
In Material Giving

The privilege of giving is one of the joys extended to Christians.  But need we limit  our giving to just one activity, say for example, engaging in field ministry?  (Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20)  Or could your thinking be broadened to include the physical needs and welfare of others?  Of course, all Christians appreciate that giving spiritually is of utmost importance.  (John 6:26, 27; Acts 1:8)  Yet, as important as giving spiritually is, giving materially is certainly not to be neglected. -James 2:15, 16.

As we contemplate the urgent needs of our spiritual brothers in our own congregation and the world over, we can see more fully what we can do to help them.  When those who are in a position to do so share generously with others, an equalizing takes place.  In this manner the needs of all of our brothers are cared for.  A Christian elder expressed it this way:  "If  a need arises in one part of the world will come to their aid.  If they are not in a position to help, then brothers somewhere else  will do so.  Thus the needs of our brothers worldwide are cared for.  The worldwide brotherhood is certainly marvelous." -2 Corinthians 8:13-15; 1 Peter 2:17.

One Christian sister who sincerely desired to attend one of the international conventions  held in Easter Europe was just not in a position to do so.  She heard, however, that the brothers there had a great need for Bibles, so she made a contribution for such Bibles through someone who attended.  Thus she experienced the happiness of giving, of sharing with her brothers in a foreign land. -Acts 20:35. 

Perhaps by widening out in your thinking you can make an even greater contribution to the ever-expanding worldwide Bible educational work, bringing joy to yourself and to others as well. -Deuteronomy 15:7; Proverbs 11:24; Philippians 4:14-19.

Next time: When Giving Counsel

The Watchtower, 1999

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