

 Here is a key lesson for us found in John chapter 6. Our primary focus should be on our spiritual needs. Recall that Jesus had made that point when rebuffing Satan's temptation. (Matthew4:3, 4) And in the Sermon on the Mount, he emphasized being conscious of one's spiritual need. (Matthew 5:3) Accordingly, we can ask ourselves, 'Does my way of life show that I put greater emphasizes on filling my way of my spiritual on satisfying my physical desires? '

It is appropriate for us to pray for our physical needs and to enjoy satisfying these. (Luke 11:3) Hard work that enables us "to eat and drink" brings joy and is "from the hand of the true God." (Ecclesiastes 2:24; 8:15; James 1:17) Still, we need to keep material things in their proper place. The apostle Paul highlighted this when writing to Christians living near the end of the Jewish system of things. He brought up events from Israel's past, including what happened near Mount Sinai. He warned Christians "not to desire injurious things, as [the Israelites] desired them." (Read 1 Corinthians 10:6, 7, 11.) The Israelites let their longing for food turn even Jehovah's miraculous provisions into "injurious things." (Numbers 11:4-6, 31-34) And in conjunction with a golden calf, they ate, drank, and had a good time. (Exodus 32:4-6) Paul cited their experience as a warning for Christians living before the end of the Jewish system of things in 70 C.E.  We now live near the end of a system of things, so we do well to take Paul's counsel seriously.

When speaking of "our bread for this day," Jesus pointed to the time when God will would be done "in heaven as on earth." (Matthew 6:9-11) What picture does that bring to your mind? The Bible indicates that God's will on earth includes good food. In line with Isaiah 25:6-8, There will be plenty of fine physical food to enjoy under Jehovah's Kingdom. Psalm 72:16 foretells: "There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on top of the mountains it will overflow.: Do you look forward to using some of that grain to prepare your favorite type of bread or try out new recipes? Along with that, you may enjoy the fruitage of vineyards that you planted. (Isaiah 65:22, 22) And you will not be alone. 

Next time: OUR PRIMARY FOCUS - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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