
Learning From A Young Man Who Said No

Saying no to fornication and adultery seems to be especially difficult, even for some in the Christian congregation. Timothy, mentioned in the opening paragraph, took to heart the example of young Joseph, recorded in the Scriptures at Genesis 39:1-12. Joseph displayed moral strength when invited by the wife of the Egyptian official Potiphar to have relations with her. Joseph, the account says, "would refuse and would say . . . 'How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?' "

How did Joseph acquire the moral strength to say no to Potiphar's wife day after day? For a start, he valued his relationship with Jehovah far more than he valued momentary pleasures. Additionally, although he was not under a divine law code ( the Law of Moses was yet to come), J0seph had a clear grasp of moral principles; he knew that committing fornication with Potiphar's infatuated wife would be a sin not only against her husband but also against God. -Genesis 39:8, 9.

Joseph evidently understood the importance of not even lighting the match of desire that could ignite an uncontrollable inferno of passion. A Christian is wise to follow Joseph's example. The July 1, 19578, Watchtower stated: "He must recognize his fleshly weaknesses and not think he can follow sensual desires to the Scriptural boundary line and stop there. Even if he may succeed in doing that for awhile, he will eventually be drawn over that boundary line into sin. This is certain to happen, since lusts that are nourished grow in strength and get a tighter grip on a person. He then has greater difficulty getting his mind off them. His best defense is to resist them at the outset.

Resisting at the outset becomes easier as we develop a love for what is right and a hatred for what is wrong. (Psalm 37:27) But we need to keep working at it, to be persistent, If we do, with Jehovah's help our love for right and our contempt for wrong will grow stronger. Meanwhile, of course, we must remain vigilant, as Jesus directed, constantly praying to be spared from temptation and to be delivered from the wicked one. -Matthew 6:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

Next time: Saying No To Peer Pressure

Watchtower, 1999

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