
Who Is Behind all Evil? -Are Evil Forces at Work?

THE sheer horror of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks caused many to reflect. Writing in England's Financial Times, Michael Prowse stated:  "No animal would or could act  in so barbarous a fashion." A New York Times editorial observed that beyond the planning that the assault  required, "it is  just as important  to consider the intensity of the hatred it took to bring it off. It is a hatred that exceeds the conventions of warfare, that knows no limits, abides by no agreements." 

People of various persuasions reflected on the possibility that some malignant power is at work.  A businessman from Sarajevo who witnessed the horrors of the ethnic hatred in Bosnia declared:  "After a year of the Bosnian war I believe Satan pulls the strings.  This is pure madness."

When asked if he believe int he Devil, historian Jean Delumeau replied:  "How could I deny the power of evil when I see what is occurring and what has occurred since I was born:  The second world war, with over 40 million victims; Auschwitz and the death camps; the genocide in Cambodia; the bloody tyranny of the Ceausescu regime; torture as a system of government in many places  throughout the world.  The list of horrors is endless. . . .So I believe that we are justified in calling such acts 'diabolic,' not that they are inspired by a Devil that is the symbol of the spirit and power of evil in the world.  (Oh! There most definitely is a Devil-He most assuredly exists!)  

Like Jean Delumeau, many people characterize as "diabolic" the horrendous things that are occurring today in human society, from the family level right up to the international scene. But what does this mean? Are such horrors to be attributed to  abstract powers of evil, or are there personal malevolent forces at work pushing humans  to commit heinous crimes that go beyond habitual human badness? A re such forces masterminded by a prince of evil-Satan the Devil? 

(Note: The Devil gets into people's minds, especially if they are mentally inclined  in that way, but also if one is not a believer of God, It makes it easier for Satan to take over these  people's minds, and can ruin their lives. Whereas, if you are strongly into Jehovah God, love him with all your heart, mind, soul and all that is within you, have faith, work for him, follow all his laws and commandments etc, which is what he considers worshiping him; all Satan can do is play small games and irritate you, but God will not let him harm you if you are in God's favor etc., This is why we all need to get away from false religion-which is all these churches that do not teach all that is in the Bible. They skip around and sometimes repeat scriptures and verses, but they do not teach the whole Bible, what God wants us to do. This is a book of knowledge and wisdom and we would be smart in following the Bible and not the false preachers of false religion, known as Babylon the Great.) 

Next time: Satan-Myths or Sinister Reality?

From the Watchtower magazine, 2002

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