Little Owmadji is sick with Diarrhea. Hawa, her mother is worried about dehydration; she heard that her cousin back in the village had recently lost her baby that way. Owmadji's grandmother, Hawa's mother-in-law, wants to take Owmadji to a tribal witch doctor. "A wicked spirit is making the child sick," she says. "You refused to give her an amulet to wear for protection, and now the problems are starting!"
THIS Scene is common in many parts of the world. Hundreds of millions believe that wicked spirits are the hidden cause of illness. Is this true?
Creating the Mystery
You personally may not believe that unseen spirits cause disease. In fact, you may wonder why anyone would think so, for scientists have shown that most diseases are caused by viruses and bacteria. Remember, though, that humankind did not always know about these tiny pathogens. It was not until the development of the microscope by Antonie van Leeuwenshoek in the 17th century that the microscopic world became visible to the human eye. Even then, it was only thanks to Louis Pasteur's discoveries in the 19th century that science began to understand the relationship between pathogens and disease.
Since the causes of sickness were unknown for most of human history, many superstitious ideas developed, including the theory that all ailments are caused by evil spirits. The New Encyclopedia Britannica suggests one way that this could have developed. It says that early healers tried to treat the sick with different types of roots, leaves and whatever else was at their disposal. At times, something worked. then the healer would add to the healing therapy a lot of superstitious rites and practices, which served to conceal the real cure. thus the healer made sure that people would have to continue using his services. In this way, medicine became shrouded in mystery, and people were encouraged to look to the supernatural for help.
These traditional healing methods live on in a number of lands. Many say that sickness is caused by the spirits of dead ancestors. Others say that God makes us sick and that illness is a punishment for our sins. Even when informed people understand the biological nature of sickness, they may still fear supernatural influences.
Sorcerers and traditional healers use this fear to exploit people. What, then, should we believe? Does it help to look to the spirits for health care? What does the Bible say?
Watchtower, 1999
The "Septuagint" Useful in the Past and the Present
Conclusion of Useful Today
Complete copies of the Septuagint existing today date from as far back as the fourth century C.E. Such manuscripts and later copies do not contain the divine name, Jehovah, represented in Hebrew by the Tetragrammaton (YHWH). These copies have substituted the Greek words for "God" and "Lord" wherever the Tetragrammaton occurred in the Hebrew text. However, a discovery in Palestine some 50 years ago shed light on this matter. A team exploring caves near the west shore of the Dead Sea uncovered fragments from an ancient leather scroll of the 12 prophets (Horea through Malachi) written in Greek. These writings were dated between 50 B.C.E. and 50 C.E. In these earlier fragments, the Tetragrammaton had not been replaced by the Greek words for "God" and "Lord." Hence, the use of the divine name in the early Septuagint version of the Scriptures was confirmed.
The year 1971 saw the release for publication of fragment of an ancient papyrus scroll (Foud 266 papri). What did these portions of the Septuagint, dating back to the second of the first century B.C.E., reveal? The divine name was preserved in them also. These early fragments of the Septuagint provide strong evidence that Jesus and his first-century disciples knew and used God's name.
Today, the Bible is the most translated book in history. Over 90 percent of the human family have access to at least part of it in their own language. We are particularly grateful for an accurate modern-language translation, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, now available in whole or in part in over 40 languages. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures-With References contains hundreds of footnote references to the Septuagint and to other ancient manuscripts. Indeed, the Septuagint continues to be of interest and value to Bible students in our day.
Next time: The Mystery of Ill Health
Watchtower, 2002
Complete copies of the Septuagint existing today date from as far back as the fourth century C.E. Such manuscripts and later copies do not contain the divine name, Jehovah, represented in Hebrew by the Tetragrammaton (YHWH). These copies have substituted the Greek words for "God" and "Lord" wherever the Tetragrammaton occurred in the Hebrew text. However, a discovery in Palestine some 50 years ago shed light on this matter. A team exploring caves near the west shore of the Dead Sea uncovered fragments from an ancient leather scroll of the 12 prophets (Horea through Malachi) written in Greek. These writings were dated between 50 B.C.E. and 50 C.E. In these earlier fragments, the Tetragrammaton had not been replaced by the Greek words for "God" and "Lord." Hence, the use of the divine name in the early Septuagint version of the Scriptures was confirmed.
The year 1971 saw the release for publication of fragment of an ancient papyrus scroll (Foud 266 papri). What did these portions of the Septuagint, dating back to the second of the first century B.C.E., reveal? The divine name was preserved in them also. These early fragments of the Septuagint provide strong evidence that Jesus and his first-century disciples knew and used God's name.
Today, the Bible is the most translated book in history. Over 90 percent of the human family have access to at least part of it in their own language. We are particularly grateful for an accurate modern-language translation, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, now available in whole or in part in over 40 languages. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures-With References contains hundreds of footnote references to the Septuagint and to other ancient manuscripts. Indeed, the Septuagint continues to be of interest and value to Bible students in our day.
Next time: The Mystery of Ill Health
Watchtower, 2002
The "Septuagint" Useful in the Past and the Present
Useful Today
The Septuagint remains valuable today and is used to help uncover copyists' errors that might have crept into Hebrew manuscripts copied at a later date. For example, the account at Genesis 4:8 reads: "After that Cain said to to Abel his brother: ['Let us go over into the field.'] So it came about that while they were in the field Cain proceeded to assault Abel his brother and kill him."
The bracketed clause "let us go over into the field" is not found in Hebrew manuscripts dating from the tenth century C.E. However, it is included in older Septuagint manuscripts and in a few other other early references. The Hebrew text has the word that usually introduces speech, but no words follow. What could have happened? Genesis 4:8 contains two consecutive clauses that end with the expression "in (to) the field." McClintock and Strong's Cyclopedia suggests: "The Hebrew transcriber's eye was probably misled by the [same]word . . . terminating both the clauses." Thus the transcriber may have skipped over the earlier instance of the clause ending with the expression "into the field." Clearly,the Septuagint, as well as other older extant manuscripts, can be useful in identifying errors in later copies of the Hebrew text.
On the other hand, copies of the Septuagint are also subject to error, and at times the Hebrew text is referred to in correcting the Greek. Thus, comparing the Hebrew manuscripts with the Greek and with other language translations results in finding translations errors as well as copyists' mistakes and assures us of an accurate rendering of God's Word.
Next time: Conclusion of Useful Today
Watchtower, 2002
The Septuagint remains valuable today and is used to help uncover copyists' errors that might have crept into Hebrew manuscripts copied at a later date. For example, the account at Genesis 4:8 reads: "After that Cain said to to Abel his brother: ['Let us go over into the field.'] So it came about that while they were in the field Cain proceeded to assault Abel his brother and kill him."
The bracketed clause "let us go over into the field" is not found in Hebrew manuscripts dating from the tenth century C.E. However, it is included in older Septuagint manuscripts and in a few other other early references. The Hebrew text has the word that usually introduces speech, but no words follow. What could have happened? Genesis 4:8 contains two consecutive clauses that end with the expression "in (to) the field." McClintock and Strong's Cyclopedia suggests: "The Hebrew transcriber's eye was probably misled by the [same]word . . . terminating both the clauses." Thus the transcriber may have skipped over the earlier instance of the clause ending with the expression "into the field." Clearly,the Septuagint, as well as other older extant manuscripts, can be useful in identifying errors in later copies of the Hebrew text.
On the other hand, copies of the Septuagint are also subject to error, and at times the Hebrew text is referred to in correcting the Greek. Thus, comparing the Hebrew manuscripts with the Greek and with other language translations results in finding translations errors as well as copyists' mistakes and assures us of an accurate rendering of God's Word.
Next time: Conclusion of Useful Today
Watchtower, 2002
The "Septuagint" Useful in the Past and the Present
Useful in the First Century
The Septuagint was used extensively by Greek-speaking Jews prior to and during the time of Jesus Christ and his apostles. Many of the Jews and proselytes who gathered in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. were from the district of Asia, Egypt, Libya, Rome, Crete-areas in which people spoke Greek. No doubt they customarily read from the Septuagint. (Acts 2:9-11) Thus, this version proved to be influential in spreading the good news in the first century.
For example, when speaking with men from Cyrene, Alexandria, Cilicia and Asia, the disciple Stephen said: "Joseph sent out and called Jacob his father and all his relatives from that place [Canaan], to the number of seventy-five souls." (Acts 6:8-10; 7:12-14) The Hebrew text in Genesis chapter 46 says that the number of Joseph's relatives was seventy. But the Septuagint uses the number seventy-five. Apparently Stephen quoted from the Septuagint. - Genesis 46:20, 26, 27.
As the apostle Paul traveled throughout Asia Minor and Greece during the second and third missionary tours, he preached to many Gentiles who feared God and to "Greeks who worshiped God." (Acts 13:16, 26;17:4) These people had come to fear God or to worship him because they had gained some knowledge of him from the Septuagint. In preaching to these Greek-speaking people, Paul often quoted or paraphrased portions of that translation. -Genesis 22:18; Galatians 3:8.
The Christian Greek Scriptures contain some 320 direct quotations and a combined total of perhaps 890 quotations and references from the Hebrew Scriptures. Most of these are based on the Septuagint. As a result the quotations taken from that translation came part of the inspired Christian Greek Scriptures. What a significant fact this was! Jesus had foretold that the good news of the Kingdom would be preached in all the inhabitant earth. (Matthew 24:14) To accomplish this, Jehovah would allow his inspired Word to be translated into the various languages read by people worldwide.
