
LIving With Risks-Finding Security in a Risk-Filled World

Bitter Consequences of Immorality

Today, millions have abandoned all moral restraint. The AIDS epidemic is one of the consequences. According to WHO, over 16 million have died since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, and at present, about 34 million are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Many AIDS sufferers contracted the disease through promiscuous sexual activity, contaminated syringes used by drug addicts, or tainted blood transfusions. Other consequences of loose morals include herpes, gonorrhea, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis. Although such medical terms were not used in Bible times, the target organs of certain sexually transmitted diseases common at the time were known. For example, Proverbs 7:23 describes the fearsome consequence of fornication as 'an arrow cleaving open the liver,' as does hepatitis. Yes, how timely and loving is the Bible's counsel that Christians 'abstain from blood and from fornication'! -Acts 15:28,, 29.

Next time: The Snare of the Love of Money

Watchtower, 2001

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