

 What is the lesson for us? Obedience leads to life. Like the Israelites who were the threshold of the Promised Land, we are the verge of entering God's promised new world, where we will see the earth transform into a paradise. (Isaiah 35:1; Luke 23:43) The Devil and is demons will be gone. Revelation 20:2, 3) No longer will false religion lead people astray from Jehovah. (Revelation 17:16) No longer will human governments oppress those under their care. (Revelation 19:19, 20) Paradise will have no place for rebels. (Psalm 37:10, 11) People everywhere will obey Jehovah's righteous laws, which promote unity and peace. Thus, they will love and trust one another. (Isaiah 11:9) What a wonderful prospect! What is more, if we obey Jehovah, we can continue to live on a paradise earth not just for hundreds of years but for all eternity. - 2 PETER 37:29; JOHN 3:16.

If we keep God's promise of everlasting life closely in mind, we will want to stick to him no matter what trials we face. (Read Jude 20, 21.) That promise can also empower us to fight personal weaknesses. One longtime missionary in Africa who struggled with a persistent fleshly weakness said: "Realizing that my prospect of living forever was threatened made me all the more determined to fight the problem and to supplicate Jehovah fervently. With his help, I was then able to overcome it." 


From the jw.org publications

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