Next time: Useful Today
Watchtower, 2002
The Septuagint was used extensively by Greek-speaking Jews prior to and during the time of Jesus Christ and his apostles. Many of the Jews and proselytes who gathered in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. were from the district of Asia, Egypt, Libya, Rome, Crete-areas in which people spoke Greek. No doubt they customarily read from the Septuagint. (Acts 2:9-11) Thus, this version proved to be influential in spreading the good news in the first century.
For example, when speaking with men from Cyrene, Alexandria, Cilicia and Asia, the disciple Stephen said: "Joseph sent out and called Jacob his father and all his relatives from that place [Canaan], to the number of seventy-five souls." (Acts 6:8-10; 7:12-14) The Hebrew text in Genesis chapter 46 says that the number of Joseph's relatives was seventy. But the Septuagint uses the number seventy-five. Apparently Stephen quoted from the Septuagint. - Genesis 46:20, 26, 27.
As the apostle Paul traveled throughout Asia Minor and Greece during the second and third missionary tours, he preached to many Gentiles who feared God and to "Greeks who worshiped God." (Acts 13:16, 26;17:4) These people had come to fear God or to worship him because they had gained some knowledge of him from the Septuagint. In preaching to these Greek-speaking people, Paul often quoted or paraphrased portions of that translation. -Genesis 22:18; Galatians 3:8.
The Christian Greek Scriptures contain some 320 direct quotations and a combined total of perhaps 890 quotations and references from the Hebrew Scriptures. Most of these are based on the Septuagint. As a result the quotations taken from that translation came part of the inspired Christian Greek Scriptures. What a significant fact this was! Jesus had foretold that the good news of the Kingdom would be preached in all the inhabitant earth. (Matthew 24:14) To accomplish this, Jehovah would allow his inspired Word to be translated into the various languages read by people worldwide.
Next time: Useful Today
Watchtower, 2002
The "Septuagint" Useful in the Past and the Present
Made for the Greek-Speaking Jews
In 332 B.C.E., when Alexander the Great marched into Egypt after destroying the Phoenician city of Tyre, he was greeted as a deliverer. There he founded the city of Alexandria, a center of learning in the ancient world. Desiring to spread Greek culture to people living int he conquered lands, Alexander introduced common Greek (Koine) throughout his vast realm.
In the third century B.C.E., Alexandria came to have a large population of Jews. Many Jews who after the Babylonian exile had been living in scattered colonies outside Palestine migrated to Alexandria. How well did these Jews know the Hebrew language? McClintock and Strong's cyclopedia states: "It is well known that after the Jews returned from the captivity of Babylon, having lost in great measure the familiar knowledge of the ancient Hebrew, the readings from the books of Moses in the synagogues of Palestine were explained to them in the Chaldaic tongue . . .The Jews of Alexandria had probably still less knowledge of Hebrew; their familiar language was Alexandrian Greek." Evidently, in Alexandria the climate was right for a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek.
Aristobulus, a Jew who lived in the second century B.C.E., wrote that a version of the Hebrew law was translated into Greek and was completed during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-246 B.C.E.). Opinions vary as to what Aristobulus meant by the "law." Some think that he was referring merely to the Pentateuch, while others say that he may have had in mind the entire Hebrew Scriptures.
In any case, tradition has it that about 72 Jewish scholars were involved in that first written translation of the Scriptures from Hebrew into Greek. Later, the round figure 70 began to be used. Hence, the version was called the Septuagint meaning "70," and is designated LXX, the Roman numeral for 70. by the end of the second century B.C.E., all books of the Hebrew Scriptures could be read in Greek. Thus, the name Septuagint came to refer to the entire Hebrew Scriptures translated into Greek.
Next time: Useful in the First Century
Watchtower, 2002
In 332 B.C.E., when Alexander the Great marched into Egypt after destroying the Phoenician city of Tyre, he was greeted as a deliverer. There he founded the city of Alexandria, a center of learning in the ancient world. Desiring to spread Greek culture to people living int he conquered lands, Alexander introduced common Greek (Koine) throughout his vast realm.
In the third century B.C.E., Alexandria came to have a large population of Jews. Many Jews who after the Babylonian exile had been living in scattered colonies outside Palestine migrated to Alexandria. How well did these Jews know the Hebrew language? McClintock and Strong's cyclopedia states: "It is well known that after the Jews returned from the captivity of Babylon, having lost in great measure the familiar knowledge of the ancient Hebrew, the readings from the books of Moses in the synagogues of Palestine were explained to them in the Chaldaic tongue . . .The Jews of Alexandria had probably still less knowledge of Hebrew; their familiar language was Alexandrian Greek." Evidently, in Alexandria the climate was right for a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek.
Aristobulus, a Jew who lived in the second century B.C.E., wrote that a version of the Hebrew law was translated into Greek and was completed during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-246 B.C.E.). Opinions vary as to what Aristobulus meant by the "law." Some think that he was referring merely to the Pentateuch, while others say that he may have had in mind the entire Hebrew Scriptures.
In any case, tradition has it that about 72 Jewish scholars were involved in that first written translation of the Scriptures from Hebrew into Greek. Later, the round figure 70 began to be used. Hence, the version was called the Septuagint meaning "70," and is designated LXX, the Roman numeral for 70. by the end of the second century B.C.E., all books of the Hebrew Scriptures could be read in Greek. Thus, the name Septuagint came to refer to the entire Hebrew Scriptures translated into Greek.
Next time: Useful in the First Century
Watchtower, 2002
The "Septuagint" Useful in the Past and the Present
AN INFLUENTIAL man from Ethiopia was journeying homeward from Jerusalem. While traveling along a desert road in his chariot, he was reading aloud from a religious scroll. The explanation of the words he read had such an impact on him that his life changed from that time on. (Acts 8:26-38) The man had been reading Isaiah 53:7, 8 from the very first translation of the Bible -the Greek Septuagint. This work has played such an important role in the spreading of the Bible's message throughout the centuries that it has been called a Bible translation that changed the world.
When and under what circumstances was the Septuagint prepared? Why was there a need for such a translation? How useful has it proved to be over the centuries? what, if anything, can the Septuagint teach us today?
Next time: Made for the Greek-Speaking Jews
Watchtower, 2002
When and under what circumstances was the Septuagint prepared? Why was there a need for such a translation? How useful has it proved to be over the centuries? what, if anything, can the Septuagint teach us today?
Next time: Made for the Greek-Speaking Jews
Watchtower, 2002
"Gentle Toward All"
As world conditions deteriorate in these "critical times," feelings of patriotism are likely to intensify. (2 Timothy 3:1) May those who love God never forget that salvation belongs only to Jehovah. he deserves exclusive devotion. When asked to do something out of harmony with Jehovah's will, Jesus' apostles said: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men." -Acts 5:29.
"A slave of the Lord does not need to fight," wrote the apostle Paul, "but needs to be gentle toward all." ( 2 Timothy 2:24) Thus, Christians endeavor to be peaceable, respectful and gentle as they rely on their Bible-trained conscience in making personal decisions regarding flag salute and the singing of a national anthem.
Next time: The "Septuagint" Useful in the Past and the Present
Watchtower, 2002
As world conditions deteriorate in these "critical times," feelings of patriotism are likely to intensify. (2 Timothy 3:1) May those who love God never forget that salvation belongs only to Jehovah. he deserves exclusive devotion. When asked to do something out of harmony with Jehovah's will, Jesus' apostles said: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men." -Acts 5:29.
"A slave of the Lord does not need to fight," wrote the apostle Paul, "but needs to be gentle toward all." ( 2 Timothy 2:24) Thus, Christians endeavor to be peaceable, respectful and gentle as they rely on their Bible-trained conscience in making personal decisions regarding flag salute and the singing of a national anthem.
Next time: The "Septuagint" Useful in the Past and the Present
Watchtower, 2002
"Hold a Good Conscience"
After describing the ineffectiveness of man-made objects of veneration,the pslamist said: "Those making them will become just like them, all those who are trusting in them." (Psalm 115:4-8) Obviously then, any employment that directly involves manufacturing objects of adoration, including national flags, would be unacceptable to Jehovah's worshipers. (1 John 5:21) Other employment situations may also arise when Christians respectfully show that they worship neither the flag nor what it represents but only Jehovah.
An employer, for example, may ask an employee to raise or lower a flag displayed at at building. Whether an individual would do so or not depends on his personal view of the circumstances. If raising or lowering the flag is part of a special ceremony, with people standing at attention or saluting the flag, then performing this act amounts to sharing in the ceremony.
On the other hand, if no ceremony accompanies the raising or lowering of the flag, then these actions constitute nothing more than performing such tasks as preparing the building for use, unlocking and locking the doors, and opening and closing the windows. In such instances, the flag is simply an emblem of the State, and raising or lowering it among other routine tasks is a matter for personal decision based on the dictates of one's Bible-trained conscience. (Galatians 6:5) The conscience of one person might move him to ask his supervisor to have some other employee put up and take down the flag. Another Christian might feel that his conscience would permit him to handle the flag as long as no ceremony is involved. Whatever the decision, true worshipers should "hold a good conscience." before God. - 1 Peter 3:16.
There is no Scriptural objection to working in on being in public buildings, such as municipal offices and schools, where the national flag is displayed. A flag might also appear on postage stamps, automobile license plates, or other government produced items. Using such objects does not in itself make individuals participate in devotional acts. What is significant here is, not the presence of a flag or a replica thereof, but how one acts toward it.
Flags are often displayed on windows, doors, cars, desks, or other objects. Clothing with the motif of a flag imprinted on it can also be purchased. In some countries, it is illegal to wear such items. Even if doing so would not violate the law, what would it indicate relative to a person's position with regard to the world? Concerning his followers, Jesus Christ said: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world." (John 17:16) Not to be overlooked is the effect such an action could have on fellow believers. Could it injure the conscience of some? Might their resolve to remain firm in the faith be weakened? Paul counseled Christians: "Make sure of the more important things, so that you may be flawless and not be stumbling others." -Philippians 1:10.
