
The Bible's Viewpoint- Does God Forgive Sins?

Mercy is one of God's foremost qualities. (Psalm 86:15) How extensive is his mercy? A psalmist wrote: "If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand? For there is the true forgiveness with you, in order that you may be feared." (Psalm 130:3, 4) Another passage reads: "As far off as the sunrise is from the sunset, so far off from us he has put our transgressions. As a father shows mercy to his sons, Jehovah has shown mercy to those fearing him. For he himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust." -Psalm 103:12, 14.

Clearly, Jehovah's mercy is complete and instinting, and it takes into account our limitations and imperfections-that we are "dust." Consider some Bible examples that reveal the extent of God's mercy.

The apostle Peter denied Christ three times. (Mark 14:66-72) While an unbeliever, the apostle Paul persecuted Christ's followers. When certain ones of these were to be executed, Paul voted against them. He even approved of the murder of one of them. (Acts 8:1, 3; 9:2, 11; Galatians 1:13) Before becoming Christian, certain members of the congregation in Corinth had been drunkards, extortioners and thieves. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) Yet, all these came to enjoy divine favor. Why did God forgive them?

Next time: Three Steps To Gaining God's Mercy

Awake! 2008


"The Righteous . . .Will Possess The Earth

"The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it," says Psalm 37:29. Every form of crime and injustice will then be a thing of the past. Therefore, everything related to crime will be gone: security alarms, locks, courts, lawyers, police and prisons. "The former things," the Bible promises, "will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart." -Isaiah 65:17.

Yes, the earth and human society will experience a transformation the likes of which has never occurred before. (Isaiah 11:9: 2 Peter 3:13) That is the valid hope Jehovah's Witnesses have, and they invite you to see for yourself that it will soon be a reality. Remember,the One who inspired the Holy Scriptures "cannot lie." -Titus 1:2.

Next time: The Bible's Viewpoint-Does God Forgive Serious Sins?

Awake! 2008


We Are Living In The Last Days

Some 2,000 years ago, disciples of Jesus Christ asked him a far-fetching question. "Tell us, they said, "What will be the sign of . . . the conclusion of the system of things?" (Matthew 24:3) Jesus' answer is spelled out in detail in the Bible in chapter 24 of Matthew, chapter 13 of Mark, and chapter 21 of Luke. These complimentary Gospel accounts describe the last days of the present system world as being characterized by wars, famines, diseases, great earthquakes and a significant increase in lawlessness.

The critical conditions that Jesus foretold began in 1914. As historian Eric Hobsbawm states in his book Age of Extremes, the 20th century "was without doubt the most murderous century of which we have record."

Concerning the present proliferation of evil, the Bible states: "When the wicked one sprouts as vegetation and all the practicers of what is hurtful blossom forth, it is that they may be annihilated forever." (Psalm 92:7) Yes, the evidence is clear: Today's bumper crop of lawlessness -like the sprouting of vegetation in season-is, in reality, an indication that the annihilation of the wicked is imminent! Is that not good news? - 2Peter3:7.

Next time:"The Righteous . . . Will Possess The Earth"



Soon Crime "Will Be No More"

Our Creator, Jehovah God, is profoundly interested in his human creation; he is not aloof, as some believe. (Psalm 11:4, 5) What is more, he sees every crime and every injustice, including those that escape human notice. "The eyes of Jehovah are in every place, keeping watch upon the bad ones and the good ones." (Proverbs 15:3) So rest assured, the wicked are truly "on slippery ground." -Psalm 73:12, 18.

However, the blameless and morally upright, even though they may be materially poor and even the downtrodden, have a wonderful prospect. "Watch the blameless one and keep the upright one in sight," wrote the psalmist David, "for the future of that man will be peaceful." (Psalm 37:37) Those words can be of special comfort to us today, for we have the hope of seeing them fulfilled worldwide in the not-too distant future.

Next time: We Are Living In The Last Days

Awake! 2008


God Is Merciful

In Jehovah God's eyes, no one is automatically a lost cause. God's Son, Jesus Christ, said: "I have come to call, not righteous persons, but sinners to repentance." (Luke 5:32) True, adjusting to living by Bible standards may be a challenge. But success comes to those who take advantage of the help God provides, including the loving support of spiritually-minded Christians. (Luke 11:9-13; Galatians 5:22, 23) To this end, Jehovah's Witnesses regularly visit prisons worldwide to conduct free Bible studies with sincere men and women who have committed crimes of all kinds. In a number of prisons, the Witnesses also hold weekly Christian meetings. -Hebrews 10:24, 25.

Even though some former evildoers have abandoned their ways and have become true Christians, the Bible frankly speaks of an "increasing of lawlessness." (Matthew 24:12) As we shall see in the following article, that prediction is a part of a larger prophecy that contains some very good news.

Next time: Soon Crime "Will Be No More"

Awake! 2008


The Power Of A Good "Diet"

For the physical body to become healthy, it needs good food. Also, that food must be chewed well and digested, which takes time and effort. Likewise, for us to become spiritually sound, we need to "chew" on God's utterances so that these can be assimilated into our mind and heart. (Matthew 4:4) The Bible says: "Whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well spoken of, whatever virtue there is and whatever praiseworthy thing there is, continue considering these things. . . . and the God of peace will with you." -Philippians 4:8, 9.

Note that we must "continue considering God's thoughts if we want old personality traits to give way to new ones. Patience is needed for spiritual growth does not occur overnight. -Colossians 1:9, 10; 3:8-10.

Consider the example of a woman who was molested as a child; took up drugs, alcohol and tobacco; and is now serving a life sentence for number of crimes. While in prison, she began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and took to heart the truths she learned. The result? Gradually, her old self gave way to a Christlike new personality. Now she is no longer a slave to destructive thinking and vices. One of her favorite Bible texts is 2Corinthians 3:17, which states: "Now Jehovah is the Spirit, and where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom." Yes, even though incarcerated, she enjoys a freedom that she had never know before.

Next time: God Is Merciful

Awake! 2008


People Can Change

Once a criminal does not mean always a criminal. The book Inside The Criminal Mind states that just as a person may have chosen a life of crime, so he or she "can make choices in a new direction and learn to lead a responsible life."

Experience has shown that people with all kinds of backgrounds can change. What is required is a willingness to adjusts one's attitudes, motivations and thinking patterns so that these conform, not the shifting values of humans, but to the stable standards of our Creator. After all, who know us better than he does? Moreover, does not God have the right to decide for the human family what is good and bad? To that end, he inspired approximately 40 God-fearing humans to pen what we know as the Holy Bible-an amazing volume that could rightly be called mankind's manual for happy and purposeful living. - 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

It may not be easy to make the changes needed to please God, for we have to resist the tug of war our sinful tendencies. In fact, one Bible writer described his inner conflict as a 'war'! (Romans 7:21-25) He won the struggle because he did not trust his own strength but in that of God, whose inspired Word is "alive and exerts power." -Hebrews 4:12.

Next time: The Power Of A Good "Diet"

Awake! 2008


Crime Begins Within

The Bible puts the focus on the inner person, not on his circumstances. Says James 1:14, 15: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin." When a person thinks bad thoughts, he nurtures wrong desires. These, in turn, may lead to harmful acts. For example, a casual interest in pornography may develop into an obsession with sex that impels a person eventually to act on his fantasies, perhaps in a criminal way.

Another factor to take into account is the world's focus on self, money, pleasures and gratification. Concerning our time the Bible foretold: "In the last days . . ., men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, . . .fierce, without love of goodness, and [and] lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God." (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Sadly, by way of movies, video games, literature and bad role models, the world promotes such traits, which only foster crime. Individually, though, people need not succumb to these influences. In fact, some who at one time did succumb have completely changed in their outlook and way of life.

