
Young People Ask: Whe Won't My Parents Let Me Have Fun

For Allison, a teenager in Australia, Monday morning at school is as stressful as it is predictable.

"Everyone talks about what they did on the weekend," she says. "They tells stories that sound so exciting, like about how many parties they went to and how many boys they kissed-even about running away from the police . . . It sounds so scary,but fun! They come home at five o'clock in the morning, and their parents don't care. I have to be in bed before they even start their night!

"Anyway, after telling me their weekend action stories, my classmates ask me what I did. And what did I do? I went to Christian meetings, I engaged in the ministry. I feel like I really missed out on a good time. (Yeah, the possibility of ending up in jail,or getting pregnant or both. That sound real exciting) So I usually just tell them that I did nothing. Then they ask why I didn't come with them.

Once Mondays are over, you 'd think it would be easier. But it's not, by Tuesday, everyone is talking about the upcoming weekend! I usually sit and just listen to them talk. I feel so left out!"

IS YOUR Monday morning at school similar? You might feel that there's a world of fun outside you door but that your parents have locked it tight-or as if you're at an amusement part but you're not allowed to get on any of the rides. Its not that you want to do everything your peers do. You'd just like to have fun once in a while! For example, which recreational activity would you most like to engage in this coming weekend?

music concert

You need recreation. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4) In fact, your Creator wants you to enjoy your youth. (Ecclesiastes 11:9) And although you may doubt it at times, your parents also want you to have fun. Likely, however, your parents will have two legitimate concerns: (1) What you will do and (2) who will accompany you.

Next time: Conclusion of Young People Ask Why Won't My Parents Let Me Have Fun

Awake! 2011

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