
Trust in an Imperfect World

Original Loss of Integrity

Just as the existence of Adam, the first man, is denied by many today, so too is Satan the Devil, brushed aside as a figment of mythology. But no less an authority than Jesus Christ tells us that this one "did not stand fast in the truth," in other words, he was untrustworthy. (John 8:44) and it was at Satan's intstigation that Adam and his wife, Eve, rebelled against Jehovah and broke their integrity under test. -Genesis 3:1-19.

Because we all descend from Adam, we all inherit the tendency to sin. The wise man Solomon stated: "There is no man righteous in the earth that keeps doing good and does not sin." (Ecclesiastes 7:20) Still, any human can be trustworthy. How is this possible? Because it does not take a perfect man to keep integrity.

Next time: The Basis of Integrity

Watchtower, 1997

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