Next time: People Can Change

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Criminals By Necessity Or Choice?

Is crime the only choice that some people have in order to survive? I saw crime as being almost normal, if not excusable, reaction to the grinding poverty, instability and despair that pervaded [the criminals'] lives," admits Samenow. After extensive research, however, he changed his mind. "Criminals choose to commit crimes," he concluded. "Crime . . . is 'caused' by the way [the person] thinks, not by his environment." Samenow adds: "Behavior is largely a product of thinking. Everything we do is preceded, accompanied and followed by thinking." So rather than regard criminals as victims, he came to the conclusion that "they were victimizers who had freely chosen their life."

The key word is "chosen." In fact, a recent headline in British newspaper stated: "Crime is Career of Choice for Young Urban Men Aspiring to Better things." Humans have free will and can choose the course they want to take, even under difficult circumstances. To be sure, millions struggle daily against social injustice and poverty, or they may live in dysfunctional families; but they do not become felons. "Criminals cause crime," says Samenow, "not bad neighborhoods, inadequate parents, . . . or unemployment. Crime resides within the minds of human beings and is not caused by social conditions."

"Jehovah -The One Who Is Vigorous In Power"- By Stanton E. Samenow, Ph.D.

Next time: Crime Begins Within

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Can The Problem Of Crime Be Solved?

No matter where you live in the world, every day seems to bring in another crop of lurid crimes. Therefore, it is reasonable to ask: Are present deterrents -stiff penalties, prison terms, and so on-working? Does prison reform criminals? More important, is society addressing the root cause of the crime? Concerning present deterrents, Dr. Stanton E. Samenow writes: " After a taste of prison, [the criminal] may become shrewder and more cautious, but he continues his exploitative way of life and commits crimes. Recidivism [relapse into criminal behavior] statistics indicate only whether he has been careless enough to be caught [again]." In effect, then, prisons often become finishing schools for criminals, inadvertently helping them to hone their antisocial skills. -

What is more, many crimes go unpunished, leading felons to conclude that crime does pay. This belief can make them bolder and more set in their ways. A wise ruler once wrote: "Because sentence against a bad work has not been executed speedily, that is why the heart of the sons of men has become fully set in them to do bad." -Ecclesiastes 8:11

Next time: Criminals By Necessity Or Choice?

Awake! 2008


Love-The Greatest Quality

More than all other qualities, love truly makes the soil of our heart responsive to Jehovah's Word. Thus, when comparing it with faith and hope, the apostle Paul described love as "the greatest of these" qualities. (1Corinthians 13:13) A heart filled with love for God gets intense satisfaction and joy from obeying him; it certainly does not chafe at God's requirements. The apostle John said: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments and yet his commandments are not burdensome." ( 1 John 5:3) Along similar lines, Jesus said: "If anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him." (John 14:23) Note that Jehovah knows that we are imperfect and regularly sin against him. Even so, he does not keep himself distant from us. What Jehovah looks for in his servants is "a complete heart," one that moves us to serve him willingly with "a delightful soul." ( 1Chronicles 28:9) of course, Jehovah knows that it takes time and effort for us to cultivate good qualities in our heart and thus to produce the fruitage of the spirit. (Galatians 5:22, 23) Hence, he is patient with us, "for he himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust." (Psalm 103:14) Reflecting the same attitude, Jesus never severely criticized his disciples for their faults but patiently helped and encouraged them. Do not such love, mercy and patience of Jehovah and Jesus move you to love them all the more? -Luke 7:47; 2 Peter 3:9.

If you at times find it a struggle to pull up deeply-rooted, weedlike habits or to break up pockets of hard, claylike traits, do not become downhearted or discouraged. Instead, keep working at making improvement as you "persevere in prayer," including frequent supplication to Jehovah for his spirit. (Romans 12:12) With his willing help, you will, like Ezra, succeed in having a heart fully prepared "to consult the law of Jehovah and do it."

Next time: Can The Problem Of Crime Be Solved?

Awake! 2008


A Prepared Heart Is Rich In Faith

A heart strong in faith knows that whatever Jehovah asks or directs through his Word is always right and in our best interests. (Isaiah 48:17, 18) A person with such a heart gets deep satisfaction and contentment from applying the exhortation at Proverbs 3:5, 6, which says: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight." A heart lacking in faith, however, would be disinclined to trust in Jehovah, especially if doing so involved sacrifices, such as simplifying one's life in order to focus on Kingdom interests. (Matthew 6:33) For good reason, Jehovah views a faithless heart as "wicked." -Hebrews 3:12.

Our faith in Jehovah is reflected in many areas, including the things we do in the privacy of our own home. Take, for example, the principle at Galatians 6:7: "Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap." our faith in this principle will be reflected in such things as the movies we watch, the books we read, the amount of Bible study we do and in our prayers. Yes, a strong faith that moves us to sow "with a view to a spirit" is a key factor in having a heart that is prepared to accept Jehovah's Word and obey it. -Galatians 6:8.

Next time: Love-The Greatest Quality

Awake! 2000


Honesty And Godly Fear

The prophet Jeremiah wrote that "the heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) This treachery manifests itself in various ways, such as when we make excuses for ourselves when we do wrong. It also appears when we rationalize away serious personality flaws. Honesty, however, will help us gain the victory over a treacherous heart by assisting us to face the truth about ourselves so that we can improve. The psalmist displayed such honesty when he prayed: "Examine me, O Jehovah, and put me to the test; refine my kidneys and my heart." Clearly, the psalmist had prepared his heart prepared his heart to accept refining and testing by Jehovah, even though it may have meant acknowledging the existence of dross like traits so that these could be overcome. -Psalm 17:3; 26:2.

Godly fear, which includes "the hating of bad," is a powerful aid in this refining process. (Proverbs 8:13) While appreciating Jehovah's loving-kindness and goodness, a person who truly fears Jehovah is ever aware that Jehovah has the power to inflict punishment, even death, upon those who disobey him. Jehovah showed that those who fear him would also obey him when he said about Israel: "If only they would develop this heart of theirs to fear me and to keep all my commandments always, In order that it might go well with them and their sons to time indefinite!" -Deuteronomy 5:29.

Clearly, the object of godly fear is, not to keep us in a state of terrified submission, but to move us to obey our loving Father, who we know has our very best interests at heart. In fact, such godly fear is elevating and even joy inspiring, which was amply demonstrated by Jesus Christ himself. -Isaiah 11:3; Luke 12:5.

Next time: A Prepared Heart Is Rich In Faith

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Humility Softens The Heart

Humility is a vital factor in having a prepared heart because it makes us teachable and helps us to accept more readily loving counsel and correction. Consider the fine example of King Josiah. During his reign a document containing God's Law given through Moses was found. When Josiah heard the words of the Law and realized how far his forefathers had strayed from pure worship, he ripped his garments apart and wept before Jehovah. Why did God's Word so deeply touch the king's heart? The account says that his heart was "soft," so that he humbled himself upon hearing Jehovah's words. Jehovah noted Josiah's humble, receptive heart and blessed him accordingly. - 2 Kings 22:11, 18-20.

Humility enabled Jesus' "unlettered and ordinary" disciples to grasp and apply spiritual truths that escaped those who were "wise and intellectual" but only "in a fleshly way." (Acts 4:13; Luke 10:21; 1 Corinthians 1:26) The latter were not prepared to accept Jehovah's word because their hearts were hardened by pride. Is it any wonder that Jehovah hates pride.-Proverbs 8:13; Daniel 5:20.

Next time: Honesty And Godly Fear

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Factors That Enrich The "Soil" Of Our Heart

Let us consider some factors, or qualities, that will enrich the "soil" of our heart so that it favors healthy growth. There are, of course, many things that will improve our heart, but here we will consider six; a recognition of our spiritual need, humility, honesty, godly fear, faith and love.

"Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need," Jesus said. (Matthew 5:3) Like physical hunger that reminds us of our need to eat, an awareness of our spiritual need keeps us hungry for spiritual food. By nature, humans have a craving for such food because it gives them meaning and purpose to life. Pressures from Satan's system of things or sheer laziness when it comes to study may dull our consciousness of this need. Even so, Jesus said: "Man live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth." -Matthew 4:4.

In a literal way, regular balanced and wholesome meals promote bodily health, and they also incline the body to develop an appetite for the next meal when the time arrives. The same is true in a spiritual sense. You may not consider yourself to be a studious person, but if you make a habit to read God's Word daily and you study Bible-based publications on a regular basis, you will find that your appetite increases. In fact, you will eagerly look forward to your times for Bible study. So do not give up easily; work hard to develop a wholesome appetite.

Next time: Humility Softens The Heart

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Preparing Our Heart

"To prepare " means "to make ready beforehand for some purpose: put into condition for a particular use, application, or disposition." Of course, if you have come to an accurate knowledge of God's Word and have dedicated your life to Jehovah, then your heart had certainly proved to be in a prepared state and can be compared to "the fine soil" that Jesus spoke about in his parable of the sower. -Matthew 13:18-23.

Nevertheless, our heart needs constant attention and refinement. Why? For two reasons. First, because harmful tendencies, like weeds in a garden, can readily take root, especially during these "last days" when " the air" of Satan's system is more than ever filled with hurtful seeds of fleshly thinking. (2 Timothy 3:1-5; Ephesians 2:2) The second reason concerns the soil itself, harden, and become unfruitful. Or too many people may carelessly walk over the garden and tread down the soil into a hard mass. The figurative soil of our heart is similar. It may become infertile if neglected or trodden down by people who have no interest in our spiritual well-being.

How important it is, then, for all of us to apply the Bible's admonition: "More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life." -Proverbs 4:23.

Next time: Factors That Enrich The "Soil" Of Our Heart


Searching For Jehovah With A Prepared Heart

Israelite priest Ezra was an outstanding researcher, scholar, copyist and teacher of the Law. For Christians today he is also a fine example of whole-souled service. How so? In that he maintained his godly devotion even while living in Babylon, a city filled with false gods and demon worship.

Ezra's godly devotion did not just happen. He worked at it. Indeed, he tells us that he "had prepared his heart to consult the law of Jehovah and to do it." -Ezra 7:10.

Like Ezra, Jehovah's people today want to do all that Jehovah asks of them while living in a world that is hostile to true worship. So let us examine ways in which we too can prepare our heart, the inner person-including our thoughts, attitudes, desires and motivations-to "consult the law of Jehovah and to do it."

Next time: Preparing Our Heart



The Proper Use Of Power

Although he is almighty, Jehovah rules the congregation with love. (1 John 4:8) Imitating him, Christian overseers care for God's flock lovingly-using, not abusing, their authority. True, overseers sometimes need to "reprove, reprimand, exhort," but this is done "with all long-suffering and art of teaching." (2 Timothy 4:2) So elders constantly meditate on the words that the apostle Peter wrote to those with authority in the congregation: "Shepherd the flock of God in your care, not under compulsion, but willingly; neither as lording it over those who are God's inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock." - 1 Peter 5:2, 3; 1 Thessalonians 2:7, 8.

Parents and husbands also have authority granted them by Jehovah, and this power should be used to help, nurture, and cherish. (Ephesians 5:22, 28-30; 6:4) Jesus' example shows that authority can be effectively exercised in a loving way. If discipline is balanced and consistent, children do not become downhearted. (Colossians 3:21) Marriages are strengthened when Christian husbands lovingly exercise their headship and wives deeply respect their husbandly head rather than go beyond their God-assigned sphere of influence to dominate or get their way. - Ephesians 5:28, 33; 1 Peter 3:7.

Those with authority in the family and in the congregation should be especially careful to control their anger, since anger instills fear rather than love. The prophet Nathan said: "Jehovah is slow to anger and great in power." (Nahum 1:3; Colossians 3:19) Controlling our anger is a sign of strength, whereas giving vent to it is proof of weakness. (Proverbs 16:32) Both in the family and in the congregation, the goal is to instill love-love of Jehovah, love of one another and love of right principles. Love is motivation for doing what is right. - 1 Corinthians 13:8, 13; Colossians 1:14.

To know Jehovah is to recognize his power. Through Isaiah, Jehovah said: "Have you not come to know or have you not heard? Jehovah, the Creator of the extremities of the earth, is a God to time indefinite. He does not tire out or grow weary." (Isaiah 40:28) Jehovah's power is inexhaustible. If we rely on him and not on ourselves, he will not forsake us. He assures us: "Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not gaze about, for I am your God. I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness." (Isaiah 41:10) How should we respond to his loving care? Like Jesus, let us always use whatever power Jehovah gives us to help and to build up. May we control our tongue so that it heals rather than harms. And may we always stay awake spiritually, stand firm in the faith, and grow mighty in the power of our Grand Creator, Jehovah God. -1Corinthians 16:13.

Next time: Searching For Jehovah With A Prepared Heart

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The Power To Hurt And The Power To Heal

Not all the power we possess comes directly from God. The tongue, for example, has the power to hurt as well as to heal. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue," warns Solomon. (Proverbs 18:21) The results of Satan's brief conversation with Eve show how much havoc can be wrought by words. (Genesis 3:1-5; James 3:5) We too can do much damage with the tongue. Disparaging remarks about a young girl's weight could launch her on the road to anorexia. A thoughtless repetition of some slander might ruin a lifelong friendship. Yes, the tongue needs to be controlled.

However, the tongue can build up as well as tear down. The Bible proverb says: "There exists the one speaking thoughtlessly as with the stabs of a sword, but the tongue of the wise ones is a healing." (Proverbs 12:18) Wise Christians use the power of the tongue to comfort the depressed and the bereaved. Sympathetic words can encourage teenagers who are battling harmful peer pressure. A thoughtful tongue can reassure elderly brothers and sisters that they are still needed and loved. Kindly words can brighten the day of those who are sick. Above all, we can employ our tongue to share the powerful Kingdom message with all who listen. Proclaiming the Word of God is within our power if our heart is in it. The Bible says: "Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do it." -Proverbs 3:27.

Next time: The Proper Use Of Power

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"Giving To The Tired One Power"

Further, Jehovah gives power to his servants when they carry out their ministry. We read in Isaiah's prophecy: "He is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound . . . . Those who are hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not tire out." (Isaiah 40:29-31) The apostle Paul personally received power to perform his ministry. As a result, his ministry was effective. To Christians in Thessalonica, he wrote: "The good news we preach did not turn up among you with speech alone but also with power and with holy spirit." (1 Thessalonians 1:5) His preaching and teaching had the power to work great changes in the lives of those who listened to him.

When confronted by an indifferent spirit in our territory - a territory in which we may have preached repeatedly for years with little response-we may become disheartened by the opposition, ridicule and apathy he met up with. "I am not going to make mention of [God], and I shall speak no more in his name," he told himself. But he could not keep quiet. His message "proved to be like a burning fire shut up in [his]bones." (Jeremiah 20:9) What gave him renewed power in the face of so much adversity? "Jehovah was with me like a terrible mighty one," Jeremiah said. (Jeremiah 20:11) Jeremiah's appreciation of the vital importance of his message and of his God-given assignment made him responsive to Jehovah's encouragement.

