
Learn From the Parting Words of Faithful Men

 "Is not wisdom found among the aged, and does not understanding come with a long life?" - JOB 12:12.

All of us need guidance in making life's important decisions. We can obtain much of that guidance from elders and other mature Christians. If they are much older than we are, we should not automatically dismiss their advice as outdated. Jehovah wants us to learn from older ones. They have had more time than we have had to acquire experience, understanding, and wisdom. - JOB 12:12. 

In Bible times, Jehovah used faithful older ones to encourage and guide his people. Consider, for example, Moses, David, and the apostle John. They lived in different times, and their circumstances differed greatly. As they neared the end of their life, they gave wise advice to younger ones.  Each of these faithful older men emphasized the value of being obedient to God. Jehovah preserved their wise words for us today. Whether we are young or old, we can benefit by reviewing their counsel.  (Roman 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:16) In this article, we will consider the parting words of these three older men and the lessons we can draw from what they said.  


From the jw.org publications

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