
"Who Has Created These Things?"

There is yet another  reason why the Jewish exiles can take heart.  The One who promises deliverance is the Creator of all things and the Source of all dynamic energy.  To stress his astounding capacity, Jehovah calls attention to his ability  manifest in creation: " 'To whom can you people liken me so that I should be made his equal?' Says the Holy One.  'Raise your eyes high up and see.  Who has created these things?  It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name.  Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing.' " -Isaiah 40:25, 26.

The Holy One of Israel is speaking for himself. To show that he is without equal, Jehovah directs attention to the stars of the heavens.  Like a military commander able to marshal his troops, Jehovah is in command of the stars.  If he were to muster them, "not one of them would be missing.'  Though the number of the stars is great, he calls each one by name, either an individual name or a name like designation.  Like obedient soldiers, they keep their place and observe proper order, for their Leader has an abundance of "dynamic energy" and is "vigorous in power."  Therefore, the Jewish exiles have reason for confidence. The Creator, who command the stars, has the power to support his servants.

Who of us can resist the divine invitation recorded at Isaiah 40:26:  "Raise your eyes high up and see"?  The discoveries of modern-day astronomers have shown that the starry heavens are even more awe-inspiring than they appeared to be in Isaiah's day. Astronomers who peer into the heavens with their powerful telescopes estimate that the observable universe contains as many as 125 billion galaxies.  Why, just one of these-the Milky Way galaxy-contains, according to some estimates, over 100 billion stars!   Such knowledge should awaken in our hearts reverence for our Creator and complete trust in his word of promise. 

Knowing that the years in captivity will dampen the spirits of the Jewish exiles, Jehovah inspires Isaiah to record in advance these words of reassurance:  "For what reason do you say, O Jacob, and do you speak out, O Israel,  'My way has been concealed from Jehovah, and justice to me eludes my God himself'?   Have you not come to know or have you not heard? Jehovah, the Creator of the extremities of the earth, is a God to time indefinite.  He does not tire out or grow weary.  There is no searching out of his understanding." -Isaiah 40:27, 28.

Isaiah records Jehovah's words describing the feelings of the exiles in Babylon, hundreds of miles from their homeland. Some think that their "way"-the hard course of their life-is unseen or unknown by their God.  They think that  Jehovah is indifferent to the injustices they suffer.  They are reminded of things that they should know, if not from personal experience, then at least from information that has been handed down.  Jehovah is able and willing to deliver his people.  He is the eternal God and the Creator of the entire earth.  Hence,  he still possesses the power he displayed in creation, and not even might Babylon is beyond his reach.  Such a God cannot grow tired and fail his people.  They ought not to expect to be able fully to grasp Jehovah's doings, for his understanding -or insight, discernment, and perception --is beyond their comprehension.

Next time: Conclusion of "Who Has Created These Things"

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind, 2000

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