
God's 'Law and Attestation'

Jehovah's Law banning spiritism, together with his other commands, is not hidden in Judah.  It is preserved in writing.  Today his Word is available in its completed form in writing.  It is the Bible, which includes not only a compilation of divine laws and regulations but also an account of God's dealings with his people.  This Bible account of Jehovah's dealings forms an attestation, or testimony, teaching us about Jehovah's nature and qualities.  Instead of consulting with the dead, where should the Israelites be going for direction?  Isaiah answers:  "To the law and to the attestation!" (Isaiah 8:20a)  Yes, those seeking true enlightenment should go to God's written Word. 

Some Israelites dabbling in spiritism may profess respect for the written Word of God.  But such claims are empty and hypocritical. Isaiah says: "Surely they will keep saying what is according to this statement that will have no light of dawn."  (Isaiah 8:20b)  To what statement is Isaiah here referring?  Perhaps to the statement: "To the law and to the attestation!"  It may be that some apostate Israelites refer to the Word of God, just as apostates and other today may quote Scripture. But these are mere words.  Quoting Scripture will not lead to any "light of dawn," or enlightenment from Jehovah,  (it also won't rub off from one righteous person to an unrighteous person)   if it is not accompanied by a doing of Jehovah's will and a shunning of unclean practices.

Next time: "A Famine, Not for Bread"

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind

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