Next time: "Gentle Toward All"
Watchtower, 2002
After describing the ineffectiveness of man-made objects of veneration,the pslamist said: "Those making them will become just like them, all those who are trusting in them." (Psalm 115:4-8) Obviously then, any employment that directly involves manufacturing objects of adoration, including national flags, would be unacceptable to Jehovah's worshipers. (1 John 5:21) Other employment situations may also arise when Christians respectfully show that they worship neither the flag nor what it represents but only Jehovah.
An employer, for example, may ask an employee to raise or lower a flag displayed at at building. Whether an individual would do so or not depends on his personal view of the circumstances. If raising or lowering the flag is part of a special ceremony, with people standing at attention or saluting the flag, then performing this act amounts to sharing in the ceremony.
On the other hand, if no ceremony accompanies the raising or lowering of the flag, then these actions constitute nothing more than performing such tasks as preparing the building for use, unlocking and locking the doors, and opening and closing the windows. In such instances, the flag is simply an emblem of the State, and raising or lowering it among other routine tasks is a matter for personal decision based on the dictates of one's Bible-trained conscience. (Galatians 6:5) The conscience of one person might move him to ask his supervisor to have some other employee put up and take down the flag. Another Christian might feel that his conscience would permit him to handle the flag as long as no ceremony is involved. Whatever the decision, true worshipers should "hold a good conscience." before God. - 1 Peter 3:16.
There is no Scriptural objection to working in on being in public buildings, such as municipal offices and schools, where the national flag is displayed. A flag might also appear on postage stamps, automobile license plates, or other government produced items. Using such objects does not in itself make individuals participate in devotional acts. What is significant here is, not the presence of a flag or a replica thereof, but how one acts toward it.
Flags are often displayed on windows, doors, cars, desks, or other objects. Clothing with the motif of a flag imprinted on it can also be purchased. In some countries, it is illegal to wear such items. Even if doing so would not violate the law, what would it indicate relative to a person's position with regard to the world? Concerning his followers, Jesus Christ said: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world." (John 17:16) Not to be overlooked is the effect such an action could have on fellow believers. Could it injure the conscience of some? Might their resolve to remain firm in the faith be weakened? Paul counseled Christians: "Make sure of the more important things, so that you may be flawless and not be stumbling others." -Philippians 1:10.
Next time: "Gentle Toward All"
Watchtower, 2002
Refrain Respectfully
In an effort to strengthen the unity of his empire, King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon set up a huge golden image on the plain of Dura. He then arranged for an inauguration ceremony to which he invited his satraps, prefects, governors, counselors and other high officials. At the sound of music, all gathered were to bow down and worship the image. Among those who had to be present were three young Hebrews-Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. How did they show that they were not participating in this religious ceremony? As the music began and those gathered prostrated themselves before the image,the three Hebrews remained standing. -Daniel 3:1-12.
Today, flags are usually saluted with outstretched arm or with the hand held to the forehead or over the heart. At times, some special bodily position may be assumed in some lands, children at school are expected to kneel and kiss the flag. By standing quietly while other salute the flag, true Christians make it evident that they are respectful observers.
What if a flag ceremony is conducted in such a way that simply standing gives evidence of participation? For example, suppose one student in a school is selected to represent the whole school and he salutes the flag outside at a flag pole while the other students are expected to stand at attention inside the classroom. The mere act of standing in this instance signifies agreement with having the student on the outside act as a personal representative in saluting the flag. Standing in any manner would then denote joining in the ceremony. If this was the case, those desiring to be only respectful observers would remain quietly seated. What if the class is already standing as such a ceremony starts? In this case, participation would not be indicated if we were to remain standing.
Suppose one is not asked to salute the flag but merely to hold it, either in a parade or in a classroom or elsewhere, so that others can salute. Rather than 'fleeing from idolatry,' as commanded in the Scriptures, this would actually mean being at the very center of the ceremony. The same is true of marching in patriotic parades. Because doing this would mean giving support to what is honored by the parade, true Christians conscientiously decline.
When national anthems are played,usually all a person has to do to show that he shares the sentiments of the song is to stand up. In such cases, Christians remain seated. If they are already standing when the national anthem is played, however, there is no need for them to take the special action of sitting down. ( I disagree. I myself would prefer to sit down, I believe that is the way God would want it, because standing up with the crowd would still say that you supported it as well ) it is not as though they had specifically chosen to stand for the anthem. On the other hand, if a group are expected to stand and sing, then merely standing up out of respect but not singing would not constitute sharing in the sentiments of the song.
Next time: "Hold a Good Conscience"
Watchtower, 2002
In an effort to strengthen the unity of his empire, King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon set up a huge golden image on the plain of Dura. He then arranged for an inauguration ceremony to which he invited his satraps, prefects, governors, counselors and other high officials. At the sound of music, all gathered were to bow down and worship the image. Among those who had to be present were three young Hebrews-Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. How did they show that they were not participating in this religious ceremony? As the music began and those gathered prostrated themselves before the image,the three Hebrews remained standing. -Daniel 3:1-12.
Today, flags are usually saluted with outstretched arm or with the hand held to the forehead or over the heart. At times, some special bodily position may be assumed in some lands, children at school are expected to kneel and kiss the flag. By standing quietly while other salute the flag, true Christians make it evident that they are respectful observers.
What if a flag ceremony is conducted in such a way that simply standing gives evidence of participation? For example, suppose one student in a school is selected to represent the whole school and he salutes the flag outside at a flag pole while the other students are expected to stand at attention inside the classroom. The mere act of standing in this instance signifies agreement with having the student on the outside act as a personal representative in saluting the flag. Standing in any manner would then denote joining in the ceremony. If this was the case, those desiring to be only respectful observers would remain quietly seated. What if the class is already standing as such a ceremony starts? In this case, participation would not be indicated if we were to remain standing.
Suppose one is not asked to salute the flag but merely to hold it, either in a parade or in a classroom or elsewhere, so that others can salute. Rather than 'fleeing from idolatry,' as commanded in the Scriptures, this would actually mean being at the very center of the ceremony. The same is true of marching in patriotic parades. Because doing this would mean giving support to what is honored by the parade, true Christians conscientiously decline.
When national anthems are played,usually all a person has to do to show that he shares the sentiments of the song is to stand up. In such cases, Christians remain seated. If they are already standing when the national anthem is played, however, there is no need for them to take the special action of sitting down. ( I disagree. I myself would prefer to sit down, I believe that is the way God would want it, because standing up with the crowd would still say that you supported it as well ) it is not as though they had specifically chosen to stand for the anthem. On the other hand, if a group are expected to stand and sing, then merely standing up out of respect but not singing would not constitute sharing in the sentiments of the song.
Next time: "Hold a Good Conscience"
Watchtower, 2002
"National anthems are expressions of patriotic feeling and often include an invocation for divine guidance and protection of the people and their rulers," says the Encyclopedia Americana.
A national anthem is, in effect, a hymn or a prayer in behalf of a nation. It usually asks that the nation experience material prosperity and long duration. Should true Christians join in such prayerful sentiments?
Jesus Christ set a precedent when he said: "I make request, not concerning the world, but concerning those you have given me." (John 17:9) The Scriptures say that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" and "is passing away." (1 John 2:17; 5:19) How, then, can true Christians conscientiously pray for the prosperity and longevity of such a system? Of course, not all national anthems include petitions to God. "The sentiments of national anthems vary," says the Encyclopedia Britannica, "from prayers for the monarch to allusions to nationally important battles or uprisings . . .to expressions of patriotic feeling." But can those who seek to please God actually exult over the wars and revolutions of any nation? Concerning true worshiper, Isaiah foretold: 'They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears." (Isaiah 2:4) "Though we walk in the flesh," wrote the apostle Paul, "we do not wage warfare according to what we are in the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly." -2 Corinthians 10:3, 4. National anthems often express feelings of national pride or superiority.
This outlook has no Scriptural basis. In his speech on the Areopagus, the apostle Paul said: "{Jehovah God] made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth." (Acts 17:26) "God is not partial," stated the apostle Peter, "but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." -Acts 10:34, 35. Because of their understanding of the Bible, many make a personal decision to refrain from participating in the flag salute and in the singing of patriotic songs. But how do they conduct themselves when confronted with situations that being them face-to-face with these issues?
A national anthem is, in effect, a hymn or a prayer in behalf of a nation. It usually asks that the nation experience material prosperity and long duration. Should true Christians join in such prayerful sentiments?
The prophet Jeremiah lived among people who professed to serve God. Yet, Jehovah commanded him: "Do not pray in behalf of this people, neither raise in their behalf an entreating cry or a prayer not beseech me, for I shall not be listening to you." (Jeremiah 7:16; 11:14; 14:11) Why was Jeremiah given this command? Because their society was permeated with stealing, murdering the committing of adultery, false swearing and idolatry. -Jeremiah 7:9.
Jesus Christ set a precedent when he said: "I make request, not concerning the world, but concerning those you have given me." (John 17:9) The Scriptures say that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" and "is passing away." (1 John 2:17; 5:19) How, then, can true Christians conscientiously pray for the prosperity and longevity of such a system? Of course, not all national anthems include petitions to God. "The sentiments of national anthems vary," says the Encyclopedia Britannica, "from prayers for the monarch to allusions to nationally important battles or uprisings . . .to expressions of patriotic feeling." But can those who seek to please God actually exult over the wars and revolutions of any nation? Concerning true worshiper, Isaiah foretold: 'They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears." (Isaiah 2:4) "Though we walk in the flesh," wrote the apostle Paul, "we do not wage warfare according to what we are in the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly." -2 Corinthians 10:3, 4. National anthems often express feelings of national pride or superiority.
