
"Look Out That No One Takes You Captive"! - SATAN'S TACTICS TODAY

Satan uses the same tactics today.  He captures people by appealing to natural desires, promoting sexual immorality, and blurring people's view of Jehovah.  Let us consider that last tactic first.

Satan blurs people's view of Jehovah.  After the death of Jesus' apostles, some who claimed to be Christians began to spread false teachings.  (Acts 20:29, 30; 2 Thessalonians 2:3)  These apostates started to blur the identity of the only true God.  For example, they stopped using the divine name in their copies of the Bible and preferred such expressions as "Lord."  By removing God's personal name and replacing it with "Lord," they made it difficult for a Bible reader to see how Jehovah is different from the other "lords" mentioned in the Scriptures.  (1 Corinthians 8:5) They used the same term, "Lord," for Jehovah and for Jesus, making it difficult to understand that Jehovah and his Son are different individuals with distinct positions.  (John 17:3)  This confusion contributed to the development of the doctrine of the Trinity-a doctrine not taught in God's Word.  As a result, many see God as mysterious and believe that we cannot know him.  What a lie! - acts 17:27. 

Satan appeals to immoral desires.  In the days of ancient Israel, Satan used false religions to promote immorality. Today, he does the same. False religion tolerates and even promotes immoral conduct. Consequently, many who claim to serve God have abandoned his clear standards of morality.  The apostle Paul describes in his letter to the Romans what has been the result.  (Read Romans 1:28-31.)  Among "the things not fitting" are all forms of sexual immorality, including homosexuality.  How important it is for us to stick to the Bible's clear teachings!

Satan appeals to natural desires.  We have a natural desire to learn skills that can help us provide for ourselves and for our families.  (1 Timothy 5:8)  Often, we can gain those skills by attending school and being diligent students.  But we must be cautious.  The educational system in many countries teaches students not only practical skills but also human philosophy.  Students are encouraged to question the existence of God and to disregard the Bible.  They are told that the theory of evolution is the only intelligent explanation for the origin of life. (Romans 1:21-23)  Such teachings are opposed to "the wisdom of God." - 1 CORINTHIANS 1:19-21; 3:18-20. 

Next time:  "Look Out That No One Takes You Captive"!  Conclusion of SATAN'S TACTICS TODAY

From the jw.org publications

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