

Is the earth headed for a point of no return? Some scientists feel that the effect of changes can be difficult to predict.  Because of this, they are concerned that we might be approaching "tipping points"  where sudden and unanticipated climate changes could bring disastrous results. 
Consider for example, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.  Some believe that with sustained global warming, there is a point where the melt of this ice sheet could be irreversible.  This is because ice cover naturally reflects  the sun's rays.  But as the ice sheet thins and shrinks, the ocean below, which is less reflective, is eventually exposed.  The dark ocean surface absorbs  more heat, which in turn leads to greater melting. A self-feeding, runaway cycle could be created.  The resulting rise in sea levels from the melt water could spell disaster for hundreds of millions of people. 


Various road maps have been drawn up to deal with the "planetary emergency" we now face.  One long-standing strategy has been called sustainable development, which means promoting economic and social growth within the ecological limits of the planet. What have been the results?  Sadly, like the global financial debt crisis, earth's ecological debt continues to mount unabated.  Humans continue to consume our planet's resources faster than these can be replenished naturally.  Can something be done?  One ecologist frankly acknowledged:  "In a sense, we don't have any clue how to manage the planet successfully."  The situation very much fits the Bible's assessment:  "It does not belong to man is walking even to direct his step." -Jeremiah 10:23.

On the other hand, the Bible assures us that God, the Creator, will not allow man to bankrupt the planet environmentally. At Psalm 115:16, we read:  "The earth [God] has given to the sons of men." Yes, our planet is a "good gift" from our heavenly Father.  (James 1:17) Would we expect God's gift to be temporary in nature, as though it came with an expiration date? Of course not!  That is evident from the inherent design of our planet. 


From the Watchtower magazine, 2014

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