This outlook has no Scriptural basis. In his speech on the Areopagus, the apostle Paul said: "{Jehovah God] made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth." (Acts 17:26) "God is not partial," stated the apostle Peter, "but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." -Acts 10:34, 35. Because of their understanding of the Bible, many make a personal decision to refrain from participating in the flag salute and in the singing of patriotic songs. But how do they conduct themselves when confronted with situations that being them face-to-face with these issues?
Next time: Refrain Respectfully
Watchtower, 2002
Conclusion of "You Must Not Bow Down to Them"
Consider also the figure of a copper serpent that the prophet Moses made during the sojourn of the Israelites in the wilderness. That figure, or image, served as a symbol and had prophetic significance. (Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14, 15) It was not adored or used for worship. Centuries after Moses' day, however, the Israelites improperly began worshiping that same image,even burning incense to it. Hence, Judean King Hezekiah had it crushed to pieces. -2 Kings 18:1-4.
Are national flags simply signs serving some utilitarian function? What do they symbolize? "Nationalism's chief symbol of faith and central object of worship is the flag," stated author J. Paul Williams. The Encyclopedia Americana says: "The flag, like the cross is sacred." The flag is the symbol of the State. Therefore, bowing down to it or saluting it is a religious ceremony that give reverence to the State. Such an act ascribes salvation to the State and doe not harmonize with what the Bible says about idolatry.
The Scriptures clearly state: "Salvation belongs to Jehovah." (Psalm 3:8) Salvation is not to be ascribed to human institution or their symbols. The apostle Paul admonished fellow Christians: "My beloved ones, flee from idolatry." (1 Corinthians 10:14) The early Christians did not participate in acts of worship of the State. In the book Those About to Die, Daniel P. Mannix observes: "Christians refused to . . .sacrifice to the [Roman] emperor's genius-roughly equivalent today to refusing to salute the flag." So it is with true Christians today. In order to render Jehovah exclusive devotion, they refrain from saluting the flag of any nation. By doing so, they put God first while maintaining respect for governments and their rulers. Indeed, they recognized their responsibility to be in subjection to the governmental "superior authorities." (Romans 13:1-7) What, though, is the Scriptural view of singing patriotic songs such as the national anthems?
Next time: What Are National Anthems?
Watchtower, 2002
"You Must Not Bow Down to Them"
At times, saluting a national flag becomes a popular expression of patriotic feelings. But flags often bear representations of things in the heavens, such as stars, as well as things on the earth. God expressed his view of bowing down to such objects when he commanded his people: "You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, (meaning, do not stand or put you hand over your heart) because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion." -Exodus 20:4, 5.
Does saluting or kneeling before a flag representing the State really go against giving Jehovah God exclusive devotion? The ancient Israelites did have "signs," or standards, around which their three-tribe divisions gathered around while in the wilderness. (Numbers 2:1, 2) Commenting on the Hebrew words denoting such standards, McClintock and Strong's Cyclopedia says: "Neither of them, however, expresses the idea which 'standard' conveys to our minds, viz. A flag." Furthermore, Israel's standards were not viewed as sacred, nor were any ceremonies associated with their use. They simply served the practical purpose of signs, showing the people where to gather.
The representations of cherubs in the tabernacle and in Solomon's temple primarily served as a picture of the heavenly cherubs. (Exodus 25:18; 26:1, 31, 33; 1Kings6:23, 28, 29; Hebrews 9:23, 24) That these artistic likenesses were not to be venerated is evident from the fact that the people in general never saw them and that the angels themselves are not to be worshiped. -Colossians 2:18; Revelation 19:10; 22:8, 9.
Next time: Conclusion of"You Must Not Bow Down to Them"
Watchtower, 2002
AT TIMES, of national crisis and international tension, people look to their government for safety and security. Governments for their part step up programs designed to rally the support of the populace. The more the feeling of patriotism is fostered by such programs, the more spirited and frequent become the observances of patriotic ceremonies.
During a national emergency, patriotic fervor often gives people a sense of unity and strengthen and may promote a spirit of cooperation and civic-mindedness among them. However, "patriotism is as volatile as any emotion," states an article in the New York Times Magazine, since "once released, it can assume ugly forms." Expressions of it may take a turn that can encroach on the civil liberties and religious freedom of certain citizens of the country. True Christians particularly come under pressure to compromise their beliefs. How do they conduct themselves when such an atmosphere engulfs the world around them? What Scriptural principles help them to act with insight and to maintain integrity to God?
Next time: "You Must Not Bow Down to Them"
Watchtower, 2002
Continue Practicing What You Have Learned
Those who practice what they have learned from God's Word reap numerous benefits. The disciple James wrote: "He who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it, this man, because he has become, not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, will be happy in his doing it." (James 1:25) Yes, if we act in accord with the Scriptural things that we learn, we will have genuine happiness and will be better able to cope with life's pressures. Mose of all, we will have Jehovah's blessing and the prospect of everlasting life! -Proverbs 10:22; 1 Timothy 6:6)
By all means, then, continue to apply yourself to the study of God's Word. Regularly assemble with worshipers of Jehovah, and pay attention to the material presented at Christian meetings. Apply what you learn, keep practicing it, and "the God of peace will be with you." -Philippians 4:9.
Watchtower, 2002
Positive Results of Practicing the Truth
Practicing what we learn through personal Bible study and Christians meetings will bring many benefits. For example, we might find that our relationships with those related to us in the faith improve. (Galatians 6:10) Our own disposition will change for the better when we apply Bible principles. (Psalm 19:8) Moreover, by practicing what we learn, we 'adorn the teaching of God' and are likely to attract others to true worship. -Titus 2:6-10.
Among Jehovah's Witnesses are many young people who practice what they have learned through personal study of the Bible and Christian publications as well as by regular presence at congregation meetings. Their fine conduct is a powerful witness to teachers and fellow students at school. (1 Peter 2:12) Consider Leslie, a 13-year old girl in the United States. she admits that she used to find it hard to speak to schoolmates about her faith, but one day that changed. "The class talked about how people try to sell you things. One girl raised her hand and mentioned Jehovah's Witnesses." As a Witness, how did Leslie react? "I defended my faith," she says, "which I'm sure surprised everyone, since I am usually so quiet in school." The result of Leslie's boldness? "I was able to place a brochure and a tract with a student, since she had other questions," Leslie says. How Jehovah must rejoice when young ones who practice what they have learned muster up courage to witness at school! -Proverbs 27:11; Hebrews 6:10.
Another example is that of Elizabeth. Beginning at age seven and throughout her years in elementary school, this young girl invited her teachers to the Kingdom Hall whenever she had an assignment in the Theocratic ministry School. If a teacher could not attend, Elizabeth stayed after school and presented the talk to the teacher. In her last year of high school, Elizabeth wrote a ten-page report on the benefits of the Theocratic Ministry School and made a presentation before a panel of four teachers. She was also invited to give a model Theocratic Ministry School talk, for which she chose the subject "Why Does God Permit Wickedness? Elizabeth has benefited from the educational program carried on by Jehovah's Witnesses in the Theocratic Ministry School. She is just one of many young Christians who bring praise to Jehovah by practicing the things they have learned from his Word.
The Bible admonishes Christians to conduct themselves honestly in all things. (Hebrews 13:18) Dishonesty can ruin our relationship with others and, more important, with Jehovah himself. (Proverbs 12:22) Our trustworthy conduct gives evidence that we are practicing the things we have learned, and it has caused many to have greater respect for Jehovah's Witnesses.
Consider the experience of a military man named Phillip. He misplaced a blank signed check and did not realize this until it was returned to him in the mail. The check was found by one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and a note attached to it said that the finder's religious beliefs had motivated the return. Phillip was stunned. "They could have cleaned me out for $9,000!" He said. He had been disappointed on another occasion when his hat was stolen in church. Apparently, an acquaintance had taken his hat, whereas a stranger had returned a check worth thousands of dollars! Truly, honest Christians bring honor to Jehovah God!
Next time: Continue Practicing What You Have Learned
Watchtower, 2002
Conclusion of Reject "False Stories"
In this regard, Paul wrote: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith." (2 Corinthians 13:5) The apostle urged us to keep testing ourselves to determine whether we are adhering to the body of the Christian beliefs. If our ears are inclined toward disgruntled ones, we need to analyze ourselves prayerfully. (Psalm 139:23, 24) Are we inclined to find fault with Jehovah's people? If so, why? Have we been hurt by he words or actions of someone? If so, are we keeping things in proper perspective? Any tribulation we face in this system of things is temporary. (2 Corinthians 4:17) Even if we experience some trial in the congregation, why should we quit serving God? If we are upset over something, is it not far better to do what we can to resolve the matter and then leave it in Jehovah's hands? -Psalm4:4; Proverbs 3:5, 6; Ephesians 4:26.
Rather than being critical, let us maintain a spiritually healthy view of the information received through personal study and congregation meetings. (1 Corinthians 2:14, 15) And instead of questioning God's Word, how much wiser it is to have the attitude of the first-century Beroeans who examined the Scriptures closely! (Acts 17:10, 11) Then, let us act on what we learn, turning down false stories and clinging to the truth.
