

Yet, did you know that some months after the Israelites left Egypt in 1513 B.C.E., Moses begged the Creator: "Cause me to see, please, your glory."  (Exodus 33:18)  Remembering that God is the Source of even the sun,  you can understand why he told Moses:  "You are not able to see my face, because no man may see my face and yet live."    The Creator permitted Moses to take a hiding place on Mount Sinai while he "passed by."  Moses was then exposed to God's  "back," as it were, to some type of afterglow of the Creator's glory, or presence. -Exodus 33:20-23; John 1:18.

Moses' desire to get to know the Creator better did not go unsatisfied. Evidently speaking through an angel, God passed by Moses and declared:  "Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth, preserving  loving-kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin, but by no means will he give exemption from punishment."  (Exodus 34:6, 7)  This shows that getting to know our Creator better involves, not seeing a physical shape, but sensing in fuller measure what he is like, his personality and characteristics. 

On way we can do that is by discerning God's qualities from what he created.  Consider your immune system.  In an issue on immunity, Scientific American said:  "From before birth until death, the immune system is in a state of constant alert.  A diverse array of molecules and cells . . . protects us against the parasites and pathogens.  Without  those defenses, humans could not survive."  What is the Source of that system? And article in that magazine said:  "The marvelous array of deftly interacting cells that defend the body against microbial and viral invaders  arises from a few precursor cells that first appear about nine weeks after conception."  A pregnant woman passes some immunity to her developing fetus.  Later, via her breast milk, she also provides immune cells and beneficial chemicals for her baby.

You have good reason to conclude that your immune system surpasses  anything that modern medicine can provide.  Hence, ask yourself,  'What does this suggest about its Originator and Supplier?'   This system, which 'first appears about nine weeks after conception' and which is ready to protect a newborn, certainly reflects wisdom and forethought.  But could we discern even more about the Creator from this system? Schweitzer and others  who devoted their lives to providing medical care for  the underprivileged?  We usually ascribe good qualities to such com0passionate  humanitarians.  Comparably, what can we conclude about our Creator, who provides an immune system to rich and poor alike?  Clearly, he is loving, impartial, compassionate, and just. Is this not consistent with the description of the Creator that Moses  heard?

Next time: He Reveals What He Is Like

The Watchtower, 1999

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