found by them.  He helped them to "understand everything"necessary to please him.  They thus became examples of righteousness and thy led truly successful lives. (Psalm 1:1-3) So ask yourself, 'Do I know Jehovah as well as Noah, Daniel and Job did?  In fact, thanks to increased spiritual light, you can know him even more fully!  (Proverbs 4:18)  So dig deeply into God's Word. Meditate on it. And pray for holy spirit.  Then you will draw closer to your heavenly Father. And you will act with insight and wisdom in today's ungodly world. - PROVERBS 2:4-7.

Next time: What Does the Bible Say About Pandemics?/The Bible's Answer

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Do You Know Jehovah as Did Noah, Daniel, and Job? - JOB APPLIED GODLY PRINCIPLES IN GOOD TIMES AND BAD

How Job came to know Jehovah.  Job was not an Israelite. He was, however, a distant relative of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Jehovah had revealed details to them about himself and his purpose for mankind.  In some undisclosed way, Job learned many of those precious truths. (Job 23:12) "My ears have heard about you," he said. (Job 42:5)  Moreover, Jehovah himself stated that Job spoke truthfully about Him. - JOB 42:7, 8. 

Job also saw many of Jehovah's invisible qualities in the visible creation.  (Job  12:7, 9, 13) Later, both Elihu and Jehovah uses aspects of creation to remind Job of man's insignificance compared with God's greatness.  (Job 37:14; 38:1-4) Jehovah's words reached Job's heart, for he humbly said to God:  "Now I know that you are able to do all things and that nothing you have in mind to do is impossible for you. . . . I repent in dust and ashes." - JOB 42:2, 6.

How accurate knowledge of God benefited Job.  Job had outstanding insight into godly principles. He truly knew Jehovahy, and he acted on that knowledge. Consider: Job knew that he could not profess to love God and at the same time be unkind to him fellow man.  (Job 6:14)  He did not elevate himself above others but showed brotherly concern for all, rich and poor. "Did not the One who made me in the womb also make them?" he said." (Job 31:13-22) Clearly, Job had not allowed his earlier prestige and wealth to warp his view of himself or others.  What a contrast to many of the powerful and wealthy in the world! 

Next time: Do You Know Jehovah as Did Noah, Daniel, and Job? - Conclusion of JOB APPLIED GODLY PRINCIPLE IN   GOOD TIMES AND BAD

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Do You Know Jehovah as Did Noah, Daniel, and Job? - DANIEL SHOWED GODLY WISDOM IN PAGAN BABYLON

How Daniel came to know Jehovah. Daniel was evidently well-instructed by his parents, who taught him to love Jehovah and his written Word. Moreover, that love stayed with Daniel all his life.  Even in his old age, we find him poring over the Scriptures. (Daniel 9:1, 2)  Daniel's intimate knowledge of God, including God's dealings with Israel, is beautifully reflected in the prophet's heartfelt and contrite prayer recorded at Daniel 9:3-19. Why not take a few moments to read that prayer and meditate on it, taking special note of what it tells you about Daniel as a person?

How accurate knowledge of God benefited Daniel. For a faithful Jew, life in pagan Babylon presented big challenges.  For instance, Jehovah told the Jews: "Seek the peace of the city to which I have exiled you." (Jeremiah 29:7) Yet, at the same time, he required their exclusive devotion. (Exodus 34:14) What enabled Daniel to balance the two requirements?  God's wisdom helped him to grasp the principle of relative subjection to secular authorities.  Centuries later, Jesus taught the very same principle. - LUKE 20:25.

Consider what Daniel when an official decree forbade prayer to any god or man other than the king for 30 days. ( Daniel 6:7-10)  Daniel could have made several excuses, saying, 'Thirty days is not forever!' But he refused to let a loyal edict override his Scriptural obligations.  Of course, he could have prayed discreetly so as not to be observed. He knew that his daily customs was well-known. So while it mean risking his life, Daniel decided not to give even the impression that was compromising in his worship.

Jehovah blessed Daniel's conscientious and courageous decision by miraculously sparing him a cruel death. In fact, the outcome resulted in a marvelous witness for Jehovah that reached the farthest parts of the Medo-Persian Empire! - DANIEL 6:25-27. 

How to cultivate faith like Daniel's. The key to strong faith is not simply to read God's Word but to  'get the sense" of it. (Matthew 13:23)  We want  Jehovah's mind on matters, which includes grasping Bible principles. Hence, we need to meditate on what we read. Also important is regular heartfelt prayer, especially when we face trials or other challenging situations.  When we pray in faith for wisdom and strength, Jehovah will generally give them to us. - JAMES 1:5.