Next time: The Power To Hurt And The Power To Heal

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The Conclusion of Seek The Power That God Gives

Second, we can draw spiritual strength from the Bible. (Hebrews 4:12) The power of God's word was evident during the days of King Josiah. Although this Judean king had already removed pagan idols from the land, the unexpected discovery of the Law of Jehovah in the temple motivated him to intensify this cleansing program. After Josiah had personally read the Law to the people, the whole nation made a covenant with Jehovah, and a second, more vigorous, campaign against idolatry was launched. The fine outcome of Josiah's reform was that during "all his days they did not turn aside from following Jehovah." -2 Chronicles 34:33.

Third, we draw strength from Jehovah through Christian association. Paul encouraged Christians to attend meetings regularly in order to "incite to love and fine works" and to encourage one another. (Hebrews 10:24, 25) When Peter was miraculously released from prison,he wanted to be with his brothers, so he went straight to the house of the mother of John Mark, where "quite a few were gathered together praying." (Acts 12:12) Of course, they could all have stayed at home and prayed. But they chose to come together and pray and encourage one another during that difficult time. Near the end of Paul's long and hazardous journey to Rome, he met up with some brothers in Puteoli and later with others who had traveled to meet him. His reaction? "Upon catching sight of them [the latter], Paul thanked God and took courage." (Acts 28:13-15) He was strengthened by being with fellow Christians once again. We too draw strength from association with fellow Christians. As long as we are free and able to associate with one another, we must not try to walk alone along the camped road leading off into life. -Proverbs 18:1; Matthew 7:14.

Through regular prayer, study of God's Word, and association with fellow believers, we "go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength." (Ephesians 6:10) All of us undoubtedly need "power in the Lord." Some suffer from debilitating illnesses, others from the ravages of old age or from the loss of a lifetime companion. (Psalm 41:3) Others endure the opposition of an unbelieving mate. Parents, especially single parents, may find that caring for a full-time job while bringing up a family is an exhausting responsibility. Young Christians need the strength to stand up to peer pressure and to say no to drugs and immorality. No one should hesitate to ask Jehovah for "power beyond what is normal" to cope with such challenges. - 2 Chronicles 4:7.

Next time: "Giving To The Tired One Power"

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Seek The Power That Jehovah Gives

Jehovah can empower his servants as well as protect them. The Bible urges us to "search for Jehovah and his strength." (Psalm105:4) Why? Because when we do things in God's strength, our power will be used for the benefit, rather than the harm, of others. Nowhere do we find a better example of this than in Jesus Christ, who performed many miracles in "Jehovah's power." )Luke 5:17) Jesus could have dedicated himself to becoming rich, famous, or even an all-powerful king. (Luke 4:5-7) Instead, he used the power God gave him to train and to teach, to help and to heal. (Mark 7:37; John 7:46) What a fine example for us!

Furthermore, when we do things in "the strength that God supplies," this will help us to keep humble. (1 Peter 4:11) Men who seek power for themselves become presumptuous. A case in point is Assyrian King Esar-haddon, who boastfully declared: "I am powerful, I am all powerful, I am a hero, I am gigantic, I am colossal." In contrast, Jehovah "chose the weak things of he world, that he might put the strong things to shame." Thus, if a true Christian boasts, he boasts in Jehovah, for he knows that what he has done has not been accomplished in his own strength. 'Humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God' will bring true exaltation. -1 Corinthians 1:26-31; 1 Peter 5:6,

How do we draw on God's strength? First of all, we have to ask for it in prayer. Jesus assured his disciples that his Father would give holy spirit to those requesting it. (Luke 11:10-13) Consider hos this imbued Christ's disciples with power when they chose to obey God rather than the religious leaders who had ordered them to stop witnessing about Jesus. When they prayed for Jehovah's help, their sincere prayer was answered, and holy spirit empowered them to continue preaching the good news with boldness. -Acts 4:19, 20, 29-31, 33.

Next time: Conclusion of Seek The Power That Jehovah Gives

Awake! 2000


Conclusion of "Search For Jehovah And His Strengths"

Why is it so important that we be determined not to lose sight of the protection of our heavenly Father? Because it is possible to be overwhelmed by circumstances and forget where our real security lies. This is seen in the example of King Asa, a man who generally trusted in Jehovah. During Asa's reign, a million-strong army of Ethiopians attacked Judah. Realizing that the military advantage was on the side of the enemies, Asa prayed: "O Jehovah our God, for upon you we do lean, and in your name we have come against this crowd. O Jehovah, you are our God. Do not let mortal man retain strength against you." (2 Chronicles 14:11) Jehovah granted Asa's request and gave him a decisive victory.

After many years of faithful service, however, Asa's confidence in Jehovah's saving power faltered. To avert a military threat from the northern kingdom of Israel, he turned to Syria for help. ( 2 Chronicles 16:1-3) Although his bribe to the Syrian King Ben-hadad did result in removing the threat Israel posed to Judah, Asa's covenant with Syria showed a lack of confidence in Jehovah. Hanani the prophet pointedly asked him: "Did not the Ethiopians and the libyans themselves happen to be a very great military force in multitude, in chariots and in horsemen; and because of your leaning upon Jehovah did he not give them into your hand?" (2 Chronicles 16:7, 8) Nevertheless, Asa rejected this reproof. ( 2 Chronicles 16:9-12) When faced with problems, let us not rely on human solutions. Instead, let us display confidence in God, for trusting in the power of men will inevitably lead to disappointment. -Psalm 146:3-5.

Next time: Seek The Power That Jehovah Gives

Awake! 2000


"Search For Jehovah And His Strengths"

Power can mean a number of things, such as the possession of control, authority, or influence over others; the ability to act or to produce an effect; physical might(strength); or mental or moral efficacy. Humans do not have a good record when it comes to wielding power. Lord Acton, a historian, speaking of power in the hands of politicians, said: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Modern history abounds with examples showing the general truth of Lord Acton's words. During the 20th century, "man has dominated man to his injury" as never before. (Ecclesiastes 8:9) Corrupt dictators have grossly abused their power and have snuffed out the lives of millions. Power unrestrained by love, wisdom and justice is dangerous.

Unlike many humans, God always uses his power for good. "As regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him." (2 Chronicles 16:9) Jehovah directs his power in a controlled way. Patience holds back God's execution of the wicked to give them the opportunity to repent. Love moves him to make the sun shine upon all kinds of men-righteous and unrighteous. Justice will move him finally to use his unlimited power to bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, Satan the Devil. -Matthew 5:44, 45; Hebrews 2:14; 2 Peter 3:9.

The awesome power of the heavenly Father is a reason for trust and confidence -both in his promises and in his protection. a small child feels safe among strangers when he clutches the hand of his father, since he knows that his father will not let any harm come to him. Likewise, our heavenly Father, the one "abounding in power to save," will protect us from any permanent harm if we talk with him. (Isaiah 63:1; Micah 6:8) And as a good Father, Jehovah always fulfill his promises. His unlimited power guarantees that his 'word will have certain success in that for which he has sent it.' -Isaiah 55:11; Titus 1:2.

Next time: Conclusion of the above subject.

Awake! 2000


Jehovah's Power Guarantees The Fulfillment Of His Promises

Jehovah's power is also closely connected with his name and the carrying out of his will. The unique name Jehovah, which means "He Causes to become," reveals that he causes himself to become the fulfiller of promises. Nothing or nobody can prevent God from bringing his purposes to fruition, however, farfetched skeptics may consider them to be. As Jesus once told his apostles, "with God all things are possible." -Matthew 19:26.

To illustrate, Jehovah once promised Abraham and Sarah that he would make their descendants a great nation. However, they were both very old when Jehovah told them that the promise was about to be fulfilled and Sarah laughed. In reply, the angel said: "Is anything too extraordinary for Jehovah?" (Genesis 12:1-3; 17:4-8; 18:10-14) Four centuries later, when Moses finally assembled Abraham's descendants-now a great nation-on the Plains of Moab, he reminded them that God had fulfilled his promise. Moses said: "You continue to live, because [Jehovah] loved your forefathers so that he chose their seed after them and brought you out of Egypt in his sight with his great power, to drive away nation greater and mightier than you from before you, so as to bring you in, to give you their land as an inheritance as at his day." -Deuteronomy 4:37, 38.

Centuries later, Jesus censured the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection. Why did they refuse to believe God's promise that he would bring back the dead? Jesus told them: "You know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God." (Matthew 22:29) The Scriptures assure us that 'all those in the memorial tombs will hear the voice of the Son of man and come out.' (John 5:27-29) If we know what the Bible says about the resurrection, our confidence in the power of God will convince us that the dead will be raise up. God "will actually swallow up death forever, . . . for Jehovah himself has spoken it." -Isaiah 25:8.

In the near future, there will come a time when every one of us will need to trust in God's saving power in a special way. Satan the Devil will launch and attack on God's people, who will appear to be unprotected. (Ezekiel38:14-16) God will then manifest his great power in our behalf, and everyone will have to know that he is Jehovah. (Ezekiel 38:21-23) Now is the time to build our faith and confidence in God the Almighty so that we will not waver at that crucial time.

Without doubt, there are many reasons for meditating on Jehovah's power. As we contemplate his works, we are humbly moved to praise our Grand Creator and give thanks that he uses his power in such a wise and loving way. We will never be intimated if we trust in Jehovah of armies. Our faith in his promises will be unwavering. Remember, though, that we have been created in the image of God. Hence, we also have power-albeit to a limited extent. How can we imitate our Creator in the way we exercise our power? This will be considered in the following article.

Next time: "Search For Jehovah And His Strength"

Awake! 2000


Jehovah Reveals His Power To His Servants

On several occasions, Jehovah manifested his might to his servants. One of such occasions was at Mount Sinai in 1513 B.C.E. During that year the Israelites had already seen impressive evidence of God's power. Ten devastating plagues had revealed the strong hands of Jehovah and the impotence of Egyptian gods. Soon thereafter, the miraculous crossing of he Red Sea and the destruction of Pharaoh's army gave further proof of divine strength. Three months later, at the foot of Mount Sinai, Jehovah invited the Israelites to become his "special property out of all other peoples." For their part, they promised: "All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do." (Exodus 19:5, 8) Then, Jehovah provided a vivid demonstration of his power. Amid thunder and lightning and the loud sound of a horn, Mount Sinai smoked and trembled. The people, standing at a distance, were terrified. But Moses told them that this experience should teach them godly fear, a fear that would move them to obey their all-powerful and only true God, Jehovah.- Exodus 19:16-19; 20:18-20.

Several centuries later, during the time of Elijah, Mount Sinai witnessed another display of divine power. The prophet had already seen God's power at work. For three and a half years, God "shut up the heavens" because of the apostasy of the Israelite nation. (2 Chronicles 7:13) During the resulting drought, ravens fed Elijah in the torrent valley of Cherith, and later a widow's meager supply of flour and oil was miraculously extended to provide him with food. Jehovah even empowered Elijah to resurrect this widow's son. Finally, in a dramatic test of Godship on Mount Carmel, fire came down from heaven and consumed Elijah's sacrifice. (1 Kings 17:4-24; 18:36-40) Nevertheless, soon thereafter, Elijah became afraid and discouraged when Jezebel threatened to kill him. (1 Kings 19:1-4) He fled the country, thinking that his work as a prophet was over. To reassure and strengthen him, Jehovah kindly gave him a personal demonstration of divine power.

While Elijah hid in a cave, he saw an awe-inspiring exhibition of three of the forces that Jehovah controls: a strong wind, an earthquake and finally a fire. However, when Jehovah spoke to Elijah, he did so in "a calm, low voice." He assigned him more work to do and informed him that there were still 7,000 faithful worshipers of Jehovah in the land. (1 Kings 19:9-18) If, like Elijah, we ever feel discouraged at the lack of results in our ministry, we can petition Jehovah for "power beyond what is normal" -a power that can strengthen us to continue preaching the good news, without letup. -2 Corinthians 4:7.

Next time: Jehovah's Power Guarantees The Fulfillment Of His Promises

Awake! 2000


"Jehovah Of Armies, The Powerful One"

In the Scriptures, Jehovah is called "God Almighty," a title that reminds us that we should never underestimate his power or doubt his ability to vanquish his enemies. (Genesis 17:1; Exodus 6:3) Satan's wicked system of things may seem well entrenched, but in Jehovah's eyes "the nations are as a drop in a bucket; and as the film of dust on the scales they have been accounted." (Isaiah 40:15) Thanks to such divine power, there is no doubt that good will triumph over evil. At a time when wickedness is rampant, we can take comfort in knowing that "Jehovah of armies, the Powerful One of Israel' will eliminate evil forever. -Isaiah 1:24; Psalm 37:9, 10.

The expression "Jehovah of armies," which occurs 285 times in the Bible, is another reminder of God's power. the "armies" here referred to are the host of spirit creatures that Jehovah has at his command. (Psalm 103:20, 21; 148:2) In a single night, just one of these angels slew 185,000 Assyrian soldiers who were threatening Jerusalem. (2Kings 19:35) If we recognize the power of Jehovah's celestial armies, we will not easily be intimidated by opposers. The prophet Elisha was unconcerned when trapped by an entire army that was seeking him because, unlike his servant, he could see with the eyes of faith a vast host of heavenly forces supporting him. - 2 Kings 6:15-17.

Jesus was likewise conscious of angelic support when he face a mob armed with swords and clubs in the garden of Gethsemane. After telling Peter to return his sword to its place, Jesus told him that, if necessary, he could appeal to his Father for "more than twelve legions of angels." (Matthew 26:47, 52, 53) If we have a similar appreciation for the heavenly armies at God's disposal, we will also trust implicitly in divine backing. The apostle Paul wrote: "What, then, shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who will be against us?" -Romans 8:31.

We have every reason, then , to trust in Jehovah's protection. He always uses his power for good and in harmony with his other qualities-justice, wisdom and love. (Job 37:23; Jeremiah 10:12) While powerful men frequently trample on the poor and humble ones for selfish gain, Jehovah 'raises up the lowly one from the very dust' and 'abounds in power to save,' (Psalm 113:5-7; Isaiah 63:1) As Mary, the modest and unassuming mother of Jesus, understood, "the powerful One" unselfishly exercising his power in behalf of those who fear him, humbling the haughty and exalting the lowly. -Luke 1:46-53.

Next time: Jehovah Reveals His Power To His Servants

Awake, 2000


God's Power Is Manifest In Creation

The apostle Paul explained that our Creator's 'eternal power can be clearly perceived in the things he has made.' (Romans 1:20) Centuries earlier, the psalmist David, who as a shepherd must frequently have looked up at the night sky perceived the grandeur of the universe and the might of its Maker. He wrote: "When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him? (Psalm 8:2, 4) Despite his limited knowledge of celestial bodies, David understood that he was very insignificant in comparison with the Creator or our vast universe. Today, astronomers know much more about the immensity of the universe and the power that sustains it. For example they tell us that our sun every second emits energy equivalent to the explosion of 100,000 million megatons of TNT. A very small fraction of that energy reaches the earth; yet that is enough to sustain all life on your planet. Still, our sin is by no means the most powerful star in the heavens. Some stars radiate in only one second the energy that the sun radiates in a whole day. Imagine, then, the power at the disposal of the One who created such heavenly bodies! Elihu rightfully exclaimed: "As for the Almighty, we have not found him out; he is exalted in power." - Job 37:23.

If we 'search for God's works' as David did, we will see evidence of his power everywhere -in wind and waves, in thunder and lightning, in mighty rivers and majestic mountains. (Psalm 111:2; Job 26:12-14) Furthermore, as Jehovah reminded Job, animals testify to the strength. Among these is Behemoth, or the hippopotamus. Jehovah told Job: "Its power is in its hips. . . Its strong bones are like wrought iron rods." (Job 40:15-18) The fearsome power of the wild bull was also well-known in Bible times, and David prayed that he might be spared from "the mouth of the lion, and from the horns of the wild bulls." -Psalm 22:21; Job 39:9-11.

Because of its strength, the bull is used in the Bible to symbolize Jehovah's power. The apostle John's vision of Jehovah's throne depicts four living creatures, one of which had a face like a bull. (Revelation 4:6, 7) Evidently, one of the four principal attributes of Jehovah portrayed by these cherubs is power. The others are love, wisdom and justice. Since power is such an important facet of God's personality, a clear understanding of his power and how he uses it will draw us closer to him and helps us to imitate his example by using well any power at our disposal. -Ephesians 5:1.

Next time: "Jehovah Of Armies, The Powerful One"

Awake, 2000


Jehovah-The One Who Is Vigorous In Power

Power is something many of us take for granted. For example, we give little thought to the electrical power that gives us light and heat or to the convenience of plugging in any electrical appliance we may own. Only an unexpected power outage brings home to us that without power, man's cities would practically be shut down. Most of the electricity on which we depend comes indirectly from the earth's most reliable power source-the sun. Every second this solar reactor consumes five million tons of nuclear fuel, showering the earth with life-sustaining energy.

Where does all the solar power come from? Who constructed this celestial power plant? Jehovah God did. Referring to him, Psalm 74:16 says: "You yourself prepared the luminary, even the sun." Yes, Jehovah is the ultimate Source of all power, just as he is the Source of all life. (Psalm 36:9) Never should we take his power for granted. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah reminds us to look up at the heavenly bodies, such as the sun and the stars, and meditate on how they came into existence. "Raise your eyes high up and see. who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of who he calls even by name. Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing." -Isaiah 40:26; Jeremiah 32:17.

Since Jehovah is vigorous in power, we can rest assured that the sun will continue to provide us the light and heat on which our lives depend. However, we rely on the power of God for much more than our basic physical needs. Our redemption from sin and death, our hope for the future and our trust in Jehovah are all inseparably linked to his exercise of power. (Psalm 28:6-9.; Isaiah 50:2) The Bible abounds with examples that testify to Jehovah's power to create and redeem, to save his people and destroy his enemies.

Next time: God's Power Is Manifest In Creation

Awake, 2000


Swearing Shows Disrespect For The Creator

Suppose you gave your friend-as a gift-a shirt or a blouse. How would you feel if you saw your friend using that garment as a rag or a doormat? Think of how our Creator feels, then, when we misuse the gift of speech. Little wonder that God's Word states: "Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you along with all badness." - Ephesians 4:31.

As you can see, there's good reason to stop swearing. If it's become a deeply ingrained habit, though, how can you overcome it?

First: See the need to change. You likely won't stop swearing until you understand how you will benefit from altering your speech. Which factors below would motivate you to stop swearing?

Pleasing the Creator of speech
Gaining greater respect from others
Expanding my vocabulary
Bettering myself as a person

Second: Figure out what's behind the swearing. Melanie says: "Swearing made me feel tougher in a way. I didn't want people pushing me around. I wanted to have the upper hand, to tell people off the way all my friends did."

What about you? Understanding why you swear is a key to determining how you will address the problem. For example, if you swear just because everyone else does it, you need to learn to build confidence in your own strengths. taking proper pride in being your own person is a vial part of growing up-and a big help in eliminating the habit of swearing.

Third: Find alternative ways of expressing yourself. It's not just a matter of biting your tongue. Conquering the bad language habit involves putting on "the new personality." (Ephesians 4:22-24) This will help you to gain greater self -control and self-respect-as well as respect for others.
The following scriptures will help you to put on-and keep on-the new personality.

Colossians 3:2: "Keep your minds fixed on the things above."
Application: Train your mind to value things that are upright. Your thoughts influence the way you speak.

Proverbs 13:20: "He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly."
Application: The language used by your associates can rub off on you.

Psalm 19:14: "Let the sayings of my mouth and the meditation of my heart become pleasurable before you, O Jehovah."
Application: Jehovah notices how we use the gift of speech.

Still need help? Why not use a chart to track your progress by noting how many times you used a bad word? You may be surprised at how quickly you improve your vocabulary.


Swearing Hurts Your Reputation

Like most youths, you probably care about your appearance. You want to make a good impression. But did you know that how you speak can have a greater impact on others than how you look? The fact is, your speech can determine such things as

Whom you will attract as friends.
Whether you will be hired for a particular job or not
The amount of respect you will receive

It's true- often the initial impression people form of us based on our appearance quickly fades when we start talking. Says O'Connor: "You have no way of knowing how many opportunities to make a new friend you might have squelched, or how often you alienated someone or lost a degree of respect through your lackadaisical use of foul language." The lesson? If your speech is vulgar you're only hurting yourself.

Next time: Swearing Shows Disrespect For The Creator Of Speech

Awake!, 2008


They're Not Just Words

Another note that I forgot to mention yesterday. I may not be able to post everyday, as the library has outdated computers and tend to freeze easily and I do not exactly live next door to it. So please excuse me, if I am unable to post everyday, but I will do so as often as I can. Now for my new post.

Jesus said: "Your words show what is in your heart." (Luke 6:45,Contemporary English Version) Note that What we say doesn't simply reflect the type of person we would like to be-it reflects the type of person we already are. Even if you use bad language simply because others doit, copying their example reveals that you "follow after the crowd" and that you're not your own person. -Exodus 23:2.

But that's not all. Language expert James V. O'Connor says: "People who swear often tend to be disagreeable, critical, cynical, angry, arugumentative and unhappy complainers." For example, those who curse whenever something goes wrong reflect the belief that everything must always go right. It's as if they just can't handle mistakes. On the other hand, O'Connor notes, those who don't swear "are often calm, . . . mature people who [can] deal with daily annoyances." which type of person would you rather be?

Next time: Swearing Hurts Your Reputation

Awake, 2008


What Is So Bad About Swearing?

Well, I am back. I still do not have my own computer, but I did find a library that has computers that I can use. I appreciate all my followers and I hope that you will continue to read my blogs. I am sorry it took me so long to get here. Now for my blog.

Why is it often viewed as normal when adults swear, or use profanity, but when young people do it, it is considered shocking? Does a person's age determine whether its okay to curse? Since so many people use foul language-and there seems to be a double standard when it comes to age- you might as well ask, "What is so bad about swearing?"

Bad-language brainwash
There's no doubt that swearing is wide-spread. In fact, some youths would say that if they could have a dollar for every vulgar word they heard at school,they'd never have to work and their parents could retire. "In casual conversation," says 15-year old Eve, "my schoolmates seem to swear several times in each sentence. When you hear that kind of talk allday, it's hard to keep from joining the crowd.
Are you, like Eve surrounded by swearing? Have you picked up the habit yourself? If so, take a moment to examine just what motivates you to swear. Once you identify that, you'll be in a better position to eliminate the habit. With this in mind, try answering the following questions.

In most cases, why do you swear?
To express anger or frustration
To get attention
To fit in with peers
To appear tough
To challenge authority

In what circumstance are you most inclined to swear?

At school
At work
In e-mails, instant messages or text messages
When by yourself

How do you excuse your swearing?

Peers do it
Parents do it
Teachers do it
Entertainment is saturated with it
Its no big deal-they're just wordsj
I only swear around people who aren't bothered by it

Why conquer this habit at all? Is swearing really that bad? Consider the following.

Next time: They're not just words



Thank you

Thank you for supporting this blog. I am so blessed to be able to help spread the word of God around the world.

I will post a new blog entry as soon as I am able. I don't have access to a computer yet. I live on a fixed income and I am unable to afford a computer. I made my previous entries using someone else's computer. I can't afford to buy a computer. Hopefully I will have access to a computer soon. I don't live near a public library so I don't have access to public computers either.

Please return to this blog often to check for updates. If you would like to contact me, you can reach me at the address below. Thank you, again.

God bless you,


Write to:

c/o Mary
P.O. Box 200207
Evans, CO 80620


Blog Updates


Due to having last minute packing and little time to get done, I will not be able to post my blog. For new readers etc.., I will be moving from Colorado to Oklahoma and may not have access to a computer for awhile, but if I am able to have access to a computer, I will be posting a blog. Please have patience, I will be back online as soon as I can.

Thank you,

Mary Kohn


Is Superstition Compatible With Bible Teaching? -Breaking Free From Superstition

Breaking Free From Superstition

There are countless superstitious practices, and all of them have something in common-the lack of a logical explanation. Superstitions can, among other things, lead people into blaming their misfortunes on bad luck rather than accepting the responsibility for their deeds.

Happily, many have broken free from superstition. Jesus said: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) Clementina, a Brazilian fortune teller for 25 years, said: "Fortune telling was my only means of making a living. But Bible truth freed me from superstition." In reality, regular Bible study and heartfelt prayer to Jehovah God can help us develop inner strength. This can stabilize and balance our thinking, which can lead to sound decisions that prevent calamity and alleviate anxiety.-Philippians 4:6, 7, 13.

The Bible asks: "What sharing does light have with darkness? Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Belial [Satan]?" Hence, true Christians must keep away from superstition. -2 Corinthians 6:14-16.

Next time: Sharing The Good News In Faraway Places

Awake! 2008


Is Superstition Compatible With Bible Teaching? - The Source Of Superstition

The Source Of Superstition

Mankind in general has been plagued by fears-fears of death , of the unknown, and of what is called the Hereafter, to mention just a few. Satan, the rebel opposer of God, is determined to enslave people, and he has been feeding such fears with malicious lies. (John 8:44; Revelation 12:9) Satan is not alone in his efforts to lure people away from God. In the Bible, Satan is called "the ruler of the demons." (Matthew 12:24-27) Who are the demons? In Noah's time a number of angels joined Satan in his rebellion against God and made themselves demons. Since then, they have been trying to influence people's minds. Superstition has been one of their devices. -Genesis 6:1, 2; Luke 8:2, 30; Jude 6.

One of Satan's lies has provided a base for superstition. It is the belief that an invisible entity survives the death of a person's body and can come back to affect the living. But the Bible says: "As for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all." It further states that "there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom" after one dies. -Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10.

"Something Detestable To Jehovah"

Many individuals have chose to believe Satan's lies. Yet, years ago, God gave his people the Israelites clear direction on the matter. "There should not be found in you anyone," his Word says, "who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or any one who inquires of the dead. For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah." -Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

Sadly, the Israelites did not always heed this warning. For example, in the days of the prophet Isaiah, some believed that a good crop depended on appeasing "the god of Good Luck" -a superstitious belief that resulted in dire consequences. They lost Jehovah's favor and blessing. -Isaiah 65:11, 12.

Jehovah's attitude toward superstition did not change with the coming of Christianity. The apostle Paul urged superstitious people in the city of Lystra "to turn from these vain things ["vanities," or "superstitions," The Emphatic Diaglott] to the living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the things in them." -Acts 14:15.

Next time: Is Superstition Compatible With Bible Teaching? - Breaking Free From Superstition

Awake! 2008


Is Superstition Compatible With Bible Teaching?

A JOURNALIST refrained from flying for a year because a fortune teller had predicted that he would die in a plane accident. People from all walks of life, including politicians, businessmen, actors, athletes, and college students, resort to superstitious practices. In times of uncertainty, stress or anxiety, they feel that such practices protect them against dangers or help them reach their goals.

Many forms of superstition are seen as quaint or as an inoffensive source of psychological support. The late anthropologist Margaret Mead observed: "Superstitions reflect the keenness of our wish to have something come true or to prevent something bad from happening. The half acceptance and half denial accorded superstitions give us the best of both worlds." Still, those determined to please God should ask themselves, 'Is superstition compatible with Christianity?'

Next time: The Source Of Superstition

Awake! 2008


How To Find True Religion-How The Truth Affects People

How The Truth Affects People

When one finds the truth, as did the Beroeans, he is moved to share it enthusiastically. Others may disapprove, holding that it is more humble to feel that other religions could be equally correct. However, the Bible's truth-once found-instills conviction. It does not leave one wondering if truth is attainable or if all religions might lead to salvation. Finding the truth, however, begins with an earnest examination, which does indeed require humility.

Jehovah's Witnesses have made such an examination. That is why they believe that they have found the true religion. And they invite you to make a search of the Scriptures so as to identify who is practicing true religion today. While there is much more involved that and simple checklist could provide.

By accepting a home Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses at no cost, you can make an in-depth search of what the Bible really teaches. Learning this will put you in position to identify the true religion.

(Note: The Jehovah's Witnesses go by the Bible standards which is the true truth. If everyone just went by what Jehovah says in the Bible, everyone would be so much happier and better off in everyway. I am not a Jehovah's Witness. I only go by what the Bible says to and I am happier for it. I have tried going to meetings and having a Bible Study, I did learn a lot, but my Bible study teacher was pressuring me and they are not suppose to do that. Jehovah says in the Bible, Do not force people to do what they do not want to do. I wanted to learn, but I did not want to speak out loud, as far as answering questions etc.. I did not like it in high school doing book reports out loud and I wasn't going to be forced into it there either. Also, it got to where if she showed up, she would be late and would not call to let me know. And when she wasn't going to come, and if she did call to say she wasn't coming, she sometimes would call an hour late or not at all. You are suppose to be able to depend on these people to to what they say they are going to do or do what they are suppose to do. These people call themselves God's people. If you can find one that is dependable, that is great,because you want to learn all that you can of God's Word. But I had the wrong persons, so I quit and started studying on my own and am still learning. I have read the Bible word for word, front to back many times because I want to and because each time I do it, I learn more and more. So, I think that everyone should do this and learn as much as possible. It is really interesting. You cannot depend on all those false prophets to teach you everything in the Bible, because they will skip over it. I found this out, because in the past, I have been to many churches and seen many faiths. This is the true knowledge. I have two Bibles, the one Jehovah's Witnesses have and the regular one and they both, with the exception of a few different words that mean the same, all say the same, the truth. )

Next time: Is Superstition Compatible With Bible Teaching?

Awake! 2008


How To Find True Religion- An Approach That Works

An Approach That Works

Some first-century residents of Beroea were commended by the apostle Paul for the way they responded when he taught them. They did not immediately accept what Paul said as truth; still, they listened respectfully. We can learn from what the Beroeans did after hearing the message.

Note that the Bible explains: "Now the [Beroeans] were more noble minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. Therefore many of them become believers." (Acts 17:10-12) So their search was not superficial. They did not expect conclusive results in just one or two brief discussions with Paul.

Observe also that the Beroeans "receive the word with the greatest eagerness of mind." This tells us something about the attitude with which they approached their study of the Scriptures. They were not gullible, but neither were they cynical. They did not have a critical attitude toward what was explained by Paul, who was one of God's human representatives.

Consider this too: The Beroeans were hearing about Christianity for the first time. It sounded good, perhaps too good to be true. But rather than dismiss it, they carefully examined the Scriptures, checking to see 'whether the things Paul was saying were so.' Note, too, that those both Beroea and Thessalonica who made such a diligent search became believers. (Acts 17:4, 12) They did not give up and conclude that truth cannot be found. They identified the true religion.

Next time: How To Find True Religion- How The Truth Affects People

Awake! 2008


How To Find True Religion- What About Christian Truth?

What About Christian Truth?

What of the truth proclaimed by Jesus Christ? Did everyone recognize it as a message from God? No. Even though Jesus was right there in the midst of the people of Israel teaching them and performing miracles, most of his listeners did not discern that he was the foretold Messiah - the Christ, or Anointed One.

To the Pharisees who asked when God's Kingdom was coming, Jesus himself said: "The Kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness." He added: "The Kingdom of God is in your midst." (Luke 17:20, 21) God's appointed Ruler, Jesus, was among them! But those Pharisees refused to open their eyes to the evidence that he was fulfilling the Messianic prophecies and to accept him as "the Christ, the Son of the living God." -Matthew 16:16.

The response to the truth proclaimed by Christ's first-century disciples was similar. While miracles helped to demonstrate that God was supporting the disciples, the truth was still not plain to most. (Acts 8:1-8, 9: 32-41) Jesus commissioned his followers to "make disciples of people" by teaching them. As a result of listening and learning Scriptural truths, sincere seekers of truth became believers. -Matthew 28:19; Acts 5:42; 17:2-4, 32-34.

It is the same today. The "good news of the kingdom" is being " preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations." (Matthew 24:14) This is not necessarily being done "with striking observableness" -in so obvious a way that every individual on earth will recognize it as a message from God. Yet, God's truth is recognizable and strikes a responsive chord in honesthearted individuals who want to worship God in the way approved by him. -John 10:4, 27.

The fact that you are reading a Bible journal shows that you are a likely sincere seeker of truth. How can you determine which religion is teaching it?

Next time: How To Find True Religion -An Approach That Works

Awake! 2008


How To Find True Religion

'If truth from God really exists, why must I search to find it?' Some ask. 'If God has an important message for all mankind, would he not convey it clearly enough so that people would grasp it immediately, without the need for investigation?"

SURELY God has the ability to do such a thing. But is that the way he has chosen to communicate truth?

How God Conveys Truth

Actually, God conveys his messages in a way that allows sincere seekers of truth to search them out. (Psalm 14:2) Consider the message that God delivered through his prophet Jeremiah centuries ago. It was given to God's wayward people regarding the coming destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. -Jeremiah 25:8-11; 52:12-14.

Yet, at the same time, other prophets claimed to speak for God. Hananiah foretold peace for Jerusalem. That was a very different message from the one that Jeremiah delivered. So whom was a person at that time to believe-Jeremiah or those who contradicted him? -Jeremiah 23:16, 17; 28:1, 2, 10-17.

To know who was right, sincere Jews needed to know Jehovah as a person. they needed to understand his laws and principles, as well as his attitude toward wrongdoing. Doing so, they would have agreed with God's words spoken through Jeremiah that "there was not a man repenting over his badness." (Jeremiah 8:5-7) Furthermore, they would have discerned that this sad situation did not bode will for Jerusalem and its inhabitants. -Deuteronomy 28:15-68; Jeremiah 52:4-14.

Jeremiah's prophecies came true. The city was razed by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E. Although the consequences of disobedience were foretold long in advance, effort was needed to recognize that the time had arrived for God to take action.

Next time: How To Find True Religion- What About Christian Truth?

Awake! 2008


Who Should Determine True Religion? -After Jesus Came To Earth

After Jesus Came To Earth

Later, after Jesus was sent to earth, the way of true worship was established on the basis of its teachings, and God's purposes were illuminated in a grand way. In time, true worshipers came to be called "Christians." (Acts 11:26) Thus, Jews who wanted God's approval had to leave their former way of worship. They did not have the option of choosing between two systems of worship or of worshiping as isolated individuals. As we have seen in God's Word, true worshipers were united in "one faith." -Ephesians 4:4, 5.

Today the idea that God deals with mankind through only one religion may seem extreme and unpalatable to some. Yet, it is the conclusion to which the Bible points. In the past, many individuals who had worshiped in their own way came to grips with this fact. They joined themselves to the true worshipers of Jehovah, and any initial misgivings gave way to great blessings and joy. For example, the Bible says that after one Ethiopian man accepted Christianity and was baptized, "he kept going on his way rejoicing." -Acts 8:39.

Anyone today who accepts and practices the true religion will realize similar blessings. But with so many religions to choose from, how can you identify the one true religion?

Next time: How To Find The True Religion?

Awake! 2008


Who Should Determine True Religion?-What the Bible Record Shows

What The Bible Record Shows

That the above conclusion has solid Scriptural support is clear from the Bible record. By searching this record, you will find that God dealt with his people through one system of worship. Early in mankind's history, God used patriarchs, or family heads, as his representatives. Prominent among them were Noah, Abram (Abraham), Isaac and Jacob. -Genesis 8:18-20; 12:1-3; 26:1-4; 28:10-15.

The people who descended from Jacob came to be enslaved in Egypt. While there, they were cruelly oppressed yet grew to number into the millions. God delivered them from captivity, miraculously bringing them through the Red Sea. Then he adopted them as his people, providing them laws by means of the mediator Moses. They became the ancient nation of Israel, God's nation. -Exodus 14:21-28; 19:1-6; 20:1-17.

Significantly, God did not approve of the forms of worship practiced by people in the nations surrounding Israel. In fact, he punished his people when they deviated from his laws and adopted such forms of worship -Leviticus 18:21-30; Deuteronomy 18:9-12.

What about individuals from other nations who wanted to worship the true God? they needed first to abandon their former false worship and then join Israel in the worship of Jehovah God. Many of them gained God's approval and became his loyal servants. These included women, such as Rahab, the Canaanite and Ruth the Moabite; men, such as Uriah the Hittite and Ebed-melech the Ethiopian; and groups of people, such as the Gibeonites. Israel's King Solomon offered a heartfelt prayer in behalf of all who, like them, joined in true worship with God's people. -- 2 Chronicles 6:32, 33.

Next time: Who Should Determine True Religion? - After Jesus Came To Earth

Awake! 2008


Who Should Determine True Religion?

JESUS made it clear that some forms of worship are not acceptable to God. He spoke of "false prophets," comparing them to a tree that produces worthless fruit and "gets cut down and thrown into the fire." He also said: "Not everyone saying to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens." -Matthew 7:15-22.

Jesus in fact, said regarding some who would claim to follow him: "I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness." (Matthew 7:23) Further, when speaking to the religious leaders of his day, Jesus applied to them God's words to apostate Israel: "It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach as doctrines of men." -Mark 7:6, 7.

Clearly, not all worship is approved by God or his Son. Thus, not all worship is true worship. Does this mean that only one religion teaches the truth? Could not God be working through a number of religions, while rejecting certain others? Or, for that matter, might God be accepting and rejecting the worship of individuals scattered about in a number of religions despite what their organizations teach?

The apostle Paul wrote under Divine inspiration: "Now I exhort you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you, should all speak in agreement, and that there should not be division among you, but that you may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought." ( 1 Corinthians 1:10) The Bible also exhorts Christians to be "of the same mind and have the same love being joined together in soul, holding the one thought in mind." -Philippians 2:2.

Where such unity exists, the result is, in fact, one religion. Accordingly, the Bible says that there is "ONE LORD, one faith, one baptism." -Ephesians 4:4, 5.

Next time: Who Should Determine True Religion? -What The Bible Shows

Awake! 2008