

 Even though Jehovah figuratively removes sins far away from  us, does he keep holding on to them? No. King Hezekiah wrote of Jehovah: "You have thrown all my sins behind your back." Or as the footnote puts it, "you have removed all my sins from your sight." (Isaiah 38:9, 17; ftn.) This word picture shows that Jehovah takes the sins of repentant ones and throws them out of view. This statement could also be rendered:  "You have made my sins as if they had not happened." The Bible further emphasizes this in point in another word picture, recorded at Micah 7:18, 19. (Read.) There Jehovah is spoken of as throwing our sins into the depths of the sea. In ancient times, it would have been impossible for someone to retrieve an object that had been hurled int the depths of the sea. 

By means of these word pictures, we have learned that when Jehovah forgives us, he reliefs us of the burden of our sins. Truly, as David said: "Happy are those who lawless deeds have been pardoned and who sins have been covered; happy is the man whose sin Jehovah will by no means take into account." (Romans 4:7, 8) That is true forgivene3ss!


From the jw.org publications

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