
True Love Is Practical

LOVE is, because God is.  If there were no love, there would be no God. The existence  of love is proof that God is. Love could come only from God. The materialistic way that modern-day scientists try to explain all creation is absolutely loveless and can never explain how that heart-warming motivating qualitity came to exist.  What their theories of creation result in is just a cold universe without love, without a purpose. Hard, matter-of-fact, physical   science is their god, their idol of worship, which has not appeal to the heart.  No less void of love are the gods of the pagans. They are gods of passion, but their passion even for sex is not true love. One feature about these gods that makes them unloving  is the fiendish, sadistic delight they are said to take in horribly torturing creatures in  an afterlife for not pleasing these gods during life now in this wicked world.  Which one  of such gods sets forth the princple of love as the one living ture does in his Word, the sacred Bible.  Among all the religions build around such gods which one give examples of love like that of Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ?  Not one! No, not one of such religions and its literature has the spirit of Godship working through as the Holy Bible has.  Therefore the Bible must be God's Book, because it teaches and is pervaded with divine love. 

How did man come to have this quality of love?  Because it was originally the Creator's gift, God's gift. He endowed man with it at man's creation.  Without it, the original, perfect man could not have been made in God's image and likeness.  Woman was man's first and closest neighbor, and man was made to love her.  The first man showed the affection he had for  his wife, illustrating the affection all future husbands should have for their wives, when he said concerning the beautiful woman God gave to him:"  "This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, because  from man this one was taken.' That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh." (Genesis 2:23, 24, NW) Adam and Eve originally had love for God; it was implanted in them. But they stunted the growth of their love for him and for each other by lettign selfish desire for something God forbade take possession of them. Contrary to his will and command they ate fruit of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and bad.  (Genesis 2:16 to 3:7)  This led to the death of their love for God.  Eventually whent hey paid  the penalty of their sin and returned to dust they could not exercise any trace of such quality there.  (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10) Furthermore, their sin against the Creator and heavenly Father produced a hater, murderer, in their first son, Cain. - GENEISIS 4:1-2. 

Love of God in the earth did not perish with Adam ad Eve.  It manifested itself with their second son Abel, the acceptance of whose sacrifice by Jehovah God incited  his brother Cain to murder him.  (1 John 3:12, 13)  About two thousand years later love more for God than for an only son moved faithful Abraham to offer his beloved Isaac for sacrifice to Jehovah God.  The record of this is in the very first book of the Bible, in the twenty-second chapter. The last books to be written as par of the Bible was the apostle John's account  of Christ's life and also John's first, second and thired letters to Christians, and these four books of the Bible specially talk of this divine quality and how it should be expresseed. So the Bible, from its first book through its last book to be written, tells us of love in its purest form.

Next time: True Love Is Practical

From  the jw.org publications 

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