

Other Imitators of Christ

The apostle Paul wrote to fellow Christians: "Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ." (1 Corinthians 11:1) Like his Master, Paul developed a fondness for the Scriptures. He confessed: "In my inmost self I dearly love God's Law." (Romans 7:22, The Jerusalem Bible) Paul quoted God's Word frequently. (Acts 13:32-41; 17:2, 3; 28:23)) When he gave his final instruction to Timothy, a beloved fellow minister, Paul emphasized the important part that God's Word should play in the daily life of every "man of God." -2 Timothy 3:15-17.

Many faithful servants of Jehovah in modern times have likewise imitated Jesus' love for God's Word. Early in this century, a young man received a Bible from a friend. He described the effect of this precious gift on him: "I determined to make it a must in my life to read a portion of the Bible each and every day." That young man was Frederick Franz, and his love of the Bible led to his enjoying a long and successful life in Jehovah's service. He is fondly remembered for his ability to quote entire chapters of the Bible from memory.

Jehovah's Witnesses place great emphasis on regular Bible reading. Each week, in preparation for one of their Christian meetings,the Theocratic Ministry School , they read several chapters of the Bible. Highlights of the assigned Bible reading are discussed during the meeting. Some Witnesses find it convenient to divide the week's Bible reading into seven smaller sections and read one section each day. As they read, they reflect on the material. When possible, they do additional research with the help of Bible-based publications.

You may need to 'buy out the time' from other activities in order to read the Bible regularly. (Ephesians 5:16) However, the benefits will far outweigh any sacrifices. As you develop the habit of daily Bible reading, your love for God's Word will grow. Before long, you will be moved to say with the palmist: "How I do love your law! All day long it is my concern." (Psalm 119:97) Such an attitude will bring great benefits now and in the future, as the next article will show.


Watchtower, 1999

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