

How to Grow Stronger in the Faith

Paul showed the Hebrew Christians a number of practical ways in which they could strengthen their faith. Let us consider just two. We likely are familiar with is exhortation at Hebrews 10:24, 25, urging us to gather regularly at our Christian meetings. Remember, though, that Paul's inspired words there do not imply that we are to be mere passive observers at such meetings. Rather, Paul describes meetings as opportunities to get to know one another, to move one another to serve God more fully, and to encourage one another. We are there to give not just to receive. That helps to make our meetings joyous occasions. -Acts 20:35.

Primarily, though, we attend Christian meetings to worship Jehovah God. We do so by joining in prayer and song, by listening intently, and by offering "the fruit of the lips" -expressions of praise to Jehovah in our comments and parts on the meeting. (Hebrews 13:15) If we keep those goals in mind and act on them at every meeting, our faith will without fail be built up each time.

Another way to build faith is through the preaching work. Paul wrote: "Let us hold fast the public declaration of our hopes without wavering, for he is faithful that promised." (Hebrews 10:23) You might urge others to hold fast to something when they seem in danger of letting go. Satan was certainly pressuring those Hebrew Christians to let go of their ministry, and he is pressuring God's people today as well. In the face of such pressure, what should we do? Consider what Paul did.

To the Christians in Thessalonica, P aul wrote: "After we had first suffered and been insolently treated(just as you know) in Philippi, we mustered up boldness by means of our God to speak to you the good news of God with a great deal of struggling." (1 Thessalonians 2:2) How had Paul and his companions been "insolently treated" in Philippi? According to some scholars, the Greek word used by Paul expresses insulting, shameful, or outrageous treatment. The Philippian authorities had beaten them with rods, thrown them into prison, and confined then in stocks. (Acts 16:16-24) How did that painful experience affect Paul? Did ones in the next city on his missionary tour, Thessalonica, find Paul shrinking back in fear? No, he "mustered up boldness." He conquered fear and continued to preach boldly.

Next time: Continue with How to Grow Stronger in the Faith

Watchtower, 1999

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