
Chapter Two/ Noah - Conclusion of "Go . . . Into the Ark"

What of community?  They still "took no note"-even in the face of all the evidence that Jehovah was blessing Noah and his endeavors.  They could not help but notice the animals streaming into the ark.  But we should not be surprised at their apathy.  People today likewise take no note of the overwhelming evidence that we are now living in the final days of this world system of things. And as the apostle Peter foretold, ridiculers have come with their ridicule, mocking those who heed God's warning. (Read 2 Peter 3:3-6) Likewise, people surely ridiculed Noah and his family.  

When did the ridicule end?  The account tells us that once Noah had brought his family and the animals into the ark,  "Jehovah shut the door behind him."  If any ridiculers were nearby, that divine action no doubt silenced them. If not, the rain did-for down it came! and it kept coming and coming, and coming-flooding the whole world, just as Jehovah had said. - GENESIS 7:16-21. 

Did Jehovah take delight in the death of those wicked people?  No! (Ezekiel 33:11) On the contrary, he had given them ample opportunity to change their ways and do what was right.  Could they have done so?  Noah's life course answered that question.  By walking with Jehovah, obeying his God in all things, Noah showed that survival was possible.  In that sense, his faith condemned the world of his day; it cast the wickedness of his generation in a clear light.  His faith kept him and his family safe.  If you imitate the faith  of Noah, you may likewise do yourself and those you love a world of good.  Like Noah, you can walk with Jehovah God as your Friend.  And the friendship can last forever! 

Next time: Noah's Faith Condemns the World

From the jw.org publications

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