
"A Time For Peace" Is At Hand!

MOST people yearn for peace, for good reason. The 20th century has experienced less peace than any century in history. Ironically so, because never before was so much done to secure peace. In 1920 the League of Nations was formed. In 1928 the Kellogg-Briand Pact, called by one reference work "the most grandiose of a series of peacekeeping efforts after World War I," was subscribed to by "nearly all the nations of the world. . . agreeing to renounce war as an instrument of national policy." Then, in 1945 the United Nations organization was set up to replace the defunct League of Nations.

Like the League, the professional goal of the United Nations is to secure world peace. But its success has been limited. Granted, the world is nowhere experiencing war on the scale of the two world wars. Nevertheless, dozens of smaller conflicts are still robbing hundreds of thousands of their peace of mind, their belongings, and often their very lives. Dare we hope that the United Nations can turn the 21st century into "a time for peace"?

Next time: The Basis For True Peace

Watchtower, 1999

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