"With you there is true forgiveness." - PSALM 130:4.
"I FORGIVE YOU." How refreshing those words can be, especially if you know that you said or did something that hurt someone! But what does the phrase "I forgive you really mean? Is the person you hurt saying that your friendship has been fully restored? Or does he simply mean that he does not want to talk about the issue anymore? The forgiveness humans can extend can be complicated.
The way Jehovah forgives us imperfect humans is very different from the way we forgive one another. The forgiveness Jehovah extends is unique. The psalmist said of Jehovah: "With you there is true forgiveness, so that you may be held in awe." (Psalm 130:4) Yes, Jehovah's forgiveness is "true forgiveness." He sets the ultimate standard of what forgiveness really means. In some cases, Bible writers used a Hebrew word for forgiveness that is never used to describe human forgiveness.
Next time: Jehovah's Forgiveness-What It Means for You - Conclusion
From the jw.org publications
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