
Right and Wrong: A Choice You Must Make - Conclusion

 Millions of people around the world have found that living by the Bible standards has improved their lives Why not learn more about the good advice that the Bible has to offer? You can begin by considering the Bible-based brochure Enjoy Life Forever! available free of charge on jw.org. It contains these lessons:

. How Can the Bible Help You? 

. The Bible Gives Hope

. Can You Trust the Bible? 

As you investigate God's Word, the Bible, you will discover that it is not out-of-date: it is "always reliable now and forever." (Psalm 111:8) Following the moral standards found in the Bible is the best way for us to live. However, God will force us to do so. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20; Joshua 24:15) It is a choice that each of us must make.

Next time: Brothers -A Miraculous Provision of Bread

From the jw.org publications 

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