
"As in the Day of Midian"

The effects of the activity of the Messiah are permanent, as we see from Isaiah's next words:  "The yoke of their load and the load upon their shoulders, the staff of the one driving them to work, you have shattered to pieces as in the day of Midian."  (Isaiah9:4)   Centuries before Isaiah's day, the Midianites conspired with the Moabites to lure Israel into sin.  (Numbers 25:1-9, 14-18; 31:15, 16) Later, Midianites terrorized the Israelites by raiding and plundering their villages and farms for seven years.  (Judges 6:1-6) But then Jehovah, through his servant Gideon, routed Midian's armies. After that "day of Midian," there is no evidence that Jehovah's people ever again suffered at the hands of the Midianites.  (Judges 6:7-16; 8:28)   In the near future, Jesus Christ, the greater Gideon, will deliver a deathblow to modern-day enemies of Jehovah's people.  (Revelation 17:14; 19:11-21) Then, "as in the day of Midian," a complete and lasting victory will be gained, not by human prowess, but by Jehovah's power.  (Judges 7:2-22) God's people will never again suffer under the yoke of oppression!

Displays of divine power are not a glorification of warfare.  The resurrected Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and by annihilating his enemies, he will usher in eternal peace.  Isaiah now speaks of military paraphernalia as being totally destroyed by fire:  "Every boot of the one tramping with tremors and the mantle rolled in blood have even come to be for burning as food for fire."  (Isaiah 9:5)  The tremors caused by the tramping of the boots of marching soldiers will never again be felt.  The bloody uniforms of combat-hardened warriors will no longer be seen.  War will be no more! -Psalm 46:9.

Next time: "Wonderful Counselor"

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind, 2000

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