There is another type of false story that we need to be on guard against. A great many sensational tales circulate, often by means of E-mail. It is wise to be cautious about such tales, especially if we do not know the original source of the information. Even if an experience or story was sent by a reputable Christian, that individual may not have first-hand knowledge of the facts. That is why it is important to be cautious about repeating or forwarding unverified accounts. We surely would not want to repeat "godless myths," or "false stories which violate what is holy." (1 Timothy 4:7; New International Version) Since we also have an obligation to speak truthfully to one another, we are acting wisely by avoiding anything that would cause us even unwittingly to spread untruths. - Ephesians 4:25.
Next time: Positive Results of Practicing the Truth
Watchtower, 2002
Reject "False Stories"
Satan tries to break our integrity through the sowing of doubts about what we have been taught. Today, as in the first century, apostates and others seek to destroy the faith of guileless ones. (Galatians 2:4; 5:7, 8) Sometimes they use the media to spread distorted information or even outright lies about the methods and motives of Jehovah's people. Paul warned that some would be turned away from the truth. "There will be a period of time," he wrote, "when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories ." -2Timothy 4:3, 4.
Instead of holding to the pattern of healthful words, some were intrigued by "false stories." What were these false stories? Perhaps Paul had in mind fanciful legends, such as those found in the apocryphal book of Tobit. False stories may also have included sensational and speculative rumors. Then, too, some-"in accord with their own desires" -may have been intellectually seduced by those who endorsed a permissive view of God's standards or who were critical of those taking the lead in the congregation. (2 John 9, 10; Jude 4) Whatever stumbling blocks were involved, some evidently preferred falsehoods over the truths of God's Word. Soon they stopped practicing the things they had learned, and this was to their own spiritual detriment. - Peter 3:15, 16.
We can avoid turning aside to false stories today if we scrutinize and are selective about what we listen to and what we read. For example, the media often promote immorality . May people encourage agnosticism or outright atheism. Higher critics ridicule the Bible's claim to divine inspiration. And modern-day apostates keep on trying to sow seeds of doubt in order to subvert the faith of Christians. Regarding a comparable danger posed by false prophets in the first century, the apostle John warned: "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expression to see whether they originate with God, because may false prophets have gone forth into the world." (1 John 4:1) So we need to be careful.
Next time: Conclusion of Reject "False Stories"
Watchtower, 2002
Hold to "the Pattern of Healthful Words"
One aspect of practicing what we have learned entails loyally upholding true worship, despite opposition from unbelievers. Endurance calls for effort. "If anyone wants to come after me," said Jesus, "let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and continually follow me." (Matthew 16:24) Jesus did not say that we should follow him for only a week, a month, or a year. Rather, he said: "Continually follow me." His words indicate that our discipleship cannot be a mere phrase of our life or a passing devotion that is here today and gone tomorrow. Loyally upholding true worship means that we faithfully endure in the course we have chosen, come what may. How can we do that?
Paul urged his coworker Timothy: "Keep holding the pattern of healthful words that you heard from me with the faith and love that are in connection with Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 1:13) What did Paul mean? The Greek word here rendered "pattern" literally refers to an artist's sketch. Although not overly detailed, such a representation has well defined boundaries so that a discerning viewer can perceive the overall picture. Similarly, the pattern of truth that Paul taught Timothy and others was not designed to give a specific answer to every conceivable question. Yet, this body of teaching provides sufficient guidance-an outline, as it were-so that honesthearted ones can perceive what Jehovah requires of them. To please God, of course, they would need to keep holding to that pattern of truth by practicing what they have learned.
In the first century, such individuals as Hymenaeus, Alexander, and Philetus were advocating ideas that did not fit "the pattern of healthful words." (1Timothy 1:18, 20; 2 Timothy 2:16, 17) How could the early Christians avoid being led astray by apostates? By carefully studying the inspired writings and applying them in life. Those walking in accord with the example they had in Paul and other faithful ones were able to recognize and reject anything that did not conform to the pattern of truth they had been taught. (Philippians 3:17; Hebrews 5:14) Instead of being "mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words," they continued moving ahead in their positive course of godly devotion. (1 Timothy 6:3-6) We do the same thing when we keep putting into practice the truths we have learned. How faith-strengthening it is to see that the millions serving Jehovah throughout the earth are maintaining a firm hold on the pattern of Bible truth they have been taught. -1Thessalonians 1:2-5.
Next time: Reject "False Stories"
Watchtower, 2002
RELIGION is Gaining Ground, but Morality is Losing Ground." This headline in the newsletter Emerging Trends summarized the results of a nationwide poll in the United States. Evidently, that country has seen an increase in the number of people who attend church and say that religion holds and important place in their life. However, the report says: "Despite these impressive figures, many Americans clearly question the impact religious faith is having on individual lives and society as a whole."
This situation is not unique to just one country. Throughout the world, many people who say that they accept the Bible and are religious are not letting the Scriptures exert any real influence in their life. (2 Timothy 3:5) "We still hold the Bible in high regard," stated the head of our research group," but in terms of actually spending time reading it, studying it and applying it-that is a thing of the past." With genuine Christians, however, the situation is different. The application of counsel from God's Word has brought about changes in their thinking and conduct. And their new personality that they display is readily noted by others. (Colossians 3:5-10) For followers of Jesus,the Bible is not an unused book that gathers dust on a shelf. On the contrary, the apostle Paul told Christians in Philippi: "The things that you learned as well as accepted and heard and saw in connection with me, practice these; and the God of peace will be with you." (Philippians 4:9) Christians do more than accept the truth of God's Word. They act on what they learn, continually, on the job, in the congregation and in all other areas of life.
Putting God's laws and principles into practice is not easy. We live in a world that is under the power of Satan the Devil, whom the Bible calls "the god of this system of things." (2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 5:19) Therefore, it is essential to be on guard against anything that would hinder us from pursuing a career of integrity to Jehovah God. How can we be integrity keepers?
Next time: Hold to "the Pattern of Healthful Words"
Fully Benefit From Personal Study
We benefit greatly from 'paying more than the usual attention' during periods of personal study and meditation. Reading and pondering over the Bible and Christian publications will furnish us precious opportunities to embed the truths of God's Word in our heart, This, in turn, will have a profound effect on the way we think and act. Indeed,it will help us to find delight in doing Jehovah's will. (Psalm 1:2; 40:8) Therefore, we need to develop our powers of concentration so that they serve us well when we study. It is so easy to be distracted! Minor interruptions-a phone call or a noise may cause us to lose focus. Or we may have a short attention span to begin with. We may sit down with good intentions of feeding spiritually, but before long the mind may,in effect, be grazing in other pastures. How can we "pay more than the usual attention" during personal study of God's Word?
It is beneficial to make a schedule and choose a setting most conductive to study. For most of us, time and privacy are rare commodities . We may feel as if the rushy of daily events is sweeping us along like a twig in a swift stream. Really, we need to fight the current, as it were, and seek a small island of calm. We cannot simply wait for an opportunity to study to present itself. Instead, we need to take comfort of the situation by making time for personal study. (Ephesians 5:15, 16) Some set aside a brief period in the morning when there may be less distraction. Others find that the evening affords a better opportunity. The point is that we must not ignore the vital need to take in accurate knowledge of God and his Son. (John 17:3) Let us therefore schedule time for personal study and then stick to that schedule.
Meditation-the process of pondering over what we have learned through study-is invaluable. It help us to get God's thoughts off the printed page and into our heart. Meditation helps us to see how to apply Bible counsel so that we become "doers of the word and not hearers only." (James 1:22-25) Moreover, meditation helps us to draw ever closer to Jehovah, for it enables us to reflect on his qualities and how they are highlighted in the material being considered during periods of study.
To benefit fully from study and meditation, we must keep the mind clear of distractions. In order to make room for new information when we meditate, we need to shut out the distractions of present-day living. Doing this takes time and solitude, yet, how refreshing it is to partake of the spiritual food and the waters of truth found in God's Word!
What if our attention span to short and our mind starts to wander after a brief period if study? Some have found that they can increase their powers of concentration while studying by starting out with shorter periods of study and gradually lengthening them. Our goal should be to linger in study rather than to rush through it. We need to cultivate an avid interest in the subject under consideration. And we can do further research using the vast amount of material provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. There is great value in peering into "the deep things of God." (1 Corinthians 2:10) Doing so enables us to enhance our knowledge of God and to develop our perceptive powers. (Hebrews 5:14) If we are diligent students of God's Word, we will also be "adequately qualified to teach others." -2 Timothy 2:2.
Attending Christian meetings and engaging in personal study will go a long way in helping us to develop and maintain an intimate relationship with Jehovah. Evidently, that was the case with the psalmist who said to God: "How do I love your law! All day long it is my concern." (Psalm 119:97) By all means, then, let us regularly attend meetings , assemblies and conventions. And may we buy out time for Bible study and meditation. We will be richly awarded for thus paying "more than the usual attention" to God's Word.
Watchtower, 2002
Improving Our Concentration at Meetings
At times, paying attention at Christian meetings is a challenge. The mind can easily be distracted, perhaps by a crying infant or a latecomer looking for a seat. After a long day's work, we may simply be tired. The one who is speaking from the platform might not be the most captivating speaker, and before we realize it, we are daydreaming-maybe even dozing! In view of the vital information being presented, we could do well to improve our powers of concentration at congregation meetings. But how can we do this?
It is usually easier to pay attention at meetings if we are well prepared. So, then, why not set aside time to give some advance thought to the material that will be considered? It takes just a few minutes each day to read and meditate on a portion of the assigned chapters for the week's Bible reading. With some planning, we can also find time to prepare for the Congregation Book Study and the Watchtower Study. Whatever schedule we choose, one thing is certain: Preparation will help us to pay attention to the material being considered at congregation meetings.