Next time: Do You Know Jehovah as Did Noah, Daniel, and Job? - JOB APPLIED GODLY PRINCIPLES IN GOOD TIMES AND BAD

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Do You Know Jehovah as Did Noah, Daniel, and Job? - Conclusion of NOAH WALKED WITH GOD IN A WICKED WORLD

How accurate knowledge of God benefited Noah. Accurate knowledge gave Noah faith and godly wisdom, which protected him from harm, especially spiritual harm.  For instance, because Noah walked with the true God, he did not walk, or associated, with the ungodly.  He was not fooled by the materialized demons, who surely impressed faithless, gullible humans with their superhuman abilities-perhaps even to the point of being objects of idolatry.   (Genesis 6:1-4, 9) Also, Noah knew that humans were told to reproduce to fill the earth.  (Genesis 1:27, 28)  Hence, he must have known that sexual unions between women and materialized spirits were both unnatural and wrong. That conclusion was no doubt confirmed when those unions produced abnormal offspring.  In time. God warned Noah that He was going to bring a flood upon the earth. Noah's faith in that warning moved him to build an ark, thus saving his household. - HEBREWS 11:7. 

How we cultivate faith like Noah's. The key is to be good students of God's Word, to take to heart what we learn, and to let that knowledge mold us and guide us. (1 Peter 1:13-15) Then faith and godly wisdom will protect us from Satan's clever designs and from the world's evil spirit.  (2 Corinthians 2:11) That spirit fosters a love for violence and immorality. And it impels people to focus on fleshly desires.  (1 John 2:15, 16) It may even move the spiritually weak to ignore the evidence of the closeness of God's great day.  Note that when Jesus compared our time with Noah's, he focused , not violence or immorality, but on the dangers of spiritual apathy. Read MATTHEW 24:36-39. 

Ask yourself: 'Does my way of life  indicate that I truly know Jehovah?  Does my faith impel me not only to live in harmony with God's righteous standards but also o proclaim them? May your answers show that you too walk with the true God.'

Note: When they say the true God, that means not traditions-no holidays, no birthdays, these things do not include Jehovah because he disapproves of them.  Graduations and anniversaries are okay, but any so-called holidays or birthdays.

Next time: Do You Know Jehovah as Did Noah, Daniel, and Job? -  DANIEL SHOWED GODLY WISDOM IN PAGAN BABYLON

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Do You Know Jehovah as Did Noah, Daniel, and Job? - NOAH WALKED WITH GOD N A WICKED WORLD

How Noah came to know Jehovah.  Since early human history, men and women of faith have learned about God in three primary ways: by observing the visible creation, from other God-fearing humans, and by experiencing the blessings of living in harmony with God's principles and standards.  (Isaiah 48:18)   By observing the physical creation, Noah would have seen abundant evidence not only of God's existence but also of his many invisible qualities, such as "his eternal power and Godship." (Romans 1:20) As a result, Noah did more than believe in God; he developed strong faith in him. 

Faith "follows the thing heard."(Romans 10:17) How did Noah hear about Jehovah?  He no doubt learned much from his relatives.  These included his father, Lamech, who was a man of faith and whose life overlapped Adam's  They also included his grandfather Methuselah and his great-grandfather Jared, who life overlapped Noah by 366 years. (Luke 3:36, 37) Perhaps from these men and possibly from their wives, Noah learned about mankind's start, God's purpose that a righteous human family  fill the earth, and the rebellion in Eden-the result of which Noah could see for himself.  (Genesis 1:28; 3:16-19, 24)   In any event, what Noah learned touched his heart, moving him to serve God. - GENESIS 6:9.

Faith is reinforced by hope. Imagine, then, how Noah must have felt when he learned that his name, which probably means "Rest; Consultation," embodied hope! (Genesis 5:29)  Under inspiration, Lamech said: "This one [Noah] will bring us comfort from . . . the painful toil of our hands because of the ground that Jehovah has cursed."  Noah had hope in God.  Like Abel and Enoch before him, he believed in the "offspring" who would bruise the serpent's head. - GENESIS 3:15. 

Next time: Do You Know Jehovah as Did Noah, Daniel, and Job? - Conclusion of NOAH WALKED WITH GOD IN A WICKED WORLD

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