
How To Improve Your Chances of Getting a Yes

Four factors come into play.

Honesty: First, you need to ask yourself honestly: 'Why do I really want to go? Is it primarily the activity that I enjoy, or is it that I want to fit in with my peers? Is it because someone that I'm attracted to will be there? Then be honest with your parents. They were young once, and they know you well. So they will likely discern your real motives anyhow. They'll appreciate your candor, and you'll benefit from their wisdom. (Proverbs 7:1, 2) On the other hand, if you're not honest, you undermine your credibility and lessen the chances that you'll hear a yes.

Timing: Don't pummel your parents with requests when they have just arrived home from work or when they are concentrating on other matters. Approach them when they are more relaxed. But don't wait unto the last minute and then try to pressure them for an answer. Your parents will not appreciate having to make a rushed decision. Ask early, and your parents will appreciate your consideration.

Content:Don't be vague. Explain exactly what you want to do. Parents feel uncomfortable with the answer "I don't know," especially when they've asked: "Who will be there?" "Will a responsible adult be present?" Or "When will the event end?"

Attitude: Don't view your parents as enemies. View them as part of your team-because all things considered, they are. If you view your parents as allies, you will be less likely to sound combative and they will be more likely to be cooperative. If they say no, respectively ask why. For example, if they say not to your going to a concert, try to determine the reason for their concern. Are they worried about the performer? the venue? the company you will keep? the price of admission? Avoid such statements as "You don't trust me," Everybody else is going." Or My friend's parents are letting them go!" Show your parents that you're mature enough to accept their decision and respect it. If you do, they will respect you. And next time, they may be more inclined to look for ways to say yes.

Next time: The Modern Appeal of "Saints"


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