

Glorious Future Benefits

The sowing of Kingdom seed continues to bring great benefits to mankind. In recent years more than 300,000 persons each year have allowed the Bible's message to take root in their hearts to the extent that they have dedicated their lives to Jehovah and symbolized this by means of water baptism. what a glorious future awaits them!

Soon, lovers of God's Word know that Jehovah God will rise up to magnify his name. "Babylon the Great," the world empire of false religion, will be destroyed. (Revelation 18:2, 8) Then, those who refuse to live in harmony with God's Word will be put to death by the King, Jesus Christ. (Psalm 2:9-11; Daniel 2:44) Afterward, God's Kingdom will bring permanent relief from crime, war and other disasters. There will no longer be need to comfort people because of pain, sickness and death. -Revelation 21:3, 4.

What glorious good works will then be accomplished by those who love God's Word! Armageddon survivors will start with the joyful task of transforming this earth into a paradise. They will have the thrilling privilege of preparing for the needs of dead humans who are now resting in the grave and held in God's memory with the prospect of sharing in the resurrection of the dead. (John 5:28, 29) During that time, perfect direction will flow to earth's inhabitants from the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah, through his exalted Son, Jesus Christ. 'Scrolls will be opened,' revealing Jehovah's instructions for new world living. -Revelation 20:12.

In Jehovah's due time, the complete body of faithful anointed Christians will be raised to their heavenly reward as "joint heirs with Christ." (Romans 8:17) During the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, all humans on earth who love God's Word will be uplifted to perfection of mind and body. After proving faithful under a final test, they will be rewarded with everlasting life and will come to enjoy "the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Romans 8:21; Revelation 20:1-3, 7-10) What a wonderful time that will be! Truly, whether Jehovah has granted us a heavenly or an earthly hope, an enduring love of his Word and a determination to live according to godly wisdom will safeguard us. And in the future it 'will glorify us because we embrace it.' -Proverbs 4:6, 8.


Watchtower, 1999

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