

 Atonement is the arrangement Jehovah put in place for restoring a good relationship between him and sinful humans. It involves exchanging one thing for another of equal value. In this way, something that is lost or destroyed can be regained or replaced. The Christian Greek Scriptures use a related term that is similar in meaning to "atonement," propitiation. (Romans 3:25) Propitiation is the act that allows one to be a peace with God and to have a good relationship with him.

To enable the Israelites to enjoy a good relationship with him, Jehovah instituted a temporary arrangement for the forgiveness of their sins. In Israel, Atonement Day was observed annually. On that day, the high priest would offer animal sacrifices on behalf of the people. Of course, animal sacrifices could not completely atone for anyone's sins because animals are inferior to humans. But as long as the repentant Israelites offered the sacrifices that Jehovah required, he was willing to forgive their sins. (Hebrews 10:1-4) In addition, that arrangement and their regular sin offerings impressed on the minds of the Israelites the seriousness of their sinful state and their great need for a permanent solution.

Jehovah had a permanent arrangement in mind for the forgiveness of sins. He arranged for his beloved Son to be "offered once and for all time to bear the sins of many." (Hebrews 9:28) Jesus gave "his life as a ransom in exchange for many." (Matthew 20:28) What is a ransom? 


From the jw.org publications

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