
Reasons to Believe

How did our universe get here? You may know from reports about space telescopes and probes that most scientists realize that our universe did not always exist.  It had a beginning, and it is expanding.  What does this imply?  Listen to astronomer Sir Bernard Lovell:  "If  at some point in the past, the Universe was once close to a singular state of infinitely small size and infinite density, we have to ask what was there before . . . We have to face the problem of a Beginning."

The makeup of the universe, including our earth reflects  amazing fine-tuning.  For example,  two remarkable qualities of our sun and other stars are long-term efficiency and stability.  Current estimates of the number of galaxies in the visible  universe range from 50 billion (50,000,000,000) to 125  billion.  And our Milky Way galaxy has billions upon billions of stars in it.  Now consider: We know that an automobile engine requires a critical ratio of fuel and air.  If  you own a car, you may hire a trained mechanic to tune its engine, so that your car will run smoother, more efficiently.  If such precision is important  with a mere engine, what of our efficiently "burning" sun, for example?  Clearly, the key forces involved are precisely tuned for life to exist on earth.  Did that  just happen?  Job of old was asked:  "Did you proclaim the rules that govern the heavens, or determine the laws of nature on earth?"  (Job 38:33< The New English Bible) No human did.  So from whence came the precision? -Psalm 19:1.

Might it be from some thing or some One that cannot be seen with human eyes?  Consider this  question in the light of modern science.  Most astronomers now accept that there are very powerful heavenly bodies - black holes.  These black holes cannot be seen, yet experts are convinced that they exist.  Comparably, the Bible reports that in another realm there exists powerful creatures. If such powerful, invisible beings exist, is it not plausible that the precision revealed throughout the universe originated with a powerful  intelligence? -Nehemiah 9:6.

A second line of evidence that can help people to acknowledge a Creator involves the origin of life.  Since the last time of experiments by Louis Pasteur, it has been accepted that life does not spring into existence out of nothing by spontaneous generation.  So how did early life originate? In the  1950's, scientists tried to prove that it could have developed slowly in some  early ocean  (Oh come on! Aren't scientists suppose to be smart? Get a clue! Who else could have made things and people so complicated, even they can't figure it all out. Only Jehovah God, He is the genius here.)  when a primitive atmosphere  was constantly being hit by lightning.  More recent evidence shows, however, that such an origin of terrestrial life is improbable because that sort of atmosphere never existed. Consequently, some scientists are searching for a less flawed explanation.  But  are they also missing the point?  (You bet your booties they are)

Next time: Conclusion of Reasons to Believe

The Watchtower, 1999

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