In addition to being well prepared, some find that they are more attentive at meetings when they sit close to the front of the Kingdom Hall. Maintaining eye contact with the speaker, following along in the Bible when a scripture is read, and taking notes are other ways to keep out mind from wandering. However, having a prepared heart is far more important than any particular concentration technique. We need to appreciate the purpose of our gathering together. We meet with fellow believers primarily to worship Jehovah. (Psalm 26:12; Luke 2:36, 37) Furthermore, they provide us with opportunities to 'incite one another to love and fine works.' -Hebrews 10:24, 25.
Some may tend to gauge the quality of meeting by the teaching abilities of the participants. If the speakers are very capable, it may be called a good meeting. But if effective teaching seems to be lacking, we might take an opposite view. It is true that those on the program should do their utmost to employ the art of teaching and especially to reach hearts. (1Timothy 4:16) Yet, we who are listening should not be unduly critical. Though the teaching ability of participants is important, it is not the sole factor contributing to a meeting's success. Do you not agree that our prime concern should be, now how well the speaker delivers his talk, but how well we incline our ear? When we attend meetings and pay attention to what is being presented, we are worshiping God in harmony with his will. That is what makes the meeting a success. If we are eager to take in the knowledge of God, we will benefit from meetings, regardless of a speaker's abilities. (Proverbs 2:1-5) By all means, then, let us be determined to "pay more than the usual attention " at our meetings.
Next time: Fully Benefit From Personal Study
Watchtower, 2002
Paying "More Than the Usual Attention" Today
Like first-century Christians, we need to "pay more attention" to the truths of God's Word. Why? Because we too face an impending destruction, not of just one nation, but of an entire system of things. (Revelation 11:18; 16:14, 16) Of course, we do not know the precise day and hour when Jehovah will take this action. (Matthew 24:36) Nevertheless, we are eyewitnesses to the fulfillment of Bible prophecies that clearly indicate that we are living in "the last days." ( 2 Timothy 3:1-5) Hence, we should be on guard against anythings that could distract us. We need to pay attention to God's Word and maintain a keen sense of urgency. Only by doing so will we "succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur." -Luke 21:36.
In these momentous times, how can we show that we are paying "more than the usual attention" to spiritual things? One way is to be regular in our attendance at Christian meetings, assemblies and conventions. We should also be ardent students of the Bible so that we can draw close to its Author, Jehovah. (James 4:8) If we take in knowledge of Jehovah through personal study and meetings we will be like he psalmist who said to God: "Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway." -Psalm 119:105.
The Bible serves as 'a light to our roadway' when it tells us God's purposes for the future. It is also 'a lamp to our foot.' In other words, it can help us with our next step when we face the trialsome problems of life. that is why it is vital that we "pay more than the usual attention" when we gather for instruction with fellow believers and when we personally read God's Word. The information we take in will help us to make wise and beneficial decisions that please Jehovah and make his heart rejoice. (Proverbs 27:11; Isaiah 48:17) How can we increase our attention span at meetings and during periods of personal study so that we get the most benefit from God's spiritual provisions?
Next time: Improving Our Concentration at Meetings
Watchtower, 2002
They Needed to Pay Closer Attention
Why might a Christian have been tempted to return to Judaism? Well the system of worship under the Law involved tangible things. People could see the priests and smell the burning sacrifices. In certain respects, however, Christianity was quite different. Christians was quit. Christians had a High Priest, Jesus Christ, but he had not been seen on earth for three decades. (Hebrews 4:14) They had a temple, but its holy place was heaven itself. (Hebrews 9:24) Unlike physical circumcision under the Law, Christian circumcision was "that of the heart by spirit." (Romans 2:29) To the Hebrews Christians, therefore, Christianity may have begun to seem rather abstract in nature.
The Hebrew Christians about to realize something very significant about the system of worship instituted by Christ. It was based more on faith than on sight, yet, it was superior to the Law handed down through the prophet Moses. "If the blood of goats and of bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who have been defiled sanctifies to the extent of cleanness of the flesh," Paul wrote, "how much more will the blood of the Christ, who through an everlasting spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works that we may render sacred service to the living God?" (Hebrews 9:13, 14) Yet, the forgiveness available through faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ is greatly superior in many ways to that provided by the sacrifices offered under the Law. -Hebrews 7:26-28.
There was another reason why the Hebrew Christians needed to pay strict attention to the things heard about Jesus. He had foretold that Jerusalem would be destroyed. Said Jesus: "The days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification with pointed stakes and will encircle you and distress you from every side, and they will dash you and your children within you to the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon a stone in you, because you did not discern the time of your being inspected." -Luke 19:43, 44.
When would this happen? Jesus did not reveal the day and hour. Rather, he gave this instruction: "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near. Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw, and let those in the country places not enter into her." (Luke 21:20, 21) During the 30 years after Jesus spoke those words, some Christians in Jerusalem lost their sense of urgency and became distracted. They took their eyes off the road, as it were. If they did not adjust their thinking, disaster was certain. Whether they thought so or not, Jerusalem's destruction was imminent! Hopefully, Paul's admonition provided a wake-up call to spiritually slumbering Christians in Jerusalem.
Next time: Paying "More Than the Usual Attention" Today
Watchtower, 2002
AUTO accidents claim the lives of some 37,000 people each year in the United States alone. Experts say that many of these deaths could be avoided if drivers paid more attention to the road. Some motorists are distracted by signs and billboards or by the use of their cell phone. There are also those who indulge in what has been called dashboard dining-eating while they drive. In all these situations, distractions can lead to disaster.
Nearly 2,000 years before the automobile was invented, the apostle Paul identified a type of distraction that was proving disastrous to some Hebrew Christians. Paul emphasized that the resurrected Jesus Christ was given a position superior to all the angels, for he was seated at God's right hand. the apostle then stated: "That is why it is necessary for us to pay more than the usual attention to the things heard by us, that we may never drift away." -Hebrews 2:1.
Why did the Hebrew Christians need to "pay more than the usual attention to the things heard" concerning Jesus? Because almost 30 years had passed since Jesus had left the earthly scene. In the absence of their Master, some Hebrew Christians were starting to drift away from the true faith. They were being distracted by Judaism, their former way of worship.
Next time: They Needed to Pay Closer Attention
Watchtower, 2002
How Can True Saints Help You?
Blessings Under Kingdom Rule
The Kingdom government will soon take action to rid the earth of all wickedness and suffering. At that time, humans will draw closer to God than ever before. John wrote: "With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: 'Look! the tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them' " This will bring untold blessings to mankind, for the prophecy continues: "He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." -Revelation 21:3, 4.
What a time that will be! The results of the perfect rulership of Christ Jesus and the 144,000 holy ones are further described in these words recorded at Micah 4:3, 4. "[Jehovah] will certainly render judgment among many peoples, and set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation. And they will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making them tremble; for the very mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken it."
The invitation to partake of such blessings is held out by the holy ones. Symbolized by a bride, the true saints keep on saying: "Come!" The text continues: "And let anyone hearing say: 'Come!' And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life's water free." (Revelation 22:17) What is included in "life's water"? Among other things, accurate knowledge of God's purposes. In prayer to God, Jesus said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John17:3) This knowledge is available through regular study of the Bible. How happy we can be that through God's Word we can discern the true identity of the holy ones and learn how he will use them to the eternal benefit of mankind!
Watchtower, 2002
How Can True Saints Help You?
The Role of the Holy Ones
The holy ones to whom Paul's letters were written died centuries ago and, in time, were to receive "the crown of life," a resurrection to heaven. (Revelation 2:10) Worshipers of Jehovah God realize that veneration of these true saints is unscriptural and cannot bring protection from sickness, natural disasters, economic instability, old age or death. Hence, you might ask, 'Do God's holy ones really care about us? Should we expect them to act in our behalf?"
Holy ones figured prominently in a prophecy recorded by Daniel. In the sixth century B.C.E., he saw a stirring vision, the fulfillment of which stretches into our day. Out of the sea came four fearsome beasts symbolizing human governments, which are unable to satisfy the real needs of humankind. Daniel then prophesied: "But the holy ones of the Supreme One will receive the kingdom, and they will take possession of the kingdom for time indefinite, even for time indefinite upon times indefinite." -Daniel 7:17, 18.
Paul affirmed this "inheritance for the holy ones," that of being joint heirs with Christ in the heavens. (Ephesians 1:18-21) The blood of Jesus opened the way for 144,000 holy ones to be resurrected to heavenly glory. The apostle John declared: "Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years." (Revelation 20:4, 6; 14:1, 3) In vision, John heard a host of heavenly creatures sing before the glorified Jesus: "With your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth." (Revelation 5:9, 10) How reassuring! Jehovah God himself has carefully chosen these men and women. Moreover, they have served faithfully on earth, facing practically every problem experienced by humans. (1 Corinthians 10:13) We can be confident, therefore, that these resurrected holy ones, or saints, will be merciful and understanding rulers, taking into account our weaknesses and limitations.
Next time: Blessings Under Kingdom Rule
Watchtower, 2002
How Can True Saints Help You?
Invocation and Intercession of Saints
In the belief that "saints" can bestow special power on believers, millions venerate them by using relics or by invoking them as intercessors. Is this a Bible teaching? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his followers how to approach God, saying: "You 'Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.' " (Matthew 6:9) Prayers are properly addressed to Jehovah God alone.
In an effort to support the intercession of "saint," some theologians cite Romans 15:30, where we read: "I exhort you, brothers, through our Lord Jesus Christ and through the love of the spirit, that you exert yourselves with me in prayers to God for me." Was Paul encouraging those believers to pray to Him or invoke his name in approach to God? No. While prayers offered in behalf of the truth saints, or holy ones, are encouraged in the Bible, nowhere does God command us to pray to or through such holy ones. -Philippians 1:1,3, 4.
However, God has appointed an Intercessor for our prayers. "I am the way and the truth and the life," said Jesus Christ. "No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus also stated: "Whatever it is that you ask in my name, I will do this,in order that the Father may be glorified in connection with the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it." (John 14:6, 13, 14) We can be confident of Jehovah's willingness to hear prayers offered in Jesus' name. Concerning Jesus, the Bible says: "He is able also to save completely those who are approaching God through him, because he is always alive to plead ["be interceding,"] for them." -Hebrews 7:25.
If Jesus is willing to intercede in our behalf, why are "saints"often invoked in prayer by worshipers in Christendom? In his book The Age of Faith, historian Will Durant traces the origin of this practice. While noting that Almighty God was feared and Jesus seemed more accessible, Durant states: "One hardly ventured to speak to [Jesus] face to face after so thoroughly ignoring His Beatitudes. It seemed wiser to lay one's prayers before a saint certified by canonization to be in heaven, and to beg his or her intercession with Christ." Are these concerns justified?
The Bible teaches us that through Jesus we can have "freeness of speech and an approach with confidence" in prayer to God. (Ephesians 3:11, 12) Almighty god is not too distant or removed from mankind to hear our prayers. The psalmist David confidently prayed: "O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come." (Psalm 65:2) Rather than transmitting power through the relics of deceased "saints," Jehovah pours out his holy spirit upon those asking for it in faith. Jesus reasoned: "If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! -Luke 11:13.
Next time: The Role of the Holy Ones
Watchtower, 2002
How Can True Saints Help You?
Sanctified by God
God's Word shows that a person is not made a saint by men or by organization. The Scriptures state: "[God] saved us and called us with a holy calling, not by reason of our works, but by reason of his own purpose and undeserved kindness." (2 Timothy 1:9) A holy one is sanctified by virtue of Jehovah's calling according to the undeserved kindness of God and in harmony with His purpose.
Holy ones of the Christian congregation are parties to "a new covenant." The shed blood of Jesus Christ validates this covenant and sanctifies its participants, (Hebrews 9:15; 10:29; 13:20, 24) Cleansed in God's eyes, they are a 'holy priesthood and offer of spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.' -1 Peter 2:5, 9.
Next time: Invocation and Intercession of Saints
Watchtower, 2002
The Modern Appeal of "Saints"
How Can True Saints Help You?
IN THE Scriptures, the Greek word rendered "saint" in some versions can be translated "holy one." To whom did the term apply? "In the plural, as used of believers," notes An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, "It designates all such and is not applied merely to persons of exceptional holiness, or to those who, having died, were characterized by exceptional acts of saintliness."
The apostle Paul therefore designated all early Christians as true saints,m or holy ones. For instance, he addressed a letter penned in the first century C.E. "to the congregation of God that is in Corinth, together with all the holy ones who are in all of [the Roman province of] Achaia." (2 Corinthians 1:1) Later, Paul wrote a letter "to all those who are in Rome as God's beloved ones, called to be saints." (Romans 1:7) These holy ones had obviously not yet died, nor had they because of outstanding virtue been set apart above the rest of the believers. On what basis were they distinguished as saints?
Next time: Sanctified by God
Watchtower, 2002
The Modern Appeal of "Saints"
THE humanitarian and charitable work of Catholic missionary Mother Teresa is looked upon by many as the essence of saintliness. Heroic figures exist among other religions. Perhaps none, however, are recognized officially as are those canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.
Pope John Paul II has canonized over 450 persons during his papal rule, more than the number canonized by all other popes of the 20th century combined. Why is there such enduring devotion to "saints," many of whom are little known among Catholics in general?
Notre Dame University theologian Lawrence Cunningham explains: "People are interested by the notion of sanctity in the world. Saints show the possibility of a heroic life, even today." In addition, it is held that "saints" have special access to God, making them effective intercessors for the living. When relics or bodily remains of a "saint," are found, these are venerated in the belief that power issues forth from them.
The Catechism of the council of Trent, published in the 16th century to reaffirm Catholic dogma, decreed: "We are justified in concluding, the to honour the saints 'who sleep in the Lord,' to invoke their intercession, and to venerate their sacred relics and ashes, far from diminishing, trends considering to increase the glory of God, in proportion as the Christian's hope is thus animated and fortified, and he himself excited to the imitation of their virtues," (The Catechism of the Council of Trent, 1905) True Christians certainly want to live virtuous lives, to approach God properly, and to receive divine help. (James 4:7, 8) According to God's Word, therefore, who qualify as genuine saints? And what role do they play?
Next time: How Can True Saints Help You
Watchtower, 2002
How To Improve Your Chances of Getting a Yes
Four factors come into play.
Honesty: First, you need to ask yourself honestly: 'Why do I really want to go? Is it primarily the activity that I enjoy, or is it that I want to fit in with my peers? Is it because someone that I'm attracted to will be there? Then be honest with your parents. They were young once, and they know you well. So they will likely discern your real motives anyhow. They'll appreciate your candor, and you'll benefit from their wisdom. (Proverbs 7:1, 2) On the other hand, if you're not honest, you undermine your credibility and lessen the chances that you'll hear a yes.
Timing: Don't pummel your parents with requests when they have just arrived home from work or when they are concentrating on other matters. Approach them when they are more relaxed. But don't wait unto the last minute and then try to pressure them for an answer. Your parents will not appreciate having to make a rushed decision. Ask early, and your parents will appreciate your consideration.
Content:Don't be vague. Explain exactly what you want to do. Parents feel uncomfortable with the answer "I don't know," especially when they've asked: "Who will be there?" "Will a responsible adult be present?" Or "When will the event end?"
Attitude: Don't view your parents as enemies. View them as part of your team-because all things considered, they are. If you view your parents as allies, you will be less likely to sound combative and they will be more likely to be cooperative. If they say no, respectively ask why. For example, if they say not to your going to a concert, try to determine the reason for their concern. Are they worried about the performer? the venue? the company you will keep? the price of admission? Avoid such statements as "You don't trust me," Everybody else is going." Or My friend's parents are letting them go!" Show your parents that you're mature enough to accept their decision and respect it. If you do, they will respect you. And next time, they may be more inclined to look for ways to say yes.
Next time: The Modern Appeal of "Saints"
Why Parents Might Say No
What, though, if your parents say no? That can be frustrating. However, understanding their point of view can help you cope with the restrictions. For example, they might say no for one or more of the following reasons.
Greater knowledge and experiences. If you had a choice, likely you would prefer to swim at a beach that is manned by lifeguards. Why? Because while you're in the water having fun, your awareness of danger is very limited. But the lifeguards have a better vantage point from which to spot hazards.
Similarly, because of their greater knowledge and experiences, your parents may be lifeguards on the beach, your parents' goal is, not to spoil your fun, but to help you avoid dangers that could rob you of enjoyment in life.
Love for you. Your parents have a strong desire to protect you. Love moves them to say yes when they can but no when they have to. When you ask their permission to so something, they ask themselves if they can grant the request and then live with the consequences. They will only say yes to themselves-and to you-if they are reasonably convinced that no harm will come to you.
A lack of information. Loving parents will err on the side of caution. If they don't understand what you are asking for or if they feel that vital facts are missing from your request, chances are they will say no.
Next time: How to Improve Your Chances of Getting a Yes
Awake! 2011
Conclusion of Young People Ask: Why Won't My Parents Let Me Have Fun?
What though,if you're invited to go out with friends but you aren't sure how your parents will react? When you are face with a decision, the Bible encourages you to consider the options you have, good and bad, and to weigh the consequences. (Deuteronomy 32:29; Proverbs 7:6-23) With regard to the invitation you've received from your friends, what options do you have?
Why You might consider this option: You want to impress your friends with how independent you are. You feel that you know better than your parents, or you have little respect fro their judgment. -Proverbs 15:5.
The consequences: Your friends will learn something about you-that you can be deceitful. if you'd deceive your parents, you might be willing to deceive your friends. If your parents find out, they'll feel hurt and betrayed and you'll likely be grounded! Disobeying your parents and going out anyhow is a foolish option. -Proverbs 12:15.
Why you might consider this option: You think about the offer an decide that the activity doesn't measure up to your principles of that some of those invited would not be good company. (1 Corinthians 15; Philippians 4:8) On the other hand, you might want to go but don't have the courage to ask your parents.
The consequences: If you don't go because you know it's a bad idea, you'll be more confident when answering your friends. But if you don't go simply because you lack the courage to ask your parents, you might end up sitting at home brooding, feeling that you're the only one who's not having fun.
You recognize
Why you might consider this option: your parents' authority over you and respect their judgment. (Colossians 3:20) You love your parents and don't want to hurt them by sneaking out behind their backs. (Proverbs 10:1) You also have a chance to present your case.
The consequences: Your parents feel that you love and respect them. And if they view your request as reasonable, they might say yes.
Next time: Why Parents Might Say No
Awake! 2011
Young People Ask: Whe Won't My Parents Let Me Have Fun
For Allison, a teenager in Australia, Monday morning at school is as stressful as it is predictable.
"Everyone talks about what they did on the weekend," she says. "They tells stories that sound so exciting, like about how many parties they went to and how many boys they kissed-even about running away from the police . . . It sounds so scary,but fun! They come home at five o'clock in the morning, and their parents don't care. I have to be in bed before they even start their night!
"Anyway, after telling me their weekend action stories, my classmates ask me what I did. And what did I do? I went to Christian meetings, I engaged in the ministry. I feel like I really missed out on a good time. (Yeah, the possibility of ending up in jail,or getting pregnant or both. That sound real exciting) So I usually just tell them that I did nothing. Then they ask why I didn't come with them.
Once Mondays are over, you 'd think it would be easier. But it's not, by Tuesday, everyone is talking about the upcoming weekend! I usually sit and just listen to them talk. I feel so left out!"
IS YOUR Monday morning at school similar? You might feel that there's a world of fun outside you door but that your parents have locked it tight-or as if you're at an amusement part but you're not allowed to get on any of the rides. Its not that you want to do everything your peers do. You'd just like to have fun once in a while! For example, which recreational activity would you most like to engage in this coming weekend?
music concert
You need recreation. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4) In fact, your Creator wants you to enjoy your youth. (Ecclesiastes 11:9) And although you may doubt it at times, your parents also want you to have fun. Likely, however, your parents will have two legitimate concerns: (1) What you will do and (2) who will accompany you.
Next time: Conclusion of Young People Ask Why Won't My Parents Let Me Have Fun
Awake! 2011
Conclusion of Bible Truth Set Them Free
Evelyn - was deeply involve in the occult in Estonia. Since Jesus cured people, she wanted to do the same. She especially wanted to help her chronically ill mother. Thus, in an effort to diagnose and treat serious illness, she learned how to use pendulums. In time, she examined the Bible. The result? 'I came to understand how deceived I had been," she said. "So I burned my spiritistic literature and pendulums." She now teaches the Bible's liberating truths to others.
Mary - grew up on one of the islands of Papua New Guinea, where people are afraid of the dead. When someone in her village died, Mary would sleep under another person's bed, fearing that the spirit of the deceased would harass her if she was alone. Then she learned from the Bible that the dead are asleep-they are in the grave, awaiting a resurrection to life in Paradise on earth. (Luke23:43; John 11:11-14) As a result, she no longer fears the dead.
Alicia - who was raised in a Christian home in the United States, took an interest in occult books and movies. Then she began to think seriously about the Bible truths she had learned. Realizing that she had, in reality, been trying to 'partake of the table of Jehovah and the table of demons,' she changed her ways and now has a clean conscience before God. -1 Corinthians 10:21.
Next time:Young People Ask Why Won't My Parents Let Me Have Fun?
Awake! 2011
Bible Truth Set Them Free
JESUS CHRIST said to a group of listeners: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) As the following examples show, that freedom includes freedom from the demons, the liars and deceivers behind the occult. -John 8:44.
Each of these experiences highlights the liberating power of Bible truth. Yes, it alone truly sets people free. Why not examine the Bible for yourself. You will not be disappointed.
Timothy-Who lives in West Africa is deaf and mute. Because regular doctors could not help him, he went to faith healers, but in vain. "My heart was broken by the deception," he wrote. Then Timothy studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, who explained to him God's purpose to remove all sickness and disabilities. Timothy said, "I eagerly await the day in God's new world when the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped . . . and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness.' " (Isaiah 35:1-6) In the meantime, he enjoys using a portable DVD player to share Bible truths with other people who are hearing impaired, helping them find true freedom.
Susanna - was a temple priestess in Brazil. She wanted to use here paranormal powers to help the needy. Additionally, she enjoyed "talking with her dead mother.' In time, however, her "mother pleaded with her to kill herself and live with her in the spirit world. This tormented Susanna and gave her nightmares. Then Susanna and her husband began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. They had a hard fight 'opposing the Devil,' but eventually he fled from them.' (James 4:7) Now they have peace, and Susanna no longer has nightmares. "I have so many things to thank Jehovah for," she wrote, "but I am most thankful that he led us out of spiritual darkness."
Next time: Conclusion of Bible Truth Set Them Free
Awake! 2011
A Sure Source of Guidance and Hope
UNLIKE the demons, Jehovah God is all-wise and all-powerful. He is also the very personification of love. (1 John 4:8) His advice is always good, he offers it free of charge, and he has our best interests at heart. What a contrast to the advice of clairvoyants and psychics! "Hey there, all you [spiritually] thirsty ones!" God says. "Come to the water. And the ones that have not money! Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk even without money and without price. Why do you people keep paying out money for what is not bread, and why is your toil for what results in no satisfaction? Listen intently to me, and eat what is good, and let your soul find its exquisite delight in fatness itself." -Isaiah 55:1, 2.
Because it was inspired by our loving Creator, the Bible give us hope, spiritual protection, purpose in life, and the very best principles to live by. Why not reflect for a moment on the following questions and the related passages taken from the Bible?
How can I find inner peace?
The Bible states: "This is what Jehovah has said, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel; 'I, Jehovah, am your God,the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.' " -Isaiah 48:17, 18.
Will evil always exist? "The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it." (Proverbs 2:21, 22) Yes, wicked humans, as well as the wicked angels, will be destroyed everlastingly, as if by fire. -Revelation 20:10, 14.
Will there be an end to sickness and suffering? "Look! the tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry be anymore. The former things [today's many problems] have passed away." -Revelation 21:3, 4.
Unlike the demons, God never lies. In fact, he "cannot lie." (Titus 1:2) Moreover, as the final article in this series will show, his truth is both liberating and life-giving. -John 8:32,; 17:3.
Next time:Bible Truth Set Them Free
Awake! 2011
Who Is Really Behind the Occult?
Principles That Protect
These are other things that we can do to protect ourselves from the demons. Consider the following Bible guidelines.
"Do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God." (1 John 4:1) Some statements made by astrologers, psychics, mediums and witch doctor may indeed be true. For example, the demonized girl in Philippi spoke the truth when she said about Paul and his companions: "These men are slaves to the Most High God, who are publishing to you the way of salvation." (Acts 16:17) Nevertheless, Paul and his companions did not accept her in their company. Instead, Paul ordered the evil spirit to come out of her. Test religious statement by comparing them with what the Bible says. -Acts 17:11.
"Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7) The demons are God's enemies and yours too. Do not even become curious about their dark ways. Instead, subject yourself to God by heeding his loving commandments, which are not burdensome. (1 John 5:3) For example, God said to the ancient nation of Israel: "There should not be found in you anyone who . . .employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah." (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) God's view has not changed. -Galatians 5:19, 20.
"There is no lucky spell against [Jehovah's servants]." (Numbers 23:23) All who want to please God need not fear the demons. Indeed. those wicked spirits "shudder" before God, aware of his overwhelming power, which he will eventually use to destroy them. (James 2:19) God will "show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him," and he 'will never allow the righteous one to tottter.' -2 Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 55:22.
"The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all." (Ecclesiastes 9:5) God's Word teaches that the dead are just that-dead! They should not be feared, for they can no longer harm anyone. (Isaiah 26:14) In order to deceive people, the demons sometimes masquerade as spirits of the dead, which may explain why people find that the "spirit of a formerly kind person may seem different from the person they knew.
"You cannot be partaking o"You cf 'the table of Jehovah' and the table of demons." (1 Corinthians 10:21, 22) All who truly love Jehovah will stay away from books, movies and computer games that are rooted in the occult or that promote occult practices and beliefs. I shall not set in front of my eyes any good-for-nothing thing." says Psalm 101:3. What is more, occult entertainment often glorifies violence and immorality, which "lovers of Jehovah" repudiate. -Psalm 97:10.
The demons have always tried to hide their true nature from humans. But they have not fully succeeded. By means of the Bible, Jehovah has exposed them for what they really are-malicious liars and vicious enemies of mankind. What a contrast to our Creator, Jehovah God! As the following article shows, he loves us, always tells the truth, and wants us to live happily forever. -John 3:16; 17:17.
Next time: A Sure Source of Guidance and Hope
Awake! 2011
Who Is Really Behind the Occult?
Shield Yourself!
Even though wicked spirits have superhuman powers, we can, with God's help, 'take our stand against them' and come off victorious. (1 Peter 5:9) In order to get that help, however, we need to learn God's requirements and act on them. Concerning the Christians in his day, the apostle Paul wrote: "We . . . have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the accurate knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension, in order to walk worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him." -Colossians 1:9, 10.
Those who gained that "accurate knowledge" included a number of people in the city of Ephesus who practiced occult arts. Note how a knowledge of the truth affected them. The Bible states: "Quite a number of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them up before everybody." The books, incidentally, were worth "fifty thousand pieces of silver," which was no small amount! (Acts 19:17-19) This courageous example was recorded for our benefit. -2 Timothy 3:16.
Next time: Principles That Protect
Awake! 2011
Who Is Really Behind the Occult?
Who Are the Demons?
Long before Jehovah formed humans, he created an untold number of intelligent spirit "sons of God" in heaven. (Job 38:4, 7) Like humans, they are free moral agents, and for a long time, they all remained loyal to God. But that happy situation came to an abrupt end. How so?
After God created humankind, one spirit creature began to covet something to which he was not entitled-worship. Using a serpent the way a ventriloquist might use a puppet, this wicked angel seduced the first woman, Eve, into disobeying her Creator. (Genesis 3:1-6) The Bible calls that rebellious angel "the original serpent,the one called Devil and Satan." (Revelation 12:9) Jesus described him as "a manslayer" Who "did not stand fast in the truth," adding: "When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition because he is a liar and the father of the lie." -John 8:44.
In time other spirit "sons of the true God" joined Satan in his rebellion. ( Genesis 6:1, 2) They are later referred to as "the angels that sinned" and "the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place," or their assigned place in heaven. ( 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6) They came to be called demons. (James 2:19) Moreover, they are determined to turn as many humans as possible away from true worship, as they did many Israelites in Bible times. (Deuteronomy 32:16, 17) Similarly today, as in the past, Satan and the demons cleverly employ religious lies. - 2 Corinthians 11:414, 15.
Next time: Shield Yourself!
Watchtower, 2011
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