
The Promis of a Prince of Peace

SOME six thousand years ago, the first human baby was born.  His name was Cain, and his birth was very special.  Neither his parents, nor the angels, nor even the Creator had seen a human baby before.   This newborn infant could have brought hope to a condemned human race.  How disappointing it was when, after he grew up, he became a murderer! (1 John 3:12)  Since then mankind has witnessed countless other murders. Humans, inclined as they are to do bad, are not at peace with one another or with God. -Genesis 6:5; Isaiah 48:22.

Some four millenniums after the birth of Cain, another baby was born.  His name was Jesus, and his birth too was very special.  He was born of a virgin, by the power of holy spirit- the only such birth in history.  At the time of his birth, a multitude of joyful angels sang praises to God,  and upon the earth peace among men of goodwill."  (Luke 2:13, 14)  Far from being a murderer, Jesus opened the way for humans to be at peace with God and to gain everlasting life. -John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 15:55. 

Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would be called "Prince of Peace."  (Isaiah 9:6)  He would offer his own life in behalf of mankind, (not sure we were worth it)  thus making possible the forgiveness of sins.  (Isaiah 53:11)  Today, peace with God and the forgiveness of sins can be attained on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ.  But such blessings are not automatic.  (Colossians 1:21-23)  Those who want them must learn to obey Jehovah God.  (1 Peter 3:11; compare Hebrews 5:8, 9)  In Isaiah's day, Israel and Judah do exactly the opposite.

Next time: Turning to the Demons

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind
Note: You know it is a darn shame that the spell check does not recognize most Bible words, references and names etc, here. It is the most important book anyone will ever own. It is an instruction book on how to live our lives  so that when the time comes we can have everlasting  life with Jesus Christ and Jehovah God and most people do not pay attention to it.  Well, that is something that they will have to deal with when the time comes for judging. This Bible is more important to me than any other book or anything else, next to God. No disrespect to the person who takes of this website. Just saying what needs to be said. Colossians is the right spelling by the way. If you read the Bible, you would know this.

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