
Let the Creator Add Meaning

We have touched on just three areas: the precision seen in the vast universe, the origin of life on earth, and the undeniable uniqueness of the human brain, with its  varied capacities.  To what do these three point?  Here is a line of reasoning that you could use in helping others reach a conclusion.  you could first ask:  Did the universe have a beginning?  Most would agree that it did.  Then ask: Was that beginning without any cause or was it caused?   This leads to  the final question: Was the beginning caused by some thing eternal or by some One eternal?    With the issues thus presented clearly and logically, many can be led to conclude:  There must be a Creator!  That being so, should not meaning in our life be possible?

Our whole existence, including our sense of morality and the morality itself should be connected with the Creator. Dr. Rollo May once wrote:  "The only adequate structure for morality is that based upon the ultimate meaning of life."  Where is that to be found?  He continued:  "The ultimate structure is the nature of God.  The principles of God are the principles which underlie life from the beginning of creation to the end."

We can understand, then, why the psalmist was displaying both humility and wisdom when he begged the Creator:  "Make me know you own ways, O Jehovah; teach me your own paths. Make me walk in your truth and teach me, for you are my God of salvation."  (Psalm  25:4, 5) As he came to know the Creator better, the psalmist's life certainly would have had more meaning, purpose and direction.  The same can be so with each of us. -Exodus 33:13.

Coming to know the Creator's "own ways" includes coming to know even better what he is like, both his personality and his ways. But since  the Creator is invisible and awesomely powerful, how can we get to know him better?  The  next article will consider this. 


The Watchtower, 1999

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