
Those Who Speak "Peace When There Is No Peace"

During the seventh century B.C.E., God's prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel delivered divine messages of judgment against Jerusalem for its wayward course in disobedience to God. The destruction they foretold took place in 607 B.C.E., even though God's messengers had been contradicted by prominent and influential religious leaders. These latter ones proved to be "stupid prophets [who] . . . led [God's] People astray, saying, "There is peace!' When there is no peace." -Ezekiel 13:1-16; Jeremiah 6:14, 15; 8:8-12.

Most religious leaders today also fail to warn people of God's coming day of judgment. Instead, they paint an optimistic picture that political groups will ultimately achieve peace and security. More anxious to please humans than God, they tell their parishioners what they want to hear instead of explaining that God's Kingdom is established and that the Messianic King is soon to complete his conquest. (Daniel 2:44; 2 Timothy 4:3, 4; Revelation 6:2) As false prophets, they do speak of "peace, when there is no peace." But their conviction will soon turn into sudden horror when they must face the fury of the One they have misrepresented and upon whose name they have brought untold reproach. The leaders of the world empire of false religion, described in the Bible as an immoral woman, will choke on their own misleading cries of peace. -Revelation 18:7, 8.

That the majority of prominent and influential leaders persist in their hypocritical promise of peace does not shake the confidence of those who have faith in God's promise of true peace. For over a century, Jehovah's Witnesses have gone on record as being loyal defenders of God's Word, courageous opponents of false religion , and resolute supporters of God's Kingdom. Far from lulling people to sleep with sweet sounding platitudes about peace, they diligently strive to awaken them to the reality that today is a time for war. -Isaiah 56:10-12; Romans 13:11, 12; 1 Thessalonian 5:6.

Next time: Jehovah Breaks His Silence

Watchtower, 1999

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