
The Seraphs

Listen! Isaiah continues:  " Seraphs were standing above him.  Each one had wings.  With two he kept his face covered, and with two he kept his feet covered, and with two he would fly about."  (Isaiah 6:2) Isaiah chapter 6 is the only place in the Bible where we find mention of seraphs.  Obviously, there are angelic creatures in Jehovah's service who rank very highly in privileges and in honor, being stationed about Jehovah's heavenly throne.  Unlike proud King Uzziah, they occupy their position in all humility and modesty.  Because of being in the presence of the heavenly Sovereign, they cover their faces with one set of wings; and with reverence for the holy location, they cover their feet with another set.  Close to the Universal Sovereign, the seraphs are all the more self-effacing, so as not to distract from God's  personal glory.  The term "seraphs,"  meaning "fiery ones" or "burning ones," suggests that they radiate brightness, yet they hide their faces from the greater brilliance and glory of Jehovah. 
The seraphs use their set of wings for flying and, no doubt, to hover, or 'stand," in their places.  (Compare Deuteronomy 31:15)  As to their position, Professor Franz Delitzch comments:  "The seraphim would not indeed tower above the head of Him that sat upon the throne, but they hovered above the robe belonging to Him with which the hall was filled."  (Commentary on the Old Testament) This seems reasonable.  They are "standing above," not as superior to Jehovah, but as waiting on him, obedient and ready to serve.

Listen, now, to those privileged seraphs!  "This one called to that one and said: 'Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah of armies.  The fullness of the earth is his glory.' " (Isaiah 6:3)  Their assignment is to see that Jehovah's holiness is declared and that his glory is acknowledged throughout the universe, of which the earth is a part.  His glory is seen in all that he created and will soon be discerned by all earth's inhabitants.  (Numbers 14:21; Psalm 19:1-3; Habakkuk 2:14) The threefold declaration, "holy, holy, holy," is no evidence of a Trinity. Rather, it is a threefold emphasizing of God's holiness.  (Compare Revelation 4:8) Jehovah is holy to the superlative degree.

Although the number of seraphs is not mentioned there may be groups of seraphs stationed near the throne.  In melodious song, they repeat one after another the declaration of God's holiness and glory.  What result do we note?  Listen again as Isaiah continues:  "The pivots of the thresholds began to quiver at the voice of  the one calling, and the house itself gradually filled with smoke."  (Isaiah 6:4)  In the Bible, smoke or a cloud often provides visible evidence of God's presence.  (Exodus  19:18; 40:34, 35; 1 Kings 8:10, 11; Revelation 15:5-8)  It denotes a glory to which we human creatures cannot approach.

Next time: Unworthy, Yet Cleansed

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind

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