
From 'Head to Tail' - A Nation of Rebels

In spite of all its suffering-and despite the strong pronouncements of Jehovah's prophets-the northern kingdom persists  in rebellion against Jehovah. "The people themselves have not returned to the One striking them, and Jehovah of armies they have not sought."  (Isaiah 9:13)  Consequently, the prophet says:  "Jehovah will cut off from Israel head and tail, shoot and rush, in one day.  The aged and highly respected one is the head, and the prophet giving false instructions  is the tail. And those who are leading this people on prove to be the ones causing them to wander ; and those of them who are being led on, the ones who are being confused." -Isaiah 9:14-16.

The "the head" and the "shoot" represent" the aged and highly respected one" -the leaders of the nation.  The "tail" and the "rush" refer to false prophets who utter words pleasing their leaders.  A Bible scholar writes:  "The false Prophets are called the tail, because they were morally the basest of the people and because they  were the servile adherents and supporters of wicked rulers."  Professor Edward J. Young says of these false prophets:  "No leaders were they but, following where the leaders led, they simply flattered  and fawned, a wagging tail on a dog." -Compare 2 Timothy 4:3.

Next time: Even 'Widows and Fatherless Boys' are Rebels

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind, 2000

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