
How Bible Principles Apply to Your LIfe - THE COURSE TO FOLLOW

 Further, you learn tha this is not an isolated action on your part but that you must be faithfully and regularly assemble with God's people, "not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging on another, and all the more so as you behold the day  [of the old world's end\ drawing near." (Hebrews 10:25, NW) Where can you assemble with such people to study such things?  Certainly not in the majority of church organizations today where people have been members for forty or fifty years and still are unable to explain the elementary doctrines of Christianity but you do meet people who can give you such encouragement, and really do study  God's Word when you attend the regular meetings at the more than  14,000 Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the world.

A third ting you learn when you study the Bible is that you must be diligent in presenting this message to others, telling them of the good things you have learned.  In true Christianity there is no room for the apathy that marks most of today's religions.  One whose heart  really is filled with joy at receiving the truth will feel compelled to speak out.  "For out of the heart's abundance his mouth speaks."  It is commanded that the Christians publicly declare this good news, telling it to others; thus this is necessary for your own salvagtion as well as for the salvation of  those listen to  you.  "For if you publicly declare the good news of that 'word' in your mouth,' that Jesus is  Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that, God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved." - LUKE 6:45; ROMANS 10:9, NW.

 You, learn too, that his activity is not just a hobby, diversion, or casual pasttime, but that it is  of vital importance and is a permanent way of life.   It is in fulfillment of such a vital mission that. world-wide, Jehovah's witnesses go from house to house wiht the message of God's Kingdom, visiting the people in their homes with the good news of his Word.  Like the psalmist, they say: "I will sing unto Jehovah as long as I live:  I will sing praise to my God while I have ay being."  Can one honestly be a Christian while offering God less than that?  How much of your effort is thus being spent in helping others to learn of God's way? - PSALM 104:33, AS,

Next time: How Bible Principles Apply to Your Life -THE VALUE OF THIS SERVICE

From the jw.org publications

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