
Trust in an Imperfect World

The Integrity of Job

Job's stand, maintaining his integrity under test, is well-known. Interestingly, Job did not understand why disaster came upon him. He did not know that Satan had imputed false motives to him, alleging that Job served God for selfish reasons and claiming that to save his own skin , Job would willingly break his integrity. God allowed Job to undergo some very trying experiences so as to show that Satan was wrong. -Job 1:6-12; 2:1-8.

Three false friends entered the picture. They deliberately misrepresented God's standards and purposes. Even Job's wife also unable to see the issue, failed to encourage her husband in his time of extreme need. (Job 2:9-13) But Job stood firm. "Until I expire I shall not take away my integrity, from myself! On my justness I have laid hold, and I shall not let it go; my heart will not taunt me for any of my days." -Job 27:5, 6.

Job's sterling example, along with the integrity of many other faithful men and women, as recorded in the Bible, proved Satan a liar.

Next time: Integrity and the Christian Ministry

Watchtower, 1997

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