

"When my father died in a traffic accident, I could not believe it at first." Antonio recalls. "It seemed so unfair-he was just an innocent pedestrian. But there was nothing I could do. He was in a coma for five days before he passed away.  Somehow, I kept myself from weeping in front of my mother, but I broke down when I was alone. "Why? Why?" I kept asking myself.

"During those dreadful days, I kept asking Jehovah to help me control my emotions and to give me peace. And I gradually felt calmer. I remembered that the Bible explains that 'unexpected events' can befall any one of us.  Since God cannot lie, I am convinced that I will see my father again in the resurrection." - ECCLESIASTES 9:11; JOHN 11:25; TITUS 1:2.

Robert, mentioned in the opening article, has similar thoughts. He says:  "My wife and I experienced the peace of mind spoken of at Philippians 4:6, 7. It cam to us through our prayers to Jehovah. This inner peace enabled us to speak to news reporters about our hope for the resurrection. Although the plane crash took the life of our son, we still have many happy memories of times shared together.  We try to concentrate on them.

"When fellow Witnesses told us that they had seen us explaining our faith calmly on television, we told them that doubtless it was thanks to so many prayers being offered in our behalf. I truly believe that Jehovah was supporting us by means of their countless messages of comfort."

As the foregoing examples show, God can provide comfort to people facing a wide range of problems and challenges. What about you?  No matter what trouble you may face in life, there is comfort available to help you through the hard times.  So why not turn to Jehovah for help?  He is "the God of all comfort." - 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3. 

Next time:Peace on Earth-How Will It Come? - The Bible's Answer

From the j.w.org publications

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