
Finding Sure Protection From a Satanic Trap

AS THE  ancient Israelites were preparing to cross the Jordan River into the land that God had promised them, some visitors showed up. The visitors were foreign women who invited the men to a feast. It could have seemed like rare opportunity.  Making new friends, dancing, and eating a good meal could most appealing. Though the customs and morals of these people were not what God's Law directed to Israel, some Israelite men may have thought: 'We can handle. We will be careful.'

What happened? The inspired account tell us:  "The people started to commit sexual immorality with the daughters of Moab." Actually, the women wanted those Israelite men to worship false gods. And they did!  Understandably, "Jehovah became enraged with Israel." - NUMBERS 25:1-3.

Those Israeites broke God's Law in two ways.  They bowed down to idols, and they committed sexual immorality.  Thousands died for their disobedience.  (Exodus 20:4, 5, 14; Deuteronomy 13:6-9) What added to the pain of this tragedy?  The timing. Had the men not broken God's Law, those thousands of Israelites would soon have crossed the Jordan into the Prominent Land. - NUMBERS25:5, 9. 

Regarding those events, the apostle Paul wrote:"These these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the system of things have come.  ( 1 Corinthians 10:7-11)  No doubt Satan was delighted that some of those Israelites fell into serious sin and thereby were not qualified to enter the Promised Land.  How wise it would be for us to take that warning to heart, knowing that Satan would like nothing better than to prevent us from entering God's new world! 

Next time: Finding Sure Protection From a Satanic Trap -A DANGEROUS TRAP

From the jw